7 Jan 2021 and beyond - the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol

Posted elsewhere earlier this morning:

Maybe this one? Quite prescient. From your post:

Thanks for looking, probably the second one.

I write a lot of stuff and post it to different forums. Sometimes I write it directly in the forum and sometimes I write it off-line and paste it to various forums - sometimes altering and editing differently for different groups.

So sometimes it’s hard for me to remember exactly what I posted where.

It’s starting to look like my November predictions have a pretty good track record in general (probably my biggest error was thinking he would spend less time on “I won, no matter what the fake news says” and more time trying to discredit and arrest Biden. Although who knows what happened behind the scenes.)

I first speculated Article 25 on November 8th. I don’t know how, after four years, anyone would think that Trump was going to admit defeat ever but hope springs eternal, I guess.

Not sure if it’s been suggested already but an impeachment would presumably push at the split in the Republican party even in the event that it fails.

On some possible consequences.


Possible criminal charges

Amendment to the Constitution limiting pardon power of the President


Excellent post. And I love this:

I heard something similar, and, of course, the missing joker from this house of cards is, intimidate them to do what? Overturn the electoral count? Part A plus part B equals insurrection.

Mitch unfriending Trump. Pretty convenient timing really. Trump’s power is gone in a few days, so Mitch would have to move on anyway.

Some Trumpers feeling betrayed after Trump said the rioters should go to prison.

How does a Chicago tech CEO find himself arrested for going into the Capitol during a riot?

Once again, the story of the thief who isn’t sorry he stole, but is very sorry that he got caught. Inverness is quite a wealthy village/town, but this jamoke could only donate $250 to Jeanne Ives???

Gee, Pence is sore at being thrown under the bus after all these years of licking his boots. If only there was something Mikey could do to retaliate. I can’t put my finger on it… but the number 25 keeps coming to me for some reason.

Maybe, and I don’t hold out much hope, but maybe, this will be a lesson to those who support wannabee fascists.

It seems there is a growing possibility of a 2nd impeachment in the House.

I know there are many here who think this is not a good idea, but I disagree. I think they MUST do it.

  1. It will put on record those House Republicans who support the rioters who tried to break into the Joint Session the other day to shut down government and possibly take hostages.

  2. It will indicate that the House does not stand for Trump’s actions. If these actions (organizing a rally, lying about the election results and encouraging the rioters to go to the Joint Session of Congress to overturn the election), do not constitute and impeachable offense, then what does? So Trump only has 2 weeks left in his term. So what? He’s still president, and must still face accountability for his actions

  3. It will force the current Senate leadership to either vote to keep the deranged lunatic in power for 2 weeks, during which time he can do anything he wants including launch nukes at Iran
    To stall and ignore a vote which means keeping the deranged lunatic in power for two weeks.

Essentially, it is the House RESPONSIBILITY to do this. Politics or optics be damned.

The man who was in the speakers office and stole her mail, has been arrested.

Oh, Mitch is soooo mad at Trump that he doesn’t want to speak to him. If Trump makes him any madder, maybe he’ll actually scowl at him, maybe even hard.

And Pence needs to think hard and remember that it was pretty much just luck that the mob didn’t get hold of him, his wife or his daughter.

The conservatives, as they always do right after Trump gets caught doing something serious, are recalibrating their moral compasses? Removing Trump would be a ridiculous move, hasn’t he been persecuted enough. Maybe he should’ve chosen his words more carefully, but that’s not his fault. And liberals have been mean to Trump supporters, so it’s their fault.

And we still have 75 million people that voted for the losing candidate and they’re angry and hurting because no one in the history of this nation has ever voted for a losing candidate before so we must do something for them like letting them take a dump in a Congressional office.

The best thing to come out all of this is Trump’s legacy is well and truly done. History will remember him as a treasonous president who incited a violent coup on his way out of office. That’s going to be the big thing that the history books are going to record. That and possibly the number of Americans he killed through (at best) ineptness during SARS-CoV-2. But he will definitely be labelled as a seditionist by history. The Trump name is now garbage. I think he will be remembered in a fashion akin to Benedict Arnold. And while I hate that this attempted coup happened, I’m glad that he will wear it now and forever.

You just hope this is the Last Big Thing he does. He could decide tomorrow that he isn’t going to sit back and let a peaceful transfer of power take place. Nothing is ever settled or resolved in his mind. If he reads enough Tweets calling him an impotent beta cuck for giving in to the RINOs, his rage will grow. Sure feels like the end of the road–but are you positive there aren’t 20 min left in the movie?

My bold.

How will we tell?

I hope so. But it does depend on who turns out to be writing the history books.

Word is that pence is heading to the White House to talk to trump.

Who would like to be the fly on the head (this needs to be the new catch phrase) for this meeting?

I’m starting to become less concerned about this. Trump never does anything himself, he makes other people do it. His authority in the WH is collapsing and I’m not sure he can find anyone to do something for him.