
Why is 4:20 so special to all the cannibus lovers in the world? What is the significance? Isn’t it Hitler’s birthday?

Adolf Hitler - The Holocaust History - A People's and Survivor History - Remember.org - Oddly enough, Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. 4-20. Damn. (Looking further, 4/20 is a symbol of Neo-Nazi hate groups. Not the main one, but it does exist in that context. I think the pothead interpretation is more common in the mainstream, though.)

I’m sure there’s no Hitler connection to 4:20. It’s just a convenient time to toke up: after school, possibly after work, early afternoon, all of the afternoon and evening to get fucked up.


(All of my research is done with http://www.google.com , the world’s best search engine (with some lapses). Try it sometime.)

From what I understand 420 is the police code for marijuana in use. Much like the band 311 got thier name from the police code for indecent exposure.

I found this site: http://www.phish.net/PhishFAQ/n420.html which may throw some light on the subject. It says that 420 is NOT a police code, and suggests that it refers to the time of day a bunch of pot-heads used to meet and get high (as per Derleth above. I also used Google to find this :smiley: )

We have a local (California) head shop with 4:20 written on just about every wall & ceiling. They have a sign in the shop if you ask what 4:20 means they won’t tell you. But they know its the time the smokers gather. i haven’t been to that shop at that time to see what happens.

The best answer I’ve seen is also contained in the link that Mad Matt provided, that is, the Waldos from San Rafael. They have documentation and seem credible.

The gist of the story is that the group of friends, who called themselves the Waldos, would meet next to a statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20 after school to get high. If one of them had weed, he would tell the others “4:20 Louie”. Gradually the 420 became a convenient way to discuss anything pot-related.

I thought it was the day of that big high school shooting in Columbine, Colorado, USA.

That must be Kalifornia police. It doesn’t mean that here.

Isn’t it obvious? Four and Twenty blackbirds BAKED in a pie!??!
(I totally made that up, but it makes more sense than Hitler’s birthday, eh?)

They won’t tell you because they can’t legally say that the paraphernalia on sale is for the purpose of smoking pot. Once they say it’s for pot, they’re out of business. Once you say you want what they have so that you can smoke pot, they will refuse to sell it to you. At least, that’s the way it is on the East Coast.

MY BIRTHDAY :smiley:
and Hitlers
and Columbine
around Oklahoma Bombings
Napoleons birthday too!

Everything bad comes around then :rolleyes:

In high school I once cornered a stoner in the weight room and asked what the whole “4:20” thing was about. He explained that 4:20 pm was considered a primo time to get high since it was after school, before your parents would be due home from work, and long enough before bedtime that the effects of the marijuana wouldn’t interfere with your sleep.

That’s the best explanation of the phenomenon I’ve ever heard, although the adoption of a time twenty minutes past the hour as opposed to the more conventional quarter or half-past does seem to suggest that the number might have some other significance.

<ZZ] :cool:

4/19 - 4/20 is the sacrifical date for the ancient deity Baal, on whom the Devil was based. That’s why ‘inordinant’ plane crashes and bombings occur on 4/20. It is basically Satan’s holiday. It has been theorized that the CIA spread the 4/20 thought virus to the general public when LSD was distributed in the 60’s. Theories about satanism and ties to secret societies (like is theorized for the Skulls) and government innitiation revolve around much of this speculation as well.


4/19 - 4/20 is the sacrifical date for the ancient deity Baal, on whom the Devil was based. That’s why ‘inordinant’ plane crashes and bombings occur on 4/20. It is basically Satan’s holiday. It has been theorized that the CIA spread the 4/20 thought virus to the general public when LSD was distributed in the 60’s. Theories about satanism and ties to secret societies (like is theorized for the Skulls) and government innitiation revolve around much of this speculation as well.


:eek: Wow. And here I thought it was just a good time for the kiddies to toke up. :eek:


Rob Van Dam, the WWF wrestler and known advocate of the weed, used to wear an “RVD 4:20” shirt.

It’s an information warfare practical joke played by those who believe in satanism… the idea is to get you to wisper his name or allegiance in some covert means; so that they can be assured of satans power when they walk around the general public. All that ‘master of deception’ stuff. It does kinda make the stoners look pretty stupid though =P

As mentioned earlier, agents for the CIA are theorized to have spread the thought virus in the 60’s to the drug culture… it has grown rapidly since. I don’t know who spread it, but it is pretty much evidenced that a massive effort by some group with vast networking in the 60’s drug culture casually and purposefully spread the “4:20 dude” thought virus around. The idea of it being associated with the habitual intake of mind altering drugs (sacrifical in significance – as in ‘youth being sacrificed’); Civillians being sacrificed… is all about what 4:20 represents historically. Pure blooded/ innocent sacrifice to Baal. I’m sure these people are out there, but I imagine they do more to create historical significance than some sort of mere chance… Napolean and Hitlers B-days, if really 4:20 would elude to their being groomed as figureheads for historical significance. There are very strong ties to members in groups ‘supposedly’ satanic that weilded massive influence over the content of public text books and access to historical documentations. It would not have been too difficult in that light to manufacture 4/20 as a b-day for Hitler.

The whole point of satan worship is that the devil has to be created by trickery, not that the devil actually exists…

Not being a member, that’s my analysis of the movement… shrug

Whether you believe in God or Satan; you are going to hate nihilists, because they are non-hypocritical… that always strikes me as funny for some reason =P


Yeah, the ancient Semitic people used the Julian calender…

No, fer serious-like, dope smokers really believed, at one time, that 420 was the police code for dope smokin’. Thus the immortal phase, “heads up! 4:20 at 3 o’clock,” meaning “hey looky, that guy to yer left is smoking a bowl. Let’s go there now.”

Didn’t stop the conversion of December 25th, another ancient ritual date from being transcribed…
