A few questions for the administrators here (NOT a rant)

Well… the description of The Pit says that this is also a place for discussion regarding Administration Issues.

If any of this is none of my business… well, I’m sure you’ll tell me.

  1. Are the mods paid to moderate this board?

  2. Is moderating this board a full-time job?

  3. By spending an inordinate amount of time reading all the stuff posted on these boards, do you think it’s “tweaked” your world-view? In other words, do you think of people differently now and if so, for the better or for the worse?

Thank you,


Eh, this could have easily fit into ATMB…since you aren’t whining.

Anyhow here’s a member’s (guarded I am not privy to it all) perspective.

  1. Are the mods paid to moderate this board? No but they get a nice coffee cup.

  2. Is moderating this board a full-time job?Pretty much, as former moderator on another site and now an admin/owner of one, yes. A board of this size takes a great deal of time for them. Love them and fear them, they can be your best allies if the going gets rough.

  3. By spending an inordinate amount of time reading all the stuff posted on these boards, do you think it’s “tweaked” your world-view? In other words, do you think of people differently now and if so, for the better or for the worse? Can’t answer this one but as a former mod on another board, you do rethink who your friends really are.

I found a new appreciation for the phrase “You’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t”

I learned that a in a couple of months, an unknown person can become a big shot. And vice versa.

I continue to be amazed at how some people truly believe they are the center of the universe.

I learned to pity the empty existence of people who seem to get off on the conflict of other people.

I learned that flirting is something that everyone tries, but only a few do well. Or even competently.

In The Godfather: Part II, Michael Corleone says “If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone.” In a bizzare sort of way, I now know what he means.

I learned that the only thing easier than spoofing your IP is banning a spoofed IP from a message board.

I learned that the phrase “This place isn’t as good as it used to be” isn’t just for cranky old men whose lives have passed them by.

I learned that the idea of freedom of speech is so treasured and so taken for granted that many posters actually feel affronted when moderators on a privately owned message board delete a post which contains a link to pictures of turds.

I learned that on a clear day I can spot a Mark Serlin post from up to six miles away.

I learned that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder does exist in Australia.

I’ve learned that I’m not the only one who appreciates the kitsch value of 70’s interior design, bizarre English on Japanese products, and BBQ sauce endorsed by Bob Hope.

I’ve conversed with and met so many genuinely smart, well thought out, opinionated and confident women who are as sharp as a needle in a subatomic sewing kit that I’ve learned I can never date another dumb broad ever again.

I learned that text-based media makes sarcasm all but impossible to detect.

I learned that you no matter what you do, somebody’s going to be pissed off and/or offended, so you might as well piss off and/or offend the right people.

Finally, I learned that even in my deepest, darkest, dankest moments of depression, during the time when I feel completely down on myself and I feel like everything I touch turns to shit, I can console myself by knowing that I’m not so pathetic that I actually maintain a website that features a message board about sock puppets.

There there, Alphagene, let it all out. :wink:

Great reply.

And you are…

Great first post, happy as a brush! Welcome to the SDMB. We all look forward to your future posts of inciteful replies.
(Well, I proved Alpha wrong on one point, anyway.)

Why, was that a lame attempt at flirting with “happy as a brush”? :smiley:

And here we have exhibit A, folks. Alpha gives an honest answer to a question what it’s like to moderate and he promptly gets bashed by someone who decides to devote their first post to what a rotten job he’s doing. Give me a freakin’ break.

  1. Pay: BWAHAHAHA! It’s a standing joke that for most of us the coffee mugs haven’t even showed up yet.*

  2. Time: nope, AFAIK all of us work full time jobs and just squeeze this in on the side.** It usually takes at least a few hours per day, often at night when the boards move faster.

  3. Change in outlook: This is a really interesting question. I’ve learned:

(see * and **) How remarkably blinkered and flat-out paranoid a few people get over volunteering on a damned message board already. The simple fact is we’re posters who enjoy the place so much we’ve taken on housekeeping duties to help out. That’s all. Period.

