A Change in Plans MMP

An early dindin has been ingested. 'Twas good if’n I do say so myself.

Spidey English peas are what we in the southern U.S. of A. call green/early peas.

Peaches and flytrap canned salmon can indeed be stretched out to feed a crowd. It’s also really good. I have a friend who makes oxtail French onion soup that is to die for!

I called the shelter and they suggested I put the litter box on the porch.

I thought while I was at it I’d heat up a little canned food and put that out too. It must have smelled good because another cat from down the block showed up. Then Sah-dog wanted to go back out and he - who never gets into anything that isn’t his - ate the canned food.
Maybe I should get a live trap, but who knows what all I’ll catch.

The shelter didn’t seem too concerned, they said it happens.

Oh and from yesterday

I cannot name the cat Eric.
Some of you may remember back when my friend’s son-in-law tried to kill her daughter? His name is Eric. Maybe it it was a pet rat I was going to feed to a pet snake it would work.


I warmed up some more canned food and called him. I heard a little meep and there he was. He was a little wary, but came close enough for me to catch him. He struggled a little when I tried to carry him into the house, but I don’t know if that is because the dog was in the doorway or if he didn’t want to come in.


I feel like I shoulda been asleep hours ago

Heroes and Villains. Run, don’t walk, far away from any shelf containing that book. I dropped it down a storm drain, it was so bad.

I am very happy for you.

Damned Yankee.

Poli, meaning many. Tics, meaning blood sucking.

But I digress.

The wire haired (mostly) dachshund tired to eviscerate the political person ringing my doorbell at 6:30 this evening. She merely smiled and handed me a pamphlet, escaping with her life as I fended off the killer dog with my bare foot.

I had not considered dogs to be useful until this evening.


swampy, you done flung a cravin’ on me. Growing up, salmon patties was a staple on Fridays. During the really lean times, it was mackeral patties. And yes, I remember when canned salmon, oxtails, beef hearts and tongue and chicken wings and gizzards were all cheap protein for the family.

Yay for Puddy Tat’s return!

I received a pumpkin from my boss for the pumpkin carving contest at irk. After last year’s fiasco, I figured I’d be rid of that forever. :stuck_out_tongue: This year, I brought it home where I have better tools and alcohol. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s starting out pretty good.

Rubbing or beverage?

Is canned tongue inexpensive? MIL (v.3.0) brought sandwiches to the hospital when Mrs. Plant (v.3.0) was ill. I really liked then until I discovered a vein.

Sari, glad the cat came back; but of course, if he thinks that being out and gone = food…

flytrap, wiener dogs can scare burly workmen with their defense of the home. Used to have one when I was a lad, we had to quarantine her when work was being done in the house.

Pretty much a nothing day. My soccer team needs to have a shootout (penalty kicks) with the team we tied Satuday, so I’m bugging the powers-that-be to git’er done. We shall see.

Surely you jest.

I didn’t know what to do first when I got home, so I poured me a big glass of the good Scotch. Yup, that type of day. :slight_smile:

So they drive on the wrong side of the road & speed?
My Dad was ‘arrested’ many, many, many years ago (195x?) for speeding in the south (outside of Richmond). He got pulled over for speeding.
“You’re under arrest, suh”
“Follow me, suh”
So he followed the cop into town…to the barber shop. The barber took off his white smock & put on his black one. Sentence: 10 day or $10. :eek: :rolleyes:

After we left the park yesterday there was a request to stop for dinner before we got on the road. There’s a shopping center ahead on the right just before the highway. Wendy’s (which was lunch, so no), Mickey D’s (already had fast food once, so no), Poopy John’s (waaaay too sweet & icky, so no) & Pizza Slut (Just NO!) & the other corner had a Bob Evans, which is where I steered the car.

Waitress made some comment about not having her cheatsheet for sides & not knowing them all because she was new, however…
She brought our food & stated that she owed me my biscuits. Ehhh, no big deal, she can’t get everything onto the tray, I’ll get 'em in a minute. I grab the pepper before I start to eat. She came back to our table to bring some mustard. I grabbed it twice more & my food was ‘blackened’ by the time I was done & still it was tasteless, but I digress…

I’ve cleaned my plate but the others are still eating when she comes by again. I remind her that I didn’t get my biscuits yet. She states she’ll get 'em & then clears my plate & silverware. :smack: Five minutes go by & I can see here entering other orders in the open kitchen setup. At this point everyone else’s plates are empty. She finally tries to bring the basket of biscuits over when she’s walking out someone else’s order out, but of course I have neither a plate to put them on or a knife to spread any of the butter with. :smack: I told her that our meal was over & she should take them back but give us the check before she left.

I get she’s new but when you twice acknowledge that you didn’t bring something & don’t go back to get it you is about as stoopit as you look with those 1½" ear gauges in & iffn the manager didn’t disappear into the back I would’ve said something.

Weiner dogs ca be quite aggressive, after all they were bred to go after badgers.

I cannot believe this.
Sah-son had to write a paper (rough draft), the one that was due yesterday. Up until around noon he didn’t even have a topic until I tossed one out at him. He really didn’t have to turn it in, it’s a pass/fail, 0 or 10 points. However, turning in a rough draft gets him feedback, which is helpful for the final draft. This rough draft was rushed, and I think parts were a bit disjointed. He had to push to make the minimum of three pages (rough drafts have to be the correct length) and he finally got it done. I barely looked at it for a proofread, I was so annoyed with him for waiting until the last minute.
Got a note from the professor, if he wants he can get a 92% on the rough draft and doesn’t have to do the final draft. I think he is going to polish it up a little and resubmit it.
Good news for him.

Cat has settled in, walking around like he owns the place.
I’m going to get him a collar (with his name and phone number on it) and leash, and when we need to do something that keeps the door open for a bit I’ll put the leash on him.
I’m thinking he may have been an indoor/outdoor cat in his previous home.

Reported! Lying & name calling are not permitted here.
(When I visited, I went home! :p)
There are, I believe 106 dog breeds, weiner dogs are, I believe, 105[sup]th[/sup] most intelligent. I’m not sure what’s dumber; possibly “stuffed”???

Oh how I so wanted to do this with MiL’s yappy lil shit.
HINT: Who comes on the field when it’s fourth & long in the NFL? :dubious:

I would have expected something different.
We even got the victory song ready! (And there is a reason I broke the link)

https://www.yo utube.com/watch?v=OHvAddSGsAg

No — and stop calling me Shirley?

Cheese is very freezable. It’ll have an odd texture when thawed, but that sorts out in cooking.

Good kitty. Now stay inside and don’t scare your new Mom like that again! She loves you, and you can count on food and comfy places to sleep by sticking with her.

Cats are excellent at slipping collars. Maybe microchip him?