A desperate cry for attention and affirmation - pass the whine

I’m coming out and admitting it. I need someone to acknowledge this awesome pun of mine, which killed a thread back in August. I like to think it was so stunningly good that no one could respond, but could that really be the case?

Anyone else desperate for attention? Is there an overlooked brilliant post in your past or anything else you’d like to whine about? Don’t be afraid to be self-indulgent and needy.


gigi, I sit here, just finishing up some things before I can take Demerol for a double-root canal I underwent this morning. That pun has inflicted nearly as much pain on me as that, although not as much as the last pun Polycarp inflicted on me on the phone.

You’ve now managed to increase my need for pain killers.

Are you happy now? :wink:

Siege, you are remarkably poised after such an ordeal. Are you sure you don’t want to indulge in any sort of pity party? Maybe not, with the assurance of heavy-duty drugs standing by!

Any chance you can repeat the Polycarp zinger?

Thanks, your affirmation coming out of nowhere like that means so much more :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t get yours or Mangetout’s last posts there.

So, stolen’s a kind of cake and so is Danish, and epees and rapiers are kinds of swords, epees are for fencing and fencing is what you do with stolen goods.

Unless you’re joshing me.

The “stolen = cake” thing was throwing me, because I never heard of that. I got the rest of it though.

Well, I thought this thread started by picunurse (including my self-perceived stunningly good post) was going to be a classic; it even made Threadspotting. But then it just fizzled out. You’d think someone would have least come in there with lolcatspeak.

“stolen” = “cake”? :confused:

stollen, actually. German.

I didn’t make the connection either.
