A Change in Plans MMP

I thought cotton pickin’ was an euphemism for shit pickin’, as in election day is almost here.
Can everybody tell how thrilled I am with this election?

Revenge or Ice Cream or even Vichyssoise.

Late blurf. Just back from irk, and have tomorrow off. Am wrestling with the temptation to go buy celebratory takeaway dindin.
Only problem is it’s all rainy wet.

Plus I’m supposed to be going round a friend’s house in a few hours, as I’m winding down my fish tank (It’s in a rubbish spot, and there’s just nowhere better to put it in the house), and she’s rehoming my last two little fishies. Unfortunately, she forgot to give me her address, and I’ve never been there before, so I’m not sure that’ll happen today!

Dogiooo is a good egg.

Just got a messagefrom DaNiece and her Beloved - they’re delaying the wedding reception that had been planned for Friday night. So now I have 5 pounds of cheese in the fridge, to use up on a household of 5 people instead of the macaroni for 50. (Can cheese be frozen?)

(I vote revenge.)

And my poor neighbors are hoping that their cotton dries out enough to salvage something this year. Matthew blew half the bolls off the plants, and soaked the rest. Pity. Their crops looked promising this year. Late peanuts, too - not worth trying to harvest, due to the 6-8 inches of rain all at once. I guess they could put up fences and feed out some hogs, or just plow them under and fertilize for the spring.

But I really feel bad for the pecan farmers around here. Some lost more than 50% of their mature orchards - decades-old trees, uprooted or snapped off in the wind. And even the ones who didn’t lose many trees still lost a lot of their crops to the wind, and harvesting the rest will be expensive - manual instead of mechanized.

Gonna be a hard candy Christmas for a lot of families around here…

Poor Gordie, and poor SahKitty! I hope all works out, and that **Rosie **and Rockin’ have good news this week. Also? Mmmmm. Carrot cake. Sounds like you have fabulous minions, Butters!

My fall-back is Nixon. As far as I know nothing in the Constitution says a candidate has to be alive and he didn’t serve enough of his second term to be disqualified. I consider him tanned (sort of), rested and ready to serve.
Awake for ages and doing history event stuff. One person doesn’t like this, one doesn’t like that. This group is mad at that group who really doesn’t agree with anyone about something. I feel like Henry-Freaking-Kissinger and showing my age at the same time. :smack:

The Readers Digest Condensed version (for anyone confused) is some dude gets arrested for shooting a Bald Eagle. His defense is that he was lost and only did it for the food and its not like anything that could ever happen to him again. The judge allows him to go free and doesn’t fine him but asks what a Bald Eagle tastes like and the guy responds comparing it to two other endangered species.

That, sir, is no basis for a system of government.

I am voting for Dog.

Almost. :slight_smile: We don’t grow much cotton in this part of Tennessee, but there is a field on my way to irk that’s part of an historical plantation. The bolls are open now and I’m wondering when they’re going to pick.

Hope you find your puddy tat soon sari.

peaches, you can freeze cheese, but it’s best reserved for cooking at that point. It will, however, keep for a long time in the fridge if you can keep the family from noshing on it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope that they get the bathroom ceiling fixed pronto so that you won’t have to give Gordie a tranquilizer, doggio.

There was a classic drive in theater down the road from my last apartment. It ran first run movies and classics both and tended to be packed on the weekends. It was open from around the first of April until Halloween (and yes, they did have a fright night showing).

The OP gave me a blast from the past. Growing up my oldest brother Jimmy loved Clint Eastwood and would take us and the neighborhood kids to see all Clint’s movies at the drive in. This would have been in the 60’s. My brother was cool then and cool now. I will never forget this as long as I live. I never understood why they are now called spaghetti westerns. Can some one enlighten me? Thanks Flipper

sari Put some very smelly wet food out. Some sardines mayhap. He is probably just hiding very close by I hope. Please do update.

I miss Mooooommmmmm

Many of them were made inexpensively in Europe by Italian directors and producers.

