"24" Season 2, Episode 10 - 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (SPOILERS)

Go figure… I thought that seen was wonderful. And it took, what, 45 seconds? It’s nice to see that these people are not just CTU robots, but real people with feelings and lives.

Parts of our government are looking to stage a coup akin to “Seven Days In May” under the pretense of a national emergency; Lady MacBeth and Stanton are involved.

Pa Warner (with Marie’s help) is being used to funnel money to the NSA covert ops budget (I know he’s supposedly CIA, just juggling here :)) as well as to Sayed Ali.

Sayed Ali is receiving his funds and support covertly from the CIA/NSA folks – and perhaps even HE doesn’t know who’s backing him – all to give credibility to the cover story they need to instigate their coup.

What cover story?

Why, the existence of a nuclear bomb in LA.

Whaddya mean “cover story”?

I think the bomb isn’t a bomb. Sure, there was a whole lotta lethal radioactive material lying around to convince all involved, but I think the bomb itself is, unbeknownst to those shlepping it around, just a dud.

(And maybe Sayed Ali ISN’T even Sayed Ali – didn’t Jack say no one knows what he looks like? – but a CIA/NSA operative enlisted from Warner’s Saudi days to give them a wild goose to chase… :))

Well, when Kate woke up, he said, “My name is Sayed Ali”. So if that’s not really his name, he’s still the guy they are looking for. And he still needs catching (after kidnapping and killing the P.I. and almost killing Kate).

And having Ensign Ro and Kassidy Yates is fine, but if Wesley Crusher shows up, I’m leaving! :wink:

Of course he’s Sayed Ali. He looked like a bad guy; dressed all in black, evil dark eyes, the goatee…typical TV bad guy!

Yes, but we do have some non-typical bad guys. I mean, we have a skinny waifish innocent little blonde who wouldn’t hurt a flea. Well, except for her fiancee… and a couple of government agents.

I’m waiting for Marie to sprout her goatee. :wink:

Plus: if Pa and Lil Devil-ess Warner are in cahoots with “Sayed Ali”, why would Ali be willing to kill Kate?

So maybe it’s one of the following:

a) Ali is in cahoots with the Warners. The threat to kill Kate was a pretense, simply for the benefit of keeping her ignorant and off the trail. (How convenient was it for Ali’s henchman to be all, “No, I haven’t killed her yet, I want to make extra-double-super-sure she doesn’t know anything, or CTU comes to rescue her, whichever comes first”? Oh, right, “plot contrivance”. :))

b) Ali is not in cahoots with the Warners. In which case it was Reza siphoning money off to Ali. But Reza didn’t know much about this and was killed by Marie for snooping. (Perhaps because the money transfers he found would have exposed the CIA/NSA involvement in funding Sayed Ali for a coup pretext?)

c) Ali is not in cahoots with Pa Warner – whose CIA connection is merely a red herring – but is in cahoots with Marie. “It’s the goatee. Chicks dig the goatee.”

IMHO Ali and Co. don’t KNOW who is backing them. They don’t know about the Warners’ involvement with the government, don’t know about the NSA plot, or ANYTHING but their bomb. Note that Ali was saying he wanted to be able to pray one last time.
IMHO the NSA/Sherry plot was hatched by those who found out in advance about the bomb and are using it to take over the govt.

That’s what I’m thinking now. Bob Warner was really working for the CIA, but maybe it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the bomb. Marie was in cahoots with Ali. She met him when the family lived in Saudia Arabia (is that where it was?) earlier.
She was just using Reza (the bitch!) and was stealing the info her father was getting to the CIA and giving it to Ali, or somehow funneling money to him. Didn’t Kate say money was missing from the company? She thought Reza was stealing it, right? It muist have been Marie stealing money and giving it to Ali.
We all think Bob Warner is a bad guy, but maybe he will end up being a good guy.

Funny thing: Every time Reza said “Bob Warner” I thought he said “Pop Warner” like the kiddy football league.

I kept hearing that too! But not just from Reza. It shounded like Pop Warner when some others said it (like Tony).

I’ve been reading about this episode on another board, and a lot of people are wondering if Sherry is either (a) a double agent really working in Palmer’s best interest, or (b) too good at what she’s doing that Palmer figure’s she’s out to get him.

Is anyone else fearing a Jack/Kate love interest angle? I would be pretty annoyed if the next hour are those two driving around in a car with Jack telling her the sob story about his wife and Nina. Which would then set up the pay-off where Kate kills Nina, and rides off into the sunset with Jack. Barf.

Okay, does anybody think that Kim will actually make it out of L.A. any time soon?

I predict that in the next hour she will be kidnapped by a mime, and will spend the next three episodes trying to figure out how to communicate with him.

Meanwhile, Asshole Dad’s dead wife’s sister will end up being a secret agent for the terrorists, and Little Ugly Girl will not be safe after all. So, Kim and her new mime accomplice will set out to once again rescue the little girl. Dialog will be a bit one-sided.

Or maybe I just need to get some sleep… : grin :

Yeah, I’ve heard that on another board, too. We REALLY need a barfing smilie. That bit where he oh-so-gently put his coat around her shoulders made me think that they will be riding off into the sunset together in the final hour. Or there will be a scene where he sweetly introduces her to Kim. :gag:

Note to self: Do not read Monstre’s posts while drinking coffee. :smiley:

I don’t think Resa’s dead.

Of course, that could be my wishful thinking. :frowning:

I’m with you, Ivylass!
And I’m also absolutely sure that Jack and that blonde with the weird lips will be an item. Yech!
Now, how about this. . . what if there is no bomb? What if this is some kind of nasty faux crisis engineered by Roger and the lovely Sherri to bring down Palmer?

Oh, I know Kate and Jack will be an item…but really, how much can they get involved in the remaining 15 hours? It’s not like he’s going to propose or anything.

They might share a “battlefield” kiss, but I doubt it will be much mroe than that.

Off topic, anyone know why Television Without Pity refers to Michelle as Bitchelle? I never thought she was a bitch.

Actually in keeping with last year’s facial giveaway, Marie’s jaw should be growing to enormous proprtions pretty soon.

I’ve given up on TWoP for “24” because I just can’t stand the nicknames they give everyone. It’s too hard to figure out who they’re talking about most of the time. I think they spend more time coming up with nicknames than talking about the show. :rolleyes:
I don’t know why they’d call her a bitch, either. I like Michelle.

I just got my first recap, and what’s up with calling Kim Spawn? I like the ones they do about Trading Spaces better.

They call her Spawn because she’s the ‘Spawn’ of Jack.
They used to call Terri ‘Bride.’
See? It’s stupid.

They were calling Megan Mini-Spawn or Little Spawn.

I noticed that in the episode summary on the Fox website, it ended with “Marie shoots Reza dead”. But, I wonder if those summaries are written by somebody involved in producing the show, or just by somebody who is getting the info episode by episode, as we are. All we really know is that she shot him and he fell. We don’t know for sure that he’s pushing up daisies yet. (Although it doesn’t look astoundingly good for him – that was a point blank shot, and while it wasn’t completely centered in the chest, it looked pretty bad).

Yes, but then what were those 3 lackeys carrying in the delivery truck? Radioactive donuts? :wink:

Hmmm. Never heard of that website, but our nicknames have probably been better anyways. Nobody’s been confused by them in these threads. We’ve had:

Ensign Ro
Evil Dad (and variations)
Terrorist Dad
Blonde # 482787536 (and variations)
Lackey With a Bomb
Scruffy / Shaggy (Kim’s boyfriend)
and others…
