69 Every Single Morning

Never 71 degrees, never 68 degrees. According to the dipshit radio announcer, every morning it’s exactly 69 degrees outside. And it’s always said with a great deal of innuendo. I hate juvenile, dipshit radio announcers. Come up with fresh material please.

Let me guess: You listen to Classic Rock?

It could be worse. What if he said “OK campers rise and and shine, and don’t forget your booties because it’s COLD out there today.”

That wouldn’t happen if you didn’t live in Los Angeles. If you lived in Baltimore, for example, he would be forced to say “it’s a beautiful sunny… oh, it’s Friday? Rain all day. And tomorrow. You poor miserable bastards.”

I refuse to believe that I’m the only Doper here who is so corrupt and dirty-minded as to be misled by the title of the OP.

I’d LIKE 69 every mor… oh wait… you’re talking about the TEMP… um… never mind.

Most. Disappointing OP. Ever.

Most. Misleading Title. Ever.

Let me be the first to say that 69 in the morning just isn’t that great. My wife’s mouth is always too dry to finish, and mine is too.

What? The Weather? Never Mind.

I’m so with you on that.

The thread had me remembering a quote I heard from Suzanne Sommers on the Howard Stern show. Said having her lover’s cock in her mouth really helped her fall asleep.

No wonder she was so popular.

Nope. In fact, my first thought was, why is this guy complaining?


Our radio dj just says “It’s a good day for a blow job.”

When it comes to that point, I think we should all be so blunt.

Thank you, elucidator and MsRobyn!

I thought I was going to have to make another ‘Why is this in the Pit?’ post.
Who needs a chicken in every pot if they’ve got 69 every morning?

‘69 Every Morning’ would make a great campaign slogan!

Shit, I’d vote for it!



You think that’s bad? I had the even more dissapointing experience of counting one, two, three, four posts after the OP before I found a member with a mind as sick as mine. And that turned out to be my dad. Not comforting.


I just said “member”.

I hope she wasn’t prone to using an alarm clock. That’s a situation that calls for a very gentle awakening.

Also, perhaps I’m alone in this concern, but aren’t there people who eat in their sleep?

On the other hand, it might take care of the snoring problem…
(Man, this is just too easy.)

Our dipshit morning announcers insist on ‘weather in a word’.

“It’s 7 AM and weather in a word? Cold.”

“It’s 9:15 and weather in a word? Nice.”

This adds absolutely nothing to my understanding of the weather. “Nice” has almost no meaning anyway and no shit, it’s cold in January in the Northeast. If you must limit yourself, pick more interesting words.

Here we go, courtesy of thesaurus.com

cold: algid, arctic, below freezing, below zero, benumbed, biting, bitter, blasting, bleak, boreal, brisk, brumal, chill, chilled, cool, crisp, cutting, freezing, frigid, frore, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, hiemal, hyperborean (oo, good one!), icebox, iced, icy, inclement, intense, keen, nipping, nippy, numbed, numbing, one-dog night, penetrating, piercing, polar, raw, rimy, severe, sharp, shivery, sleety, snappy, snowy, stinging, wintry

Take heed, XL 92.3 !!!

Closely related to that is the following: “Clearing skies and warmer temperatures on Monday.” We actually get that one in L.A., too.

Tell me about it. It seems like my morning DJs say that same thing every fricking morning…

o/~ doot doo…doot doo…doot doo…Babe…doot doo…doot doo…doot doo…o/~

Complaining? I thought he was boasting!

Was anyone really misled by the title? Possibly I spend too long browsing the boards, but titles like “69 every single morning” scream “some sort of pun” - if the thread was actually about 69 every single morning I’d have guessed it’d be called “guess what we have for breakfast” or “I love him as much as he loves me” or some equal joke…