Since greed is out as a motivator the usual calumny is power hunger. Huh? WHAT power? It’s just a message board; an enormously fun and informative one but not a Critical Life Issue. It’s been, shall we disillusioning, how badly a few people have lost perspective on this. I’ve also been suprised at the amnesia (or narrowness of vision)over the obvious funding realities that maintain this place. Having a blast here doesn’t mean owning the playground.

I’ve learned how funny, original and terrifying BRIGHT people are here. It’s been a constant joy and like Alpha it’s spoiled me for banal company.

I’ve learned how genuinely kind, concerned and involved people can be when bad times hit–and how wise their advice can be. There’s a helluva experience pool here and enormous tolerance and generosity to boot.

On the flip side I’ve learned how amazingly petty and vicious a very few people can be. I still can’t understand the stupidity or emptiness that drives them to attack strangers on a message board. Talk about sterile, stupid, pointless exercises.

Should have anticipated this one, but I’ve been suprised what a difference that little “moderator” label under my name makes in how I’m regarded. It’s disconcerting to smoke and joke along, playing the reindeer games and then realize some folks are afraid or intimidated; feels very strange.

Don’t want to make this sound like a downer because I applied for this job and still love it. The positives still FAR outweigh the negatives and the folks here make it all worthwhile. But I’ve learned caution about whom to trust. It’s no secret that some folks are disaffected, having left the boards willingly or by banning. I can accept being upset. I can’t accept corrosive lies, grudges and attacks on individuals and this place in general. Move on, get a life and get a grip already. I’ve learned to be wary of those carrying grudges and agendas back on the boards. (This ONLY applies to what happens on SDMB; I don’t read and don’t care what’s said elsewhere. Ain’t my garden to tend.)

Mostly I’ve learned so much neat information and had so DAMNED much fun here. It’s never boring. Multiple fascinating folks are always popping up with fascinating stuff. The pleasures far outstrip the hassles. In all seriousness, it’s been an honor.


Ignorance still abounds. I have no way of telling what IP number is used on ANOTHER message board. And the fastest way to get yourself banned is STILL to start off criticizing moderators/administrators. If your only interest in this message board is to criticize the way it’s run, go somewhere else. We’re not interested in your criticisms unless you’re making positive contributions elsewhere on the message board.

BTW, I do happen to know that there were at least two people posting as UncleBeer on that other message board. Clearly, at least one of them was an impostor.

Wow! Banned in two posts! That was sooo cool to watch. What do we call people who return from banishment under a different name? The undead? Leper Outcast Unclean? Those we already sat shiva for?

Thanks for taking prompt action, Lynn.

Thank you for the very interesting replies.

It once again reinforces for me the concept of what a strange realm the internet is as a form of communication.

I guess my last question was aimed at going more for an “Is there an us vs. them attitude among the mods?”, but the responses indicated that this is a much more complex issue than that.

Thanks for your time.


I used to have a yellowed and dog-eared copy of the Poster’s Kaddish around here somewhere. Damned housekeeper. Always messing with the vital papers. :D:D

And, my thanks too Lynn.


Do you know how strange people are thanking Lynn for “banning“ an obvious clone? The whole point of clones is they are designed to be banned, so the regular poster can say what’s on their mind and then still go back to flirting.

I’m interesting in finding out how the banned poster includes a QtM quote in his sig, which was made after the poster was banned! Is this quite a feat, or did QtM simply repeat something he’d said somewhere else, sometime else?

That boggled my mind, too; I can only guess that he still has access to edit his profile and the sig line changes when it is edited. So evidently banned people can still send messages from beyond the grave? Sneaky.

I dunno, some posters on these boards seem to be able to speak their minds without hiding behind a disposable sock username.

Gr8Kat, generally I change the password when I ban someone. However, my internet connection has been VERY shaky lately, so I’ve been just doing things really quick’n’dirty. I went back and did things properly this time.