A Friday The Thirteenth MMP

He’ll no doubt be on his way in a few hours. I’m apparently the night shift Buddy-tender. He’s currently asleep, Allie’s a couple of sofa cushions over, also sleeping. She just looked resigned when he arrived.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

Also, 99% of the staff don’t get sick pay.

Does he make extra loud slurping noises, like some people do?



Yeah, he can get pretty slurpy about his grooming. He can also produce some impressive burps for someone his size (giggle).

Yes, my sense of humor is about 12 years old some days. :wink:

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 54 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 87 and N.O.S. for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is to procure provisions. Sloth and some quality cee-mint pond time shall also be accomplished. Sup shall be grilled poke chops, peas, butter beans ‘n okra cooked together, squish casserole, and cornbread. Have I mentioned lately how much I like bein’ a retired drain on society?

{{{Nellie}}} I’m so sorry yestiddy was such a rough day. May today be much better!

Nettie conga rats on bein’ selected by Buddy to be his bed and bath. Also, stuff like animal burps, snores, and farts are high humor. My sense of humor never progressed beyond that of an eight year old boy.

MOOOOOOM welcome home!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas and bother, I suppose I must needs purtify and don appropriate bein’ amongst the great unwashed attire. Woe is me!

Happy Humpday Y’all!

I’m babysitting Toby today, then FCD will pick up Roxy from school and Daughter will come over after her school is done and we’ll all have supper together (SIL is working.) One night, we’ll have all of us for supper. Daughter and SIL will be around much of Firday and Sat, getting ready for the b-day party, then the party is on Sunday, so, yeah, lots of family time.

BTW {{{nellie}}} just because!

Everyone is still sleeping and I’ve got some quiet computer time - let’s see if I can remember any of the good details of the trip…

We went to the class Sunday, but we left right after lunch because the afternoon session was stuff FCD knew and we’d do better with him showing me on our boat, plus we wanted to get going. We were on the road just before one. The drive thru western Merrylande was the best part - I’m not much for mountains, but it was really pretty. But it was hard on the poor little car. Once we got around Wheeling then into Ohio, there were construction messes, but we got as far as Columbus where we stopped for the night. The Fairfield Inn was quite nice, but the bed was a tad soft for FCD, poor baby…

We got on the road around 7 or so on Moanday, after a fairly decent breakfast at the hotel. Somewhere along the way, we filled the car, and we got to his aunt’s right around 11. Even with GPS, we got twisted around a bit - if you’re not paying attention, it’s really easy to miss the county roads and we wound up doing a couple of U-turns. But we arrived safely.

I hadn’t seen this aunt and uncle for over 25 years - he has Parkinson’s and I never would have recognized him, and her dark hair is now white and thin, but her voice was the same. We sat around talking, and one of FCD’s cousins joined us for lunch. I’d never met him, but I’d heard a lot about him, so it was face-to-name time. A little later in the afternoon, another cousin came by, followed a bit later by his wife when she got off work. I’d met David when he was a kid - and here he was with a white beard! YOIKS!! So there was more reminiscing that meant nothing to me, but still, a nice visit.

After supper, yet another cousin came by with her husband. So more do-you-remember, but to be fair, they did ask about my life and family, so I wasn’t just sitting there. As point of reference, FIL had a job that required him to move a fair bit, so FCD left Indianapolis when he was elementary school age. Meanwhile, virtually all of the cousins stayed, some living within yards of where they grew up, and they were all very close - doing things together all the time. Meanwhile, FCD and his brothers were always kind of like outsiders when they visited, and he hasn’t seen some of his cousins in 50 years. Anyway, all of his cousins were very friendly and it was nice to meet them.

While we visited, FCD’s middle brother called and wanted to talk to him. I know I’ve mentioned him before - the one who refused to listen to doctors regarding his diabetes, and he’s now on dialysis and off the transplant list because of his condition (which, I must add, is entirely self-inflicted.) He was calling to ask for a kidney. FCD was pissed - in all the years we’ve been married, this brother only calls when he wants something. So he’s coming to his brother who has had 3 major surgeries in the last year, asking for a kidney, because he couldn’t be bothered to do what the doctors told him to do in order to be on the transplant list… < /end rant >

It was close to 10 when we headed to the hotel in Plainfield, and we will never use a Quality Inn again. Third time’s the charm. This place wasn’t exactly bad, but it wasn’t all that good, either. The room had an odd smell - not dirty, but I think it was the residual scent from their cleaning products and it was just odd. I also wondered about the cleanliness of the tub. Anyway, never again. We’ll pay a bit more for better places.

