My new grand baby is (almost) here!

My son and his SO are at the hospital waiting to be induced. She’s about a week overdue and they think he will be around 9-10 lbs. I’m hoping she doesn’t need a C-section. I can hardly wait to meet my new grandson!


Update on baby arrival?

How wonderfully exciting!

Can’t wait to hear the news!

Sending good thoughts their way!


This is weird but I thought the OP was getting a piano because I initially read the thread title as: My new baby grand is (almost) here!

I almost snorted - **baby grand **- LOL. Thamks for making my day!

She is getting an epidural now. Best estimate is that baby is close to 10 lbs. We are still hopeful that no c-section will be needed, but won’t know for sure until they can get her comfortable enough for a better exam.

Thanks for the prayers, thoughts and well wishes. I’ll update as things progress.

Is this your first grandchild?

He’s here! Cayden James 9 lbs 7 oz and 21.5 inches long. Mom finally had to have a c-section but they are both healthy and doing ok.

This is our 3rd grand baby, but in reality he’s only the second as the first two were twins :slight_smile:

Yea!!! Welcome to the world Cayden!!!

Hearty congratulations to you all! But especially to Mom for a job well done!

Wow! He’s a big boy!


Best wishes to all!