I just don’t feel like doing anything else today. Can I go home now?

what book is this so one can avoid it? sorry but it seems you cant quote quotes …

Howdy Y’all! I managed to do some cave cleanin’, go to the liberry, from whence I posted earlier, and have N.O.L. Had a really good reuben! I loves me a good reuben. Dindin shall be salmon patties English peas, smashed N.O.T. and bizkits. 'Tis a southern U.S. of A. comfort dindin.

I wonder if salmon was something we ate in the South back when we were all poor.

I am now fishless. Hopefully I’ll be able to set up the tank again some point soon, when I have a better situation for fishies, but there’s just nowhere good to put the tank here. There’s just space for one tank in my room, and the axolotls got first dibs on that. Just the 'lotls and bees left now, and the bees ain’t exactly pets :confused:

I shall have to sort the empty tank out tomorrow though, 'tis Monday evening, and that means juggling club.

Do you raise axolotls, Filbert? A friend of ours does, and feeds the babies vinegar eels.

Mmmm. I might just copy your dindin, swampy. The girls want breakfast for dinner, but now I’m craving croquettes! And I think you’re on to something there, flytrap. Canned salmon used to be a lot cheaper, and adding binders could stretch one can to feed the whole family. (Oxtails also used to be cheap, too. But have you seen the prices lately?! It’s weird that they’re now a special occasion cut, instead of something inexpensive to stew with rice!)

There’s a drive-in theater still operating about 40 miles from me. I try to keep an eye on their listings, and take the girls now and again. The drive-in in my hometown closed some time in the late seventies/early eighties (after I moved away.) The last movie I saw there was Star Wars. The one here in town closed after I moved away for college, in the late eighties. Last movie I saw there was St. Elmo’s Fire, on a Wednesday night. (They had Carload nights, with admission something like $3.00 per vehicle. A friend’s parents owned the motor court/campground right across the street, so we’d meet over there and pile into my land yacht - '75 Cadillac - with lawn chairs in the trunk. It was fun, cheap entertainment.)

I like “Revenge” as well, but “Patience” (as in not) is growing on me. :wink:

Yes. But as is mentioned elsewhere, best just store it cold.

I do hope at some point we can organize an MMP re-union. Amtrak to Chicago or something? I’m open to suggestions. We sound like a fascinating bunch, iff’n I do say so. my historical reinacting has been Ren Faire. When I’m “working” (which is musical), it’s Serious Business. When I’m just at the Faire, it’s a hoot and a holler.

I shall have to read the end of last week’s thread, I have missed some important stuff.

Sari - seconded on the putting out food (canned/stinky) is good, on your porch, or in your garage (which is partially open) and being prepared to keep doing it for days to weeks. Run away cats typically do not go very far away from where they left, but they can be hard to spot. It took me 5 days with one of mine and 2 weeks with the other. In both cases, it was the food that did it. They were both Very Shy Cats, so hopefully once yours figures our where the neighborhood buffet is he’ll be easier to retrieve and capture.

Husband in CA this week. Permission to (gently) cosh him on the head with a baguette? He is disappointed that my disability isn’t approved until 65. He was hoping that I was his backup plan if his work situation ever didn’t work out. :smack:

Ummm, he is? :confused:

I’ll approve yours if you approve mine.

What are English peas; do you put them on the other side of the plate like how they drive?
Nuts, fish is not pets because you can’t sit with 'em in your lap & pet 'em.

Tomorrow I will wear shoes (<-- plural) for the first time in seven weeks! :cool: :slight_smile:

I am going to skedaddle early today cause I can. Nobody likes it can kiss my arse including my boss. Me and Lucky Louie need a proper nap.

The carrot cake was yummy. I want what Swampy is having tonight. Need to ask hubs nicely and it may happen. Or not.

Congrats Spidey on being a biped with shoes again. Rosie’s sig for the rest of yall.

Hee. I neglected to mention that both movies were free. So I’ll take what I can get. Suffolk has no movie theaters at all; you gotta go to Chesapeake or Norfolk for them.