3000 posts!

Well, I seem to have hit 3000 posts, which isn’t half what some people have, but is probably in the top 150 or so.

Wow. Three THOUSAND posts. If I were to assume the average post took three minutes to write, that’s 9000 minutes spend just WRITING posts. 9000 minutes, if my math is right, is 150 hours spent writing SDMB posts. So we can probably safely assume I’ve spent over 500 hours here, and I might be wildly underestimating.

I don’t even think I’ve managed to stake out any sort of personality or reputation beyond “The guy who jumps into every baseball thread.” However, it sure does make work a whole lot of fun!


Hey, congrats. And don’t worry, as I said in another thread, I don’t think of you merely as the guy who jumps on every baseball thread. :slight_smile: