2nd (?) Annual-ish SDMB Coffee Mug Exchange

Alright, so earlier this year, we did a shot glass exchange, which was fun for everyone involved (hopefully).

However, not everyone is a huge fan of shooting hard liquor, but instead prefer that amazing substance – caffeine. Some adventurous folk need both!

So, for the coffee and tea lovers of the boards, we’ll have a second Coffee Mug exchange.

Rules for this are pretty much the same for the shot glass exchange:

Post to the thread saying you wanna play. This helps others see how many are interested and will encourage more people to participate.

email me (sdmbcoffeemugexchange@gmail.com) with your username, and your RL contact info.

I’ll send out everyone’s info (Round Robin style) and you’ll send em a coffee mug!

With the shot glass exchange, we like including bits from our local community… keychains, post cards, local goodies (candy, etc). You can go as big or as simple as you want. The coffee mug we received last year gets used often!

Feel free to use a nifty mug from your collection (as long as it’s not chipped or cracked), or you can get one from a gift shop. Personally, I like the retro 80s corporate giveaway mugs, but I digress.

Post, DM, or email if you have any questions or concerns.

I’ll let this run through August 21 to give enough time to gather interest. After that, I’ll send out everyone’s recipients and we’ll get to it!

Now, some of us are better at getting packages out earlier than others… Please try to have yours out in a week or so. Sometimes, the late ones are full of extra goodies because of a guilty conscience!

I’ll do my best to make sure everyone is on the ball about it, but there are always good samaritans that will pick up the slack.
I guess that’s about it. I think. Yeah. That’ll do.

Let’s get to it!



I’d like to participate :slight_smile:

Yes, please!

I got a chain letter once - for women - you sent a pair of (new) underwear to the first name on the list and sent the letter on, you were supposed to be inundated with undies. Got one pair and it was made of horribly cheap material.

Coffee mugs should be better.




I love coffee mugs!

I’m in! :smiley:

I had just decided that I should give up the shot glass exchange, since I never actually use shot glasses. I really have too many mugs, but I wouldn’t mind replacing the boring ones! I’m in.

I’m in. Like Silvorange, I don’t use very oftern shot glasses either, but I can always use another coffee mug, especially one sent to me by another Doper. :slight_smile:

In. For sure.

I’m in. One can never have too many coffee mugs.

Right now, I have emails from:

das Glasperlenspiel
If you do not see your name above, I didn’t get an email from you, so please doublecheck and resend to SDMBcoffeemugexchange@gmail.com

Thanks all, and hopefully we can get a bit more interest, but it looks like this is already getting as big of a following as the shot glasses!

Haven’t had any interest since my last update (a week ago), so if there are no new participants by EOM, we will move up the go-time date!

I don’t see my name on the list, but I emailed on 7/15. Shall I resend, or PM you here? Thanks!

Ahh, indeed, the most recent email. I do have your info, sir.

I have my mug in hand, ready to send!