24: Season 5: Episode 5 (11:00am - 12:00noon)

Good episode, but I have nothing to say about it apart from a pointless nitpick about the dupe/mole/Chloe-diddler:

His name is Spenser. With an “S.”

They showed his logon in the mole-room.

(Quite silly that their logon format is first_name last_initial, by the way. What’s up with that?)

Nah, all the assassin would have known is who to kill. Personally I was waiting for Jack to turn Spencer’s nuts into a necktie. I guess Cummmings is gonna get that treatment.

On the season to date, last week in episodes 1 & 2 I told my wife this looks like some kind of military operation. This weeks preview is leading me to suspect that I’m right, and that the terrorists are patsies for whichever military is running this op. Does anyone else have any rank speculation yet?

Yay! Simulpost, sorta.

Various Observations:

-When I saw the dead rats, my immediate reaction was “Shit! It’s Gas!” Nerve gas being a given.

-The fact it’s going to be used againest a target other then LA is suprising as hell.

-I feel wierd. I wanted Jack to make spenser squel like a piggy, but now I feel bad for him because he thought he was working for the government.

-Jack calls Walt and does his Rambo impression. “Walt…I’m coming to get you!” God, I am so waiting for Jack to grab Walt by the balls and squeeze. Next week can’t come fast enough.

“Listen. And understand. Jack is out there. He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And He absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

-Seriously, what’s with CTU and having the ex-SO debrief the current SO? They tried that with Nina and Teri and look how well that turned out.

-Shouldn’t Chole know the security levels of those working below her?

-Edger, who Chole sleeps with really isn’t any of your business.

-I’m glad Chole rememebered what happened in season 3 when she caught someone in the computer room doing secret stuff.

The previews make next week’s episode quite obvious.

Logan somehow finds out something suspicious about Walt, but Walt manages to convince him that he is wrong and turns him against Jack.

Looks like the first lady is smarter than I thought. I thought we were going to have another mental patient commit suicide, but it looks like she has other plans. The two do make a lovely couple don’t they? Wussy president and the mental first lady.

Waaalt might as well just go ahead and start searching for a painless method of committing suicide right now.

Hmmm…dead rats all over the place. Is that nerve gas–or the Ark of the Covenant?

And yeah, what the hell kind of terrorists are these guys, menacing a city other than Los Angeles?

So when does the first lady come back, and how does she fit in at this point?

I thought for sure Curtis would have had his men running out of the building when he saw the dead rats. If he’s ordering in the lab team, he must know something is wrong–but he just stays put? Doesn’t make sense.

The sound of Jack’s rib breaking was great. I wonder what they used for that sound effect, or maybe Keifer told them to actually break the rib…

Since Logan and the Russian President are pals, maybe Air Force One is going to be used.

Newbie posting here, so my apologies if I’m way off…

Ok, you hack into a pc with someone elses higher security, um, wouldn’t you remember to log of when someone comes in the room, and when you’re leaving?

Didn’t the president’s wife’s assistant–the woman with black hair, didn’t she tell the mole that works for the president where it was? Wasn’t he the only one who knew where it was? Why didn’t she bring that up??

And they tested those rats out and within 6 minutes figured out what they died of?? The government worked that fast??

I think that was the point. He was supposed to be a Level 3. Because of the continual backstabbing, she checked with Edgar to verify what his clearance was supposed to be. Level 3.

But she saw him doing stuff that was non Level 3. Therefore, he’ll be tortured for hours.

Wait, that was when Chappelle was around.

Buchanan is too relaxed. Something tells me he’s hitting a bong or something between debriefings.


Yep. Chloe obviously didn’t know the security clearance of all her subordinates by heart, but she did think that something was amiss. Apparently, she chose to double-check with Edgar before jumping to conclusions.

I don’t blame her. When it comes to a problem of that magnitude, I would probabyl do a double-take as well.

I’m guessing whatever plans they have to get the gas out of LA fails, and they are forced to release it in LA, in the hopes of at least killing the Russian and US presidents.

Heh, I love how a cracked rib is only a minor annoyance.

Walt reminds me of Cersei Lannister (Song of Ice and Fire books). He thinks he’s got everything under control and that he’s super slick, but really he’s just screwing things up and I can’t wait until everything crumbles around him and he pisses his pants when Jack shows up. For example, getting Jack involved by trying to frame him was a huge mistake, and then trying to take Jack out at CTU only helped Jack figure out who was behind it. When Jack said “I’m not CTU” I was cheering.

Anybody else notice that while Spenser is a level “3”, the card that they gave Jack was only a level “2”, but apparently a level “2” will get you into medical where Tony was being kept?

Another thing is how did the assassin get from the Mole Room into medical? Outside tech support is just allowed to roam freely around the building?

And finally an observation: I think (and this is premature and subject to future withdrawal) that the Hobbit from Division is turning out to be pretty alright. Buchanan is the most with it person they’ve had since Jack had to whack Chappelle, and the Hobbit makes HIM look like a total ponce.

They’ve only got 24 hours!


[QUOTE=The Big Cheese]
Newbie posting here, so my apologies if I’m way off…

Ok, you hack into a pc with someone elses higher security, um, wouldn’t you remember to log of when someone comes in the room, and when you’re leaving?

I think that he had to pretend that he wasn’t doing anything suspicious, so he wouldn’t have had time to log off–without looking like he was up to something.

Welcome new one, you have entered one of the best running threads on the Dope.

I’m sure Chloe has access to a “Show last command prior to logging off” command that appears with minimal keystrokes immediately after her logging on.

It’s really not that unbelieveable to be able to see what another user has been doing, especially if you’re the system administrator. Spenser probably did logoff (I’d imagine you’d get in big trouble for NOT logging off when you leave a machine), and Chloe just used her own access to view what Spenser had been doing.

Exactly what I was thinking. But the payoff was great! Very original killing. Very gorey. This was definitely a case of quality over quantity.

Now, where the heck is the FLOTUS? I thought the open window and conveniently placed chair was a ruse and that she was hiding in the closet or something. Anyone? Anyone?

In the last 18 months, Edgar has really packed on a lot of lard. And it’s not attractive. If there’s any downtime in this season’s day, he might want to hop on the CTU treadmill and cut out the milkshakes and quarter-pounders from his diet.