24: Season 5: Episode 8 (2:00pm - 3:00pm)

Not to sound cruel, but they should’ve let her die. There’s nothing scarier than Jack when he’s pissed.

And funny how Jack was willing to let so many ugly adults die, but once he saw a cute little girl…

Lucky for her, I guess, that there wasn’t a puppy store nearby.

Or some goldfish! Does nerve gas go underwater?

They do, but that requires a more prolonged exposure and at higher doses, from what I understand. The main danger is through inhalation.

You know, if I had some deadly nerve gas that I was trying to open with the high tech electronic device, I’d probably wait more than 3 seconds after it didn’t seem to work to take off my gas mask. Maybe there’s a built-in 5 second delay or something.

I’m suspicious about FLOTUS’s little hottie, too, but I’m thinking more along the lines that she might turn out to be a “saves the day” type in the end. Even for 24, it would be over the top to have the POTUS’s top aid and the FLOTUS’s top aid be moles.

Last season, in twenty-four hours, we had a terrorist train wreck, the kidnapping of the Secretary of Defense, the theft of a stealth fighter to shoot down Air Force One, an EMP explosion in LA, and a nuclear meltdown. Yet you think that two moles in the White House inner staff is too much for 24. :cool:

And I see President Palmer has faked his death so he could join up with a former Terminator rescued from a smelting plant (in LA) to save the country as a covert operations unit. He’s so crafty…

Yes, but remember that you have to break the side window with your elbow first.

Cracked ribs are piddly squat for Jack… a guy who walked away from a plane crash, pulling a long piece of shrapnel out of his leg, and still kicked some ass… a guy who was tasered, burned with acid, electroshocked to death then revived, and then shot up with Agony Medicine[sup]TM[/sup] – and ended that day with a kickboxing match at the coliseum concourse.

And a few cracked ribs are going to slow him down? heh… :wink:

Ivan Yellowtieonovich: “But you’re supposed to be dead! You have a gaping hole in your neck!”
David Palmer: “No I haven’t!”
Ivan Yellowtieonovich: “You’re gushing blood!”
David Palmer: “It’s just a flesh wound…! Have at you, then!”

I know it would be blasphemy, and likely force the retirement of the franchise, but I think the writers for 24 could outdo Twin Peaks if in the last 60 minutes they had President Poofy Pants and First Lady Cleavage peel back their heads and reveal that they are actually the Snake People from V and thereby reveal that they have been moles all along.

And Jack could kill them with a can of Raid. And Edgar could do his John Belushi bit and do a whole series of backward handsprings across the floor.

Stop. Giving. Them. Ideas!


The other day I was trying to hotwire a car, but it was as if some invisible force field was preventing me from reaching the easily detachable dashboard.

A mere wooden stick, a toothpick, a veritable splinter. His strength and courage was in not needing tweezers to find and remove it. :slight_smile:

Nitpick: he was burned with a soldering iron, not acid.

Actually, what I remembered was when Stark was dipping a scalpel in something and then cutting Jack with it. I thought it was acid, but according to the episode guide, it was ammonia.

Then he burned him with a cauterizer afterwards.

I guess those items make more sense, given that they were inside the medical clinic.

At least we did get a trademark Jack exclamation of “DAMMIT!” this episode, when he saw that the lone, doomed-from-the-start-even-if-he-did-get-away-and-is-the-fastest-car-hotwirer -guy-ever terrorist had shot himself.

Now we just need a “OR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL DIE!!” this season to balance it all out.

Is it just me, or do the closeups of Pres. Weakandwimpy remind you of the Larry David look he gets when he’s not sure whether he’s being lied to or not? In almost every shot where Pres is sizing up whoever is advising him at the moment he has this almost childlike expression of “You wouldn’t be shitting me now, would you?” mixed with “Can I have some of your cookies?”

…and a little thumb wiggle’s supposed to make me happy? Mmm?

Now if only Jack had a wheelbarrow, that would be something…

I was wondering last night if he wasn’t going to start running back and forth rescuing people, kind of like PeeWee in the Pet Store in “PeeWee’s Big Adventure”.

And I agree with the person who said it felt contrived.