A Cold and Frosty MMP

it’s blah out. Not cold, just gloomy and rainy. I did laundry ,and made chorizo and egg tacos for breakfast.

That is the root of my problem.

You guys need a hobby, like bungee cord jumping or prothlletising in Iran.

I finally said to myself enough is enough and made an appt with an ENT to get roto rooted on the left side. Problem is the nearest one is in Homestead which is a three hour drive give or take. Methinks I have been sick because it never fully clears up. I can feel the pressure in my eye and very possibly this is the cause of my headaches. One can hope.

Ayatollah you it’s a bad idea to do that.

Whoa. Now that was a long nap. :eek:

Nah, it will be cool.
Let me hold your beer.
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Vote in VA, & while you’re at it, vote in Chicago, too.

If only there was a bridge over the canal of your problem.

I tried it once, once.

Butters, you’d probably spend more than $23.73 on gas, & you wouldn’t have a solution for next time. Geez, aren’t your fellow Mumpers just soooo helpful? :smiley:
A guy was walking towards me, walking a chi-yip-yap. He pick it up, puts it under his arm & continues walking towards me. As it got closer it started yipping, yapping, & growling. I really wanted to walk over to it & say, “You’re being carried, you have no dignity. Shaddup” but I refrained.

ha Spidey. I had the right side done about 30yrs ago and I swear the Dr. used knitting needles to punch a hole and drain. I don’t remember it being very painful but the relief was most welcome. Stupid sinuses and allergies and hurricanes stirring up all kinds of stuff. We are such a small community when one gets sick we almost all get it too. So whatever it is is going around.

One thing for sure is I bet I have lost weight this week as I have zero appetite which is a good thing. I have been drinking lots of water and juices.

I am gonna make a sammich for supper though.

Much rainage has occurred - it’s in the 40s - brrrrr! Thank goodness for the pellet stove.

Supper was sketties. And that’s about it for today. I may crash early because I woke stupid early and never really fell back to sleep. Between vacation and the time change, my internal clock is all hosed up. Not fair.

Plus no chocolate in the house. Dammit.

You’ve had a rough day.

It’s cold and rainy here too Moooom. Nelson was NOT a happy camper going out this morning. I wore a rain poncho and put his slicker on him. Still whined.

I found out today that our new digs at irk will be purple zoned. Yay for coffee at my desk!

No coffee at my desk and there would have been a problem. Sign of the apocalypse right there.

I’m watching the Pacific Asia Curling Championships. Clearly I have no life. But I do have a sinus infection and want my mom.

Howdy Y’all from Ye Olde Home Towne! I decided to come on up today. Sis is irkin’ but will be off tomorrow, Thursday, and Firday. I shall return home on Sattidy as she has to irk the weekend and I agreed to ush duty Sunday. Rah.

I like dental puns, by gum!

Moooom, oops, I guess I just assumed that anything South of D.C. equaled Virginia…

swampy, yep, the molar the merrier!

wet one, could be worse-you could be stuck watching cricket…

Midget, had a long nap here too. Must be good sleeping weather.

Not much doing, nappage lasted over 2 hours and dinner has been consumed, so except for feeding a lot of paper into the shredder, internet and the occasional peak at some of the election results (looks like VA is going Democratic, yeah), not much planned.

Did look at vacations in China for 2018, pricing is all over the board but sent in a couple of inquiries and see if I get any response.

sunny, a couple of years ago, the company instituted a policy of no eating or drinking in work areas on the operations side of security. While I work in finance, my particular cube farm is located on the ops side. It lasted with our group, QMS and L2 Techs for 2 months before all managers were threatened with mutiny. After one big meeting, it was decided that, as folks who weren’t working with product in our work stations, we would be exempt. :smiley:

We “Ran the Vote” tonight.

One of the guys in our running club is running for local office. We changed the workout for tonight to run to every polling place in the borough…in the dark…& cold…& rain!

I then tacked on at the end to run & vote at my polls, ending up w/ a beastly 6.66 miles. :eek:

My canine could track down that bridge.

And here we are awake again an the ungodly hour of 0240. I must stop going to bed so early. I do not like this new time. How can one hour throw off my entire schedule? Not that I had much of a schedule anyway.

I am going back to irk today. Since Firday is a holiday I only irk two days this week. I am still puny though. The Doc called me in a medrol dosepak. Steroids. Just what I need. Seriously hope that will be the ticket. WetOne. I am with you on the sinus infection. Fun ain’t it?

All you Dopers in the cold and rain I feel for you. I still have my a/c on. I am thrilled with some of the election results. There was no election here or I would have voted. Blurf gonna try for more sleep.

oh fixed the time zone problem …it was on pacific Micronesian time and not cali …