A Friday The Thirteenth MMP

Daughter and her spawn have gone home. Dishwasher is washing. Quiet reigns. FCD is ready for his folks to be gone… his frustration level is at an all-time high.

Happy Hump Day!

It was a chilly 47 degrees this morning, now it’s a beautiful 76 degrees.
The dogs went to daycare, and Echo got her exam. The vet always raves about what a great dog she is. Ripple’s exam date is coming up, I doubt the vet will have that impression of him. I’m debating whether to let the daycare try to handle him or make an appointment to take him in to the office myself.

Amazon had pig’s ears on sale so I bought a box for the dogs. Echo took one and went off with it. Ripple wasn’t sure about it, so Echo said, if he can’t make up his mind, I’ll take that one too. I pulled out a third, and she tried to take that one. Ripple didn’t want it so I put it back in the box. He is a little picky about treats.
Echo had a dead squirrel yesterday, but we don’t know if she caught it or if something else did it in. She’s quick, but catching a squirrel is hard.

When I picked up my son from irk this morning, I saw a park friend who irks there. Actually, she hasn’t been to the park in quite a while, she has a lot of health problems. Anyway, she told me my son is not so shy at irk anymore, he is getting friendly and talking to people, and he also has a lot of confidence on the job now. She is pushing him to irk his way up to a higher position, although he is nowhere near ready for that yet. I’m glad she pushes a little, so he knows there are places to go where he can make more money.
I sure hope he is getting out of his shyness.

Very pretty flower Hippie

Glad you made it home safely FCM, The DC Beltway makes me crazy, I don’t know how your FIL could drive it. Those people are crazy out there.
You drive 12 hours in one day, I can barely handle the hour and a half each way down to the armpit.

Buddy is very handsome Nettie.
I need to find a name for the BB&W cat that is hanging out. He didn’t run when he saw me yesterday. I doubt he will ever come into the house, but he sure likes the chair on my front porch.

My neighbor came home this afternoon. I don’t know if she is happy about it though. I saw her on the ring. .

I talked with Niece1 a bit yesterday. She backed up a little because she said it was getting to be too much. She was being asked to pick up groceries and other things, and she can’t take on all that.
She thinks my mother will be good, all they need to do is shrink the tumor and then they can operate. Of course, if my mother stays weak and won’t eat, she won’t be able to have surgery.
BooFae, we have stuff called Ensure here. It’s a vitamin packed, calorie dense drink. I think my mother drinks it. I think I’ll send her lidocaine mouthwash Talky. Maybe it’ll help. She was a bit loopy Monday as well. She had a blood test that afternoon and took something to relax her.
I had to drink some Monday for my stress test, and that stuff is NASTY. Some people like it. I couldn’t finish it; I was sure I was going to get sick if I tried. I needed a high fat lunch for the test and since chicken salad wasn’t fatty enough, the nurse gave me some potato chips and Ensure. Next time I’ll make sure I take lots of fatty stuff.
I passed the test, everything looks good. So, I know the tightness in my chest is stress and not anything to worry about.

My mother got a little snippy with me yesterday. Monday was supposed to be a combo Mother’s Day/Birthday celebration. There was nothing. I didn’t care, nor did my son. I know she is sick, and honestly, neither of us care about birthday celebrations anyway. My mother called me yesterday and she wants me to come back this weekend for the birthdays. I told her I can’t, I can’t keep missing irk. If I don’t irk, I don’t get paid. She didn’t like that answer.
We agreed on the following weekend, she doesn’t have chemo that week and there will be more time to hang out since I don’t have a doctor appointment.

Sorry to hear about all your woes, Nellie.
How traumatic for your SIL.

I would love to play with a mess of puppies, MetalMouse.
I have to stop looking at puppy videos. Now I want a Chow Chow, but not really because that is too much fur for me.
My friend sometimes dog sits her niece’s chows. The male is so sweet, but the last time she had him he bit two people who came over her house. I told her chows are not known to be nice dogs and she didn’t believe me. Now she does. It’s a bit confusing though, because he has always been pretty chill. He’s over 2, so it’s not like maturity just set in and he got protective. He’s always been good with me and my dogs, he’s been to the park with us. He’s not friendly, but then as a chow, he shouldn’t be. The female is not so nice, but she has never tried to bite anybody. I keep my distance from her though.

