OK, so I have an ongoing ‘digestive problem’, which results in frequent ‘looseness’ of the ‘product’…but one thing I’ve never understood:
Why does diarrhea make your anus sting and burn so badly? Surely there’s nothing in it that’s any different to regular faeces?
More usage…if you get my drift.
But it seems to be an instant reaction with me, immediately after the ‘event’
Maybe more bile in the mix than normal.
Depends. If the diarrhea is due to carbohydrate malabsorption, that makes the stool liquid far more acid. A pH below 6 is typical in this situation. That might burn a bit.
If the diarrhea is due to dietary indiscretions involving hot spices, the undigested capsaicin will burn on the way out.
If the diarrhea is due to failure to absorb fat properly, the pH also tends to be more acid.
I couldn’t tell you the details, other than it’s the ongoing result of a dodgy paella in 1996. :mad:
Anyway, the acid explanation would make sense - it’s a quite sudden immediate burn, unlike the slow-release of capsaicin.
Have you had it treated? You might have a chronic infection
I’ve had it diagnosed as ‘post-infective irritable bowel syndrome’. Which basically means there’s nothing I can do, other than a complete change of diet…and it’s not quite serious enough to make me determined to go through that
Many people don’t know this but diarrhea often contains a large concentration of bees. They’re not real happy about the situation they’ve found themselves in and they’ll sting the hell out of the first soft tissue they find which, often as not is the ol’ butthole. There’s really only one way to treat this and it involves, just like this answer, first blowing smoke up one’s butt.
Should I find a professional to conduct this procedure?