37 weeks and here he is

Just call me Grandma. The baby we were worried about is here and healthy and sharing a room with his mommy and daddy for the night.

He was born at 5:40 pm, weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and he’s 20 inches long. I think his name is Brayden Edward, but I haven’t been officially told yet. That’s the name they had planned (although we kept trying to get that y out of there).

His mama went to the hospital straight from the doctor’s office today, as she was having some serious fluid issues and I think her BP was up. A couple weeks ago she gained some 12 pounds in about a week. He spent a few hours in the NICU because it took him a couple of minutes to cry and they wanted to watch him, but it seems everything is okay now.

I’ll have pictures as soon as I can, I promise. Please don’t yell at me. The only ones I have are on the phone, and I haven’t seen him yet. Tomorrow. (I guess later today, actually.)

Anyway, thank you all for good thoughts and prayers and such. Blessings on you all.

Congratulations! Your first grandchild thirdwarning?

Congrats thirdwarning! New baby!!! I can’t wait to see the pics of your new grandson!!!

Wishing you and your family a lifetime of joy together.

Glad to hear the good news. Congratulations, grandma!

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Per my personal code, there will be no congratulations without pictures.

Sorry…rules are rules.

Wonderful news! Congrats to you, mom & dad. :slight_smile:

Okay. I don’t know how to do the fancy thing with the text over, but here are the pictures we took today.

As an added bonus, you get to see my beautiful graduate from Saturday.

Aw, so cute! I love babies, and he is gorgeous! Congratulations, granny!

Woohoo for fresh-squeezed DoperGrandbabies! He’s a keeper all right…and a very happy-looking little chunker as well!

I love the red hair! He’s a biggun for 37 weeks…I don’t think he could have waited any longer!

Congratulations, and begin the spoiling. It’s your reward for not killing your teenager. :smiley:

The first one we get to keep. My son has another son who was adopted by the man the boy’s mother then married. Son thought it was better to let him have a legally intact family, rather than parents who shared him but didn’t do well together.

So little Brayden we get to hold and spoil and smack kisses all over his head. (At least in a few days. Don’t want to smooch on him too much quite yet.)

Squeeeeeee!!! He’s gorgeous!

Congratulations! smooches and champagne for all

Adorable. Congrats, Grandma!