I think I might try to put in a wild flower garden this year. It was so pretty the year it grew, and good for butterflies and bees. I may go out front and look for the neighbor’s niece’s granddaughter’s ring. She dropped it in the bushes out front and they have been looking for it. The grass out there is a bit high, but probably better to find it before we cut the grass.

Howdy Y’all! We procured provisions, slothed by the cee-mint pond, and then made the executive decision to go to Sonny’s for an early sup. Sonny’s has a deal on Wednesday durin’ May where one can get their pulled or shredded bbq poke sammich, a side, and a drink or their all you can eat bbq chikin with two sides and a drink, for a much cheaper than usual price. We decided that would be a deal to take advantage of this month, so we did and will do so for how ever many Wednesdays are left in May. We got the sammich and side thingy tonight. It’s enough to fill one up. Now we are home and in chill mode.

MOOOOOOM that sounds like quite the eventful trip. I am guessin’ FCD enjoyed reminiscin’ and catchin’ up with his cousins. The request from his brother, ummm… yeah, I think I’d be sort of pissed as well. Glad the trip back was relatively uneventful. Hope everyone has a great visit together. Will the both of you be drivin’ them back to Flarduh?

Hippie that is one purty and biiiiiig flower!

Rebo weather folks sure do like to name strange things. The weather here has been relatively mild, but we are assured Summer will be back next week. Glad to know Lola has become such a valuable member of your team.

Cookie yay for clearin’ the last major hurdle! May the rest go smooth and easy.

Flyboy HEE!

Howdy everyone. My foot is about 99% healed I don’t think it will ever be 100%. It still pains me if I overuse it.

I went to Home Depot and bought another bunch of plants. I repotted what I could but am out of pots until the delivery comes in the next few days and I am loving fooling around in dirt. My entry way looks gorgeous.

I hope everyone is well and happy.

all you can eat bbq chicken? i wish lol tho they’d probably put a limit on me like the Chinese buffet dud …although they didn’t care how much I ate it was what I ate…

the lady knew my mom which is why we went there a lot and apparently I wasn’t eating enough vegetables in their opinion ao I had to put vegetables on every plate and I couldn’t get any more until I ate vegetables …so I ate lot of broccoli snap peas and the like so I could eat the Mongolian bbq lol

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

The advantage of being retired, You can pace yourself so you don’t overdo it. But glad it’s at least 99%. :slight_smile:

Me: < walks into All you can eat buffett >
Owner: “Oh s**t.”

So Buddy showed up and of course got picked up for a hug. He snuggled right up, purred quite enthusiastically…

And burped in my face.

That depends on when they want to go - SIL is back to work so I need to be home Tues-Weds-Thurs to babysit. We’ll have to see.

I envy you - I just don’t have the time right now, and once things settle, my gardens will be completely out of control. Oh well, first world problems, right?

Be glad it wasn’t the other end in your face releasing… :open_mouth:

FCD is hoping to go to the boat for a little while today to escape his dad. Dealing with the dementia is really getting to him. His dad wants to go to the boat and help pull the new hose for the a/c! The man can hardly stand, but he thinks he can crawl around in a boat? SMH… This is going to be a long week.

Meanwhile, I need to leave in a few to fetch Toby. Then this afternoon, I need to pick up Roxy and take them both home till their mama gets off work. Supper will be quiche - before I go, I need to prep all the ingredients so I can throw it all together when I get back. It takes an hour in the oven (30 minutes baking, 30 minutes sitting in the oven when it’s turned off and cooling.) But I’ll need to chop the onions, shred the swiss, cut up the ham, and put the crust in the pie plates (it’s the pre-made roll-up crust - ye shall not judge!!!) Anyway, supper is covered.

Tomorrow, Daughter and SIL will start setting things up for the b-day party. Tonight I need to move the treadmill, exercise bike, and a few other things into my studio so the kids don’t play on them. Good times!! But today, the biggies will be babysitting and making quiche.

