7 Jan 2021 and beyond - the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol

I was thinking more along the lines of King George III, but yeah.

What I think future history books will have a hard time explaining is how this mook ever got to be President in the first place, and I’m not just talking about the details of the Electoral College system.

Sorry to reach back a few hours, but this:

I for one would be fine never seeing images of dogs being used against crowds again. Black or white, there is too much disgusting history there.

I’m not sure if he can get a message out to his followers.

There is no TV station that is going to broadcast him live, his twitter feed probably has a 5 minute delay to censor inciting language.

If OAN or Newsmax carry him, then they should be held culpable for anything that he says.

I really don’t want to hear anymore about how we “have to listen to them, listen to how they are hurting”. And meet them halfway.


There is little point in listening to the rantings of a delusional nutbar, who thinks that little green men have taken over and are speaking to them through the fillings in their teeth. This is the level of the Trumplican Party now.

Will Trump let him in?

Marc Short, Pence’s chief of staff was barred from the White House on Wednesday…

That state lawmakers are involved in this is extremely disturbing, though not surprising given the increasing radicalization of Republican legislators in places like Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, to name a few states. It’s not exactly as organized as, say, the Nazis, but then again, they weren’t really well organized either in the beginning. The organization comes later, over time, and they will learn from their mistakes. This is an extremely dangerous situation we’re dealing with, and the negative blow back that Republicans are trying to dodge right now will subside sooner than we would hope.

I think there’s going to be another round.

The relative calm we’ve seen today is the recalibration. One alternate reality has collapsed and he needs to construct a new one. He’s good at this, he’s done it a lot.

He’ll start doubling down again in a few days, maybe as soon as tomorrow, maybe as late as Tuesday. It might be another tweet suggesting that his “Patriots” …just noticed you can’t spell patriot without riot…come out and Fight for Trump again. Now you may say, it’s just a tweet it’s just words people shouldn’t get so worked up when Trump talks, but I think that ship has sailed.

I’ll tell you what’s NOT going to happen. What’s not going to happen is Trump keeping his yap shut about how he really won for 12 days.

You’ll probably think I’m being overly dramatic - again - but we’ll see.

To change track a bit, I don’t know if this has been posted, it’s the transcript of the incitement speech. It’s worth a read

There were a couple of things in here that gave me some insight into his twisted thought processes. He talks about his lawyers going all the way back and studying the roots of the Constitution because he’s sure it includes the right to send back a bad vote.

They need to get depositions from John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barret and Kavanaugh because I’m sure he tried to contact and pressure them - he and Rudy thought they could find a Constitutional loophole that would give them cover to invalidate the election.

And he also rambles about how, when his handlers tried to tell him he could run for office again in four years, he told them wanted to “go back eight weeks” instead. Delusional

That is truly excellent.

I don’t think you’re overdramatic on anything you’ve said about Trump. I said a few weeks ago that any non-rational action is on the table with Trump. I think you’re right that soon he’ll throw off his shackles and attempt to unleash more chaos. I just think he has much less power to make it happen.

I completely agree. He doesn’t know how to just give in. It’s not in his nature. 12 days is too long.

My favorite bit I read today is that some really strong penalties against defacing federal property were only recently signed into law by Trump in order to protect against Confederate monument toppling.

I think we should listen, but that doesn’t mean I have to keep listening, and that won’t keep me (us) from doing what needs to be done.

I really think that the way forward, if there’s any hope left, is to find ways to try to brush these incidents aside and put forward a bold progressive agenda that people can see tangible benefits from. I’m under no illusions that we’re destined to recover from this, but what I’m saying is that, if we are to recover, this is how it will happen.

Let’s face it: most of the non-Trumpists are agreeable types. Our values are based on cooperation and consensus. That doesn’t mean that we’re pussies and that we can’t fight when we need to, but it’s not what really governs our spirit. We’re probably not going to take up arms unless it’s to defend ourselves against a home invasion.

We have to be willing to come out swinging and be brave, but in a different way than they are. We have to be willing to risk physical harm, death, and jail, just like they are, but for different outcomes. I am increasingly certain that our mettle will be tested, and that is what I’d put out there. Biden will have to defend the politics of deal-making and consensus, and it’s going to be damn hard. It’ll be more successful if he puts something out there worth making a deal on though.

