A Challenge for Readers of The Straight Dope

…OR Find the SD Reference

A friend of mine gave me a link to a quiz about 80s music at We hear the playback and it seems so long ago today. One of the questions, if you get it right, mentions The Straight Dope on the scoring page. Let’s see how many of you can get it. :smiley:

83. Warm smell of colitas Rising up through the air
Ok either 1)You’ve read The Straight Dope or 2)You are a god. Either way 10 points.

Jesus that’s a long bastard. I bailed after about 30 questions.

I now have some very bad songs in my head.

Aaagh! I hit return after the 50th question…there were 50 more! [sub]and I got forty-one of them right. What the hell was I doing during the 80’s to remember all this bad pop music?[/sub]

I got a 47–some of them baffled me. I’d feel worse if I hadn’t been a little kid through much of the 80s.

The SD response was:

In the song “Hotel California,” what does “colitas” mean?

Surely that’s not all you wanted?

No, I see now…

I got a 72.9. I missed a couple that I actually knew due to a brain fart. About a half-dozen I flat out didn’t know.

I was penalized 30% for being a Yuppie (which I’m definitely not!).

Is this what you wanted?

Final Score: 78.5 Pop Junkie

I would have got more but I had a couple of typos. I typed porn instead of porno and Jesse instead of Jessie.

I think it was Jesse, Homebrew

I got 80.5 (and would have esocred higher if I had not mispelled a couple of answers)

I couldn’t remember how to spell colitas. Crap. And I only scored a 56. Double crap. But I did get the 4 pts. each for both of the Tina Turner lyrics. I really don’t know how I pulled that one off.There were quite a few of them that I could have kicked myself on afterward. OK, most of them. Oh well.

I’m the prime age for this stuff. I even missed lyrics of groups I’ve seen in concert.

I got every single one right. Including the bonus.

How much more could I have acheived in life if all of the brain space which is occupied by 80s pop lyrics was occupied by something useful?

I only scored 62, but I specifically looked that up during my big Eagles kick. . . which I may still be on.

101 points.

I lived the dream, kids. I lived it.

68.5 I’m not sure whether this urge to cry is over how many I missed or how many I knew. Talk about wasted gray matter.

Good googly moogly, I can’t believe I took the whole thing! 100 pts. Which might make me do the celebratory hoochie dance if I knew what the highest score possible was.

Yikes! You scored 100 pts?? That’s truly scary. I didn’t follow directions as to revealing gender or some other information, so I don’t know my score. I did get all the heavy rock and new wave songs correct, and was rather clueless on the mainstream music.
I think they should have included the following:
Swing it to the left, swing it the right, think about ________, swing all night!

I only scored a 73 on this particular test, but I’d kick your collective butts were this a 1970s test. And TeaElle - I have said this…

…many times, about 70s music. Why, if I could clear out all the crappy music from 1975 alone… the mind just boggles.

Or “swinging”… it’s all semantics, I say.

79.9 - not altogether bad given that I did lots of cassette music in the 80’s and had limited radio exposure time.

^5 to Johnathan Chance - a kickass score!