We left there just before 7, stopped for a McBreakfast, and got to his aunt’s around 7:30 to finish loading the car. Boy, did they have a lot fo crap! “Oh, we only have 2 suitcases” didn’t include the bag of dirty laundry, the box of assorted purchases from Costco, the two big packs of paper plates (I guess Ocala was out of paper plates??) plus the wheelchair and the walker and the tote bag, and the 4 jackets/sweatshirts… Oh, and the present for Roxy. Luckily, the wheelchair folded and broke down so it fit in well. And we crammed things into nooks and crannies and there was still a space to see out the back window. That HHR really holds a lot of crap!

We finally got on the road a little after 8 yesterday morning. FCD and I took turns driving - the two worst parts were around Indianapolis (morning rush hour) and around the DC beltway (evening rush hour.) We’d been worried about construction in Ohio, but it wasn’t an issue at all, except for one spot, and that didn’t slow us too much. The ride back thru the mountains was rough on the car - what with 4 adults and all the crap, but I was driving that leg and I refused to keep it in cruise control - I let the car set its own pace on the steep upgrades. And we pulled into our garage just before 8:30. And I wasn’t joking about FIL offering to drive. I think his feelings were a bit hurt that we didn’t accept his offer. Oh yeah, like he could handle the DC beltway!

SIL is bringing Toby and Higgs over this morning after he drops off Roxy. I’m going to run to Food Lion shortly to get a few things before they get here. Not sure what else the day will hold, but we’ll figure it out.

So, Happy Wednesday! There’s no place like home!!!

My wife’s Yellow Dahlia:

Good morning everyone.

Sending you hugs, nellie.

sari, I’m sorry it’s so rough for your mother.

FCM, that all sounds like a lot, between the drive, the visiting, and now hosting the in-laws, you’re going to be extra tired when this is all over. You’re driving them home too, right?

That’s a very pretty dahlia, hippy.

Work was busy and will be busy forever, it seems.

I hope you all have a terrific day.

Mornin’, guys! It’s definitely summer here in Houston. We’re stuck in an “Omega Block” and apparently that means we will be setting heat records all week. Rah.

I had a dream last night that I was sitting at my desk and fell asleep, then slithered out of my chair and slept on the floor under the desk. My husband (my LATE husband!) couldn’t find me and called the police. I woke up and went outside and sorta said “Here I am!” and the cops went away. Then I woke up. Totally bizarre. I’ve been remarried for 18 years!

Lola has been joining my Teams meetings. She lays down on my arm rest and is very chill! It’s better to pull her up here than to try to keep a straight face while she noms on my toes. :smiley:

Have a great day, y’all.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s allegedly 13C/56F and mostly cloudy. Weather app says “Psst! Hey, fucker! Want to buy some sunshine?”…err…no, I’ve just closed the blinds on the office window as it’s bright sunshine and it’s hurting my eyes!

sari I’m so sorry your mum is having such a tough time. I agree that talking to a palliative care person would be a good idea. My mum had radiotherapy which she seemed to tolerate well, but she deteriorated quite quickly afterwards, lost an awful lot of weight, lost her appetite and became incredibly frail. She had something called Fortisip prescribed from the GP, it’s a high-energy milkshake style supplement so perhaps there’s something similar that might work for your mum?

nellie sending big hugs and a strong cocktail, just because. Sounds like you had a very traumatic day full of stuff you could have done without :frowning: Here’s hoping today is much brighter.

hippy such a beautiful flower!

Rebo, have you been eating too much cheese before bed again? :rofl: :rofl:

taters well done for taking those extra hours, if anyone deserves them, it’s you.

FCM welcome home! Look! We used coasters and everything :slight_smile:

We cleared the last major hurdle yesterday with our buyer. He wanted an adjustment to the price for the potential sewer work and we agreed to $3K. So all inspection issues are now clear and we should sign on Friday (a nice birthday present), assuming the appraisal comes in as it should. We’re still on track for departure from Portland on Sunday.

