A day at the airport

The Arlington Fly-In has been going on, and roomie and I went today. She’d worked last night, and had been up since 19:30. But she wanted to go. We were to meet up with someone from a now-defunct MeetUp group I was in, and some people she was bringing. Now, the get-together at the Abbotsford Air Show last year was a bit of a Charlie-Foxtrot. At least there was no paid seating this time.

Roomie and I arrived a bit after eleven, and found ourselves walking toward a Navy Black Hawk. (I expected a Sea Hawk.) She flew Black Hawks in the Gulf War. After checking out the heli we moseyed over to the B-25. Her uncle had flown them in Italy in WWII, and she’d never been that close to one. She’d love a ride in Maid in the Shade, but I’ve just told her how much it costs. I called MeetUp Gal, and they were in the line-up at the border. They would be late.

We wandered around, looking at airplanes. Lots of nice ones. I suggested we take a helicopter ride and/or a biplane ride. She didn’t like the sound of the biplane’s engine. (Nothing wrong with it; she just thought it sounded creepy.) She thought the R44 was pretty small (after having flown UH-60s). Planes, planes, and more planes! She got a caramel apple, and I got a hand-dipped corn dog. We got T-shirts, and she got a hat. We found ourselves over by the helicopter (Funny, how that happened. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: ) and it looked like we would go up. But the flying portion of the day’s entertainment started and the rides were shut down while it was in progress. Damn!

I tried calling MeetUp Gal again, and she didn’t answer. We watched the flying, and then went to the beer garden. Half an hour or so after trying to call MeetUp Gal I tried again. They were at a hangar, and I asked her where. We’d come over. ‘No, that’s OK. We’ll meet you at the beer garden. We want to eat something.’ (Uh, wait a minute… You told us not to eat because you had tickets for a BBQ.) She said she’d see us in 15 or 20 minutes. We waited 20 minutes, then headed back toward the hangars. Didn’t find her. We went to sit in the car and relax a bit, and listen to the air show on the radio. Roomie was tired, having been up 20 hours and having worked a busy shift. I told her we should blow off MeetUp Gal. I thought it was inconsiderate of her not to call when she arrived, especially since she knew we were there and she said she would, and that she said she was going to get something to eat after telling us not to. Roomie agreed. Then the phone rang.

MeetUp Gal was at the beer garden (45 minutes after she said she’d be there in 15 or 20 minutes), and seemed miffed that we didn’t want to walk ‘five minutes’ to meet her there, and she had no control over being so long getting across the border. Roomie was dead on her feet. I told her we’d meet her at the next air show. Sorry, but I told you that Roomie had to work the previous night, and that we’d have to leave early. We sat and watched the B-25 and the Spitfire fly, and then took off.

So the MeetUp didn’t come off. But we had a grand day. The skies were blue, the day was warm, and there was a breeze so it wasn’t too warm. We saw a beautifully restored 1969 Cessna 172K, and a gorgeous polished aluminum-and-blue Cessna 170. Good local flying acts. There was a Helicycle on display. I think it’s nifty – and quite tempting. Roomie thought it was too small, and I’d be crazy to fly one. A '67 Beech Musketeer with a For Sale sign for $22,000. (I flew in them when I was a kid.) Roomie could smell the fresh paint. (Not a good paint job.) It was probably a bit of a dog.

On the way home we stopped at Oyster Creek Inn on Chuckanut, which was rather a fancy place, for a light dinner.

Aside from the non-rendezvous, it was a great day. But then, any day is a great one around airplanes. :slight_smile:

Van’s homebuilts. There was a bit of shutter lag, and I don’t have an actual viewfinder on my camera. C’est la vie. There were 14 Van’s (Van’ses?) in the flight, and they did some good formation work.
Two more Van’s homebuilts
The B-25
Immaculate Cessna 170
Restored 1969 Cessna 172K
172K’s cockpit
172K from the front

Great story, Johnny. Sad about the meetup, but such things happen. Loved the photos of the Cessna 172–a private pilot buddy used to take me up in a 172 from time to time. Brought back a lot of memories.

As for me, I’m looking forward to the Alberta International Airshow later this month. Any chance you might make it?

I like the K-model. This 1970 one was dad’s, and I earned my license in it. The K-model had the Lycoming engine (more efficient and slightly more powerful than the Contenintal – though a little rougher being a four-banger), and still had the 40º flaps. Plus its stance on the ground was ‘jaunty’. Newer models looked more aggressive.

I’m jealous! I always wanted to learn to fly, but my eyes wouldn’t allow it.

I recall once or twice, our rental (my buddy did not own his own aircraft) had a Lycoming. It was a little rougher, but the extra power made it a lot more fun.

Not a lot of extra horsepower. The Continental O-300 six-cylinder engine made 145 hp. The Lycoming O-320 four-cylinder made 150 hp. (Starting with the 172N in 1977, they used an O-320 that made 160 hp.)

I know nothing about Canadian aviation rules, but in the U.S. these are the vision requirements:
[ul][li]Distant Vision - 20/40 or better in each eye separately, with or without correction.[/li][li]Near Vision - 20/40 or better in each eye separately (Snellen equivalent), with or without correction, as measured at 16 inches.[/li][li]Color Vision - Ability to perceive those colors necessary for safe performance of airmen duties.[/ul][/li]So if your vision is correctable to 20/40 or better, and you can differentiate between Aviation green and red, you should be OK under U.S. rules.

It was the colour vision that did me in. Distant and near vision was always terrific, but those darn colours! Oh well. Being a passenger isn’t a bad thing.


Huh! Whaddaya know! They only ever gave me the PIP tests. Unfortunately, I couldn’t follow the sidebar’s link to the newer tests, as apparently, one must have a logon to the AOPA page. But it’s good to know that there are other tests. Of course, whether or not Transport Canada (or whatever agency regulates all this up here) uses the new tests too is another matter.

However, at this stage, I doubt very much that I will take flying lessons. Still, it is oddly comforting to know that with the new tests, I may not be totally shut out. Thanks, Johnny!

Here are the alternative (U.S., FAA) tests:

Examination Procedures
[ul][li]Equipment[/li][list][li]Pseudoisochromatic plates. [AOC], 1965 edition; AOC-HRR, 2nd edition; Dvorine,2nd edition; Ishihara, 14-, 24- or 38-plate editions;or Richmond, 1983 edition,1 plates).[/li][li]Acceptable substitutes:[/li][list][li]Farnsworth Lantern[/li][li]Keystone Orthoscope.[/li][li]Keystone Telebinocular.[/li][li]LKC Technologies,Inc., APT-5 Color Vision Tester.[/li][li]OPTEC 2000 Vision Tester (Model Nos. 2000PM, [/li][li]2000PAME, and 2000PI).[/li][li]Titmus Vision Tester.[/li][li]Titmus 11 Vision Tester(Model Nos. Tll and TIIS).[/li][li]Titmus 2 Vision Tester Model Nos. T2A and T2S).[/ul][/list][/list][/li]
The article is not an ‘article’ as such, and appears to be a copy of FAA text. I don’t think that I’d be violating copyright if I sent it to you, even if you don’t want to pursue a license, if you’re interested in rules that may not apply to your location.