64K? That's impressive...

Last week, I finally joined the 20th century and got a cell phone - actually, an add-on to the account we already have, so my sweetie and I each have our own phones and numbers.

While we were in the Cingular store, our customer service rep, Lynne and my husband were cracking each other up. I was trying to be an adult, but not having a lot of luck.

To get my phone up and running, Lynne had to install a little chip thingie (I’m not getting to technical here, am I?) which snapped out of a credit-car size, um, card. While she was doing something on the computer, my husband picked up the card and looked at it. Then he said: “64K? And I thought 42DD was impressive!!”

Poor Lynne had to leave her desk for a moment to compose herself. I just sat there shaking my head. I can’t take that man anywhere…

And before anyone asks, I’m not 42DD.