This is better in an Australian accent.

There once was a man from Australia
Who painted his ass like a dahlia
The colours were fine
Likewise the design
But the aroma! Now
that was a failure!

That dahlia is beautiful, hippy.

I’m so sorry to hear about your “adventures,” nellie - that sounds exhausting. I’m glad you got your cocktail.

Seanette, your kitty is such a sweetie.

Today started early - my friend and I went for a walk at 5:30 this morning, a time that shouldn’t really exist. We covered about 4 miles in just about 52 minutes, so we were going at a fairly good clip despite all the hills. I’m complainy about the early hour, but I can’t think of a time when I’ve been sorry I got up and got out. I’m wondering if I’ll have time to get in a 30 minute cat nap instead of taking a lunch.

Seeing scareyfaerie’s post just reminded me: I get dessert after dinner today! (It will not be cheese.) I’ve been holding off for the past few days despite having plenty in the pantry to give my stomach some opportunity to chill out from all the gunk we ate over the weekend. It’s not penance - it’s recovery. So tonight I shall share a molten chocolate cake with my husband!

Don’t cry, the pup will find you when the time is right.

M brakes started making a whooshing noise yesterday. I’m taking the car in Firday. I’ll probably end up spending the day at the dealer.

Yo. I’m alive. Barely. Gotta go in early, have been staying late … at least the next paycheck ought to scare off a few of the wolves howling at my door.
I have read little and retained nada, but y’all are still my little happy corner.

It depends largely on when they want to go and how it works out with SIL’s work schedule. If they can wait till next Friday to leave, then yes.

The inlaws are out in FCD’s shop with him, and I’ve got a quiet moment while the Tobester sleeps. He crashed hard when I put him in his swing. I got most of what I wanted at Food Lion and I baked some bread for sammiches. Tonight’s supper will be rotissed chickie, tomorrow will be quiche. I haven’t thought beyond that.

FIL is really in a bad way - it’s so obvious. Simple things like “What would you like for lunch?” may take half an hour to figure out. And he’ll still try to get around without the walker. We also found out his driver’s license is still good for 2 or 3 more years - it should be pulled NOW!! It’s terrifying. But they refuse to consider changing their lifestyle. OK, no more whining.

The house smells yummy because of the bread. I think I’ll mosey out and empty the car while it’s quiet in here.

That dahlia is beautiful. Yellow is my favorite color of flower, any type.

It’s beautiful!

Rebo May we please have a picture of Lola on her arm rest?

Cookie congratulations on the house sale!

Hear, hear!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

So there was

  • the late Air from yesterday to be processed
  • the belt cut off
  • then SSLAW 1 needed labels
  • then SSLAW 2 needed labels
  • then the return belt cut off
  • also, Captain Queeg
    It’s Beer O’Clock I think.


That’s a beautiful dahlia, longhair75.

I’m taking a crack at growing dahlias. I live in the bay area of California, a bit inland, so I’m not at all sure that they’ll thrive here. I know they like it a little cooler and moister. But I’m trying and I’ll see how they turn out.

Three tubers planted in three barrels. And I didn’t buy the big “dinner plate” dahlias, I bought some smaller red and pink “pom poms”, because I read that those do better in pots.

I planted them a week and a half ago, and just this morning one of them was peeking a bit above the soil level. So far so good!

seanette, Buddy’s a handsome cat. I’ve always had a thing for butterscotch tabbies.

flyboy, what jane the cane and doggio said about the sick retail worker. Now that there’s no longer financial incentive to offer sick pay for retail businesses, it’s gone.

{{{nellie}}} I’m sorry that you had a crappy day. I’m hoping that surgery isn’t in the future.

Welcome home Moooooooom. Is there any way that you can get your FIL’s medical provider to notify the DMV that he is no longer able to drive?

Irked, saw Miss Perlita off to retirement, came home, walked Nelson and got shut out of my apartment for a short while. The latch / handle on my screen door has been loose for a while and when I tried to come back inside, it came off in my hand. I had to borrow a flat head screwdriver from my neighbor to get in. I’ll have to replace the latch this weekend. If there’s a work order for anything on a screen door, my apartment complex responds by removing it. I still want one, so I’ll do some sort of jerry rigged fix (not gonna spend much money).

Stay safe and healthy y’all!