Happy Thursday!! Send chocolate!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 57 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 89 and N.O.S. Summer is slowly makin’ it’s way back to south Jawja. No biggie plans at all for the day. I intend on a day of sloth and uselessness, with some quality cee-mint pond time in store along with nappage. Sup shall be what I did not make yestiddy.

shades eat your veggies young man!

MOOOOOOM remember, you are storin’ up some good karma. Repeat this as often as necessary.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah,

Happy Thursday Y;all!

Happy Thorsday!

It’s a bright 54 degrees outside. I hope the nice weather is finally here to stay.
I’m killing a little time before heading out to the park. I don’t feel like going as Barky will be there.

Other than that, it will be another day of irk, laundry, dishes, whatever.
The house is a mess again.
I need to get ahold of the lawn guy, he was supposed to be here Moonday. He is having a rough time since his wife died. I should get my shit together and invite him over once in a while. He tells me it’s really hard to go home to an empty house every night. I wish I knew somebody I could introduce him to.

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 45 degrees with light rain falling. We have an expected high of 59 with rain of some sort falling all day long. We really haven’t had spring yet.

I’m sorry to read that the visit with the folks is stressing FCD out, FCM. I get it though. I wish I had some good advice to offer.

I’m trying to finish my coffee and then I’ll clean up the kitchen before I head upstairs to my work computer. It’s my Friday, so I’m happy about that, but I have a lot to get done tomorrow before the tornado, also known as Adam, arrives on Saturday. That kid is non-stop and Grandma and Grandpa are going to be completely exhausted come Sunday evening when the kids come to pick him up.

Work is work. Always busy, always something to fix or take care of, always mentoring, training, guiding. Just…always something.

Good morning! First thing to do at irk (today is IRK FROM HOME day) was Ergonomics training! Oh, joy. I got 93%. Nobody’s perfect!

Mooommm - dealing with the FIL must be super difficult. Here’s some :hugs: for y’all.

I’ll try to take a pic of Lola in our Teams meeting today if she’s cooperative.

I’ve read and caught up, but I can’t recall anything! Love to all…

This is the stage ahead of us and I’m not looking forward to it. The Tobester wears me out as it is and he’s not mobile. He’s only just able to sit upright on his own (till he topples.) No crawling yet, but we figure he’ll go straight to running. I’m exhausted and he’s still months away from that! :rofl: I only just got him down to nap.

It’s not just dealing with him as he is now, but it’s knowing this isn’t the him he always was, and trying to remember that he’s really frustrated, too. His mental clarity comes and goes at random intervals. Between the physical deterioration and the mental decline, one wonders why anyone would want to live that long. Is modern medicine doing us a favor by prolonging life?

Inlaws are starting to stir, so I turned the coffee maker on. I got a load of jeans in the washer. We’ll see how much I accomplish today.

Read little, retained nada. Just checking in so someone knows I’m still kickin’.

One of these days I’ll have a minute. But for now … I remember “Mumpers are in my corner.”

You just tell work “don’t make Boo drive up here and use her night nurse voice in you”.

As requested:

Lola, my work buddy! Lola, my work buddy! - Album on Imgur

Lola is adorable~love her handy portable size and that she has her very own comfy desk pad.

Lots of skritches of course, from afar. Keep the pictures coming.

Mostly a good heave, apart from Captain Queeg being her Queeg-y self.

Me: < arrives home >
Alex Catt:“Blip Bip!”
crash boom bang
ping pang pong
rustle rustle rustle
< stampedes >

Nobody puts Baby dogbutler in a corner!
J/K. Thanks for checking in.

FCD just left to take his dad to our dentist. He broke his tooth a week or so ago and didn’t bother having it looked at in Indy. Front tooth in the middle. No clue why he didn’t want it checked, but our dentist said she’d have a look so they’re on the way. Last load in the dryer, and the Tobester is finally napping. So it’s nice and quiet here for a little bit. Just hope they’re back in 2 hours…

Meanwhile, I have to cut up the ham for the quiche.

Squeeeeeeee! What a sweetie. She’s adorable. :heart_eyes:

More paperirk today. Wheee. The weather continues to be very confused about what it’s doing. I should say TWPTB are very confused about the weather. Anyhoo, despite ongoing calls for it to be 90F and sunny, it’s windy, cloudy, and 61F.

I guess I should get to work. Boo.