I’m rambling and vague, I know. I guess the short is, we need to get some money in people’s pockets.

Just making sure it’s clear I was quoting stupid Trumpublican talking points.

This is the only thing I’m saying to conservatives.

Turn off your TV and radio. Stop listening to Fox at night. Stop listening to Rush in the afternoon. Stop listening to or reading InfoWars, Breitbart and other right-wing media.

It’s an addictive drug. It’s worse than heroin, it eats your brain. Need proof? Rudy Guiliani and Sidney Powell are walking public service announcements. Look at a clip of Rudy 20 years ago vs Rudy today. He used to be a freaking federal prosecutor. As did Sidney Powell, believe it or not.
Now they are both straight up insane. And Trump is on his way, suffering from the same addiction.
I’m serious about this, too.

I for one would be fine never again seeing images of political zombies storming our Capitol.

Mindless dupes breaking windows and doors in order to murderously assault our seat of law do not equate with citizens crossing a bridge in peaceful protest. And it’s not 1905 Russia.

It is beyond belief that we would ever see the President of the United States promote an attack on the capitol by a cadre of the clueless. It is beyond belief that his immediate removal is the subject of any dispute.

It is appropriate to unleash Horses and dogs followed by criminal prosecution. That’s better than our WW1 veterans got!

Oh FFS can we once and forever get it straight that there is NO right of free speech when it comes to your employment? Go call your boss a stupid cunt and report back to me how freely you were allowed to speak. Tell a customer to fuck off and die, likewise. The right of free speech is ONLY in reference to your relationship to the federal government, it has nothing whatsoever to do with what happens when you tell some asshole in a bar that his mom fucks goats. Those are CONSEQUENCES and never have been nor will they EVER be an abrogation of your first amendment rights.

If he gets hold of his phone and tweets

“My Great Patriots must stop the inauguration by any means possible. FAKE PRESIDENT” that’s all it would take. Then Schumer could find 17 senators to sign on, or Pence’s mommy could take his balls from his purse and let him wear them for a day.

I wrote a fairly detailed prediction on Monday, then I got sidetracked and didn’t post it, that happens a lot. In it I laid out 2 things that would need to happen before they would impeach or 25A Trump in the next two weeks or so. I also gave 50% odds of both things happening.

One of those has happened - which was (damn, I wish I’d made the post because I really did write this Monday) Trump’s “Stop the Steal” protesters overrun the Capitol, resulting at in least one death or kidnapping. I thought it would happen at night, after the election results were formalized, but I was close.

The second thing was what I just described,— after the riot he gets back on social media and issues another call for action.

If he does that, he’s gone—- and I think he will.

CNN: House Democrats are currently planning to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump as soon as Monday, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

Short term, I think this is correct and good. Having an active impeachment over his head will do a whole heck of a lot more to shut him up than the threat of 25 or impeachment will.

Long term, I think the lack of actual removal will show that impeachment is a useless turd, which is dangerous. If Trump doesn’t get impeached, then WTF is the impeachment clause for?

Yeah, wonder if he remembers he signed this order during the summer intending to fuck over protesters in Portland? Would be very nice if it were used to fuck over his jackass followers–I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more apt example of being “hoist by his own petard.”


I had trouble with the paywall for your link, so I found a very good article in Stars and Stripes magazine.


But, as they say, I don’t need a weatherman to know what way the wind blows. C’mon, you know what went down.

It will probably come out that multiple agencies voiced serious security concerns about mustering the #TrumpArmy at the Capitol while the ejection* was being formalized, and Trump shut them all down.

And it will come out that Trump, or one of his insiders, insisted on as little police presence as possible because of the optics. But that’s not the issue.

What needs to be investigated is why the event was allowed to happen at that time and place, at all..

Because it seems to me that the President shouldn’t have the last word on matters involving other people’s security - especially since he considers so may of them enemies. How did Trump so thoroughly bend the entire federal government to his will?

This was not a rally that got out of control. This wasn’t even a terror attack.

The President of the United States raised an army to attack the legislative branch because he didn’t want them to formalize the election.

Everyone needs to understand this.

*that was a typo, I meant election, but I liked it so I left it.