Pretty funny episode. The “bubble” concept was well-played and very funny. I still can’t abide Tracy Morgan or that idiot page dude. Too many over the top characters tends to spoil this show.
Merkins for Hope. When will the T-shirts be available?
I’ve always loved Kenneth, although Tracy usually only works for me when he’s being a foil for others, usually Jack.
Liz’s impersonation of Jack was funny, especially when she lapsed into Batman.
Jenna was pretty useless, as usual.
I never imagined Jon Hamm could be that funny.
I’d love to see more of Tracy Jr. He was awesome and the show overall was better than the last couple of eps.
Yeah, the kid was funny. He seemed very mature: are we sure he’s really a kid?
Tracy Jr. needs his own show. Loved Kenneth’s hick accent bubbling up in times of stress.
“I was just thinking how strange it is that we eat birds.”
Tracy Jr. was hilarious. I just saw that actor in Role Models, where he was equally hilarious.
My favorite bit:
“We’ve sure had lots of adventures with Tracy over the last three years…
…I was just thinking of some of the adventuers we’ve had with Tracy.”
“Me too.”
The Montage that Wasn’t There.
My husband and I were baffled by how not good-looking the supposedly awesome-looking guy was. Was anyone else similarly unimpressed? I mean he’s not ugly, but he didn’t stand out in any sort of OH MY GOD! way.
Loved the bit with the Gatorade marinade.
Kind of like the anti Liz Lemon.
I am not at all a fan Tracy and would love to see less of him.
Unlike many of the others, the kid didn’t work for me. Hopefully we see no more of him in the future.
This was another mediocre episode. It had its moments.
Also, I love Tracy and Kenneth and get annoyed when other people on the show steal time from them. Maybe they should have their own spinoff so everyone can be happy? It’s obvious you either love them or hate them.
I am so glad other people did not find Jon Hamm attractive. He looked like Kyle McLachlan’s unattractive brother with an really bad 5 o’clock shadow to me. Alec Baldwin is better looking then him, and he wears a girdle!
I adored Kenneth’s accent coming out.
So that’s how Alanis could publish that song.
Was that the same tennis court from Annie Hall?
I loved what a terrible doctor he was. “Oh my god, you’re choking! Come here, let me shake the food out of you!”
The part where he was saying “I used to be a bubble…”
What? I’m missing something because that comment makes no sense to me.
I didn’t think that kid was funny. I believe I have seen him do the precocious yelling kid bit in other places (maybe Chapelle Show and as was mentioned Role Models). I thought the show was good for a few laughs.
I am growing tired of this show. I was a HUGE fan for the first two seasons but this last one has started to grow on my nerves.
The story lines get more and more ridiculous, boring. IDK.
Ok, I was being too cryptic here.
There was an amusing interchange by the end of the movie where the bubble guy said “I don’t like being outside the bubble. It’s ironic.”. “That’s not what ironic means.”
So my theory is that the reason no one commented on the lyrics to Alanis Morrissettes Ironic, is that she is in the bubble.