If the modern followers of Zeus wish to donate copies of the Iliad to a school, and offer to build a statue of Odysseus, I have no problem with this.
The School board on the other hand needs to decide if it’s appropriate, allowable, and in the best interests of the students, the school, and the community.
As elected representatives of the community I see no good reason why they should not decide, as long as no state or Federal funds are being used.
If the citizens of Adam county don’t like it, they are free to vote in a new school board and remove the things.
Otherwise, it’s none of our frickin’ business.
Do we insist against a Christmas Holiday? Yom Kippur? Do we allow Christmas and Easter decorations in our schools? What about a Christmas play?
To allow these, but disallow an unfunded, donated decoration that surely does have some historical as well as religious significance is ludicrous. Get rid of it all, or leave it alone. Why the halfway measures?
Why do leave it alone? Because, the majority of people like it this way. If the people of Adam’s County want the the ten commandments, or a statue of Chthulu in their schools, why is it any of our business. Rebellion against rule from afar is what this country was founded on. The seperation of Church and state means freedom from religion, not oppression.
One of the great strengths about the U.S. is its diversity and its ability to get along (relatively speaking.) Tolerance my friends. If they want the ten commandments, fine. At some point I’m sure all you godless heathens will do something to piss off the religious right, and you will be entitled to the same tolerance and courtesy.
Why is this such a big deal?