A good Aluminum free deodorant?

I am a woman who has tried several kinds but has only had luck with Native.

here is the link for men’s:

For years, I’ve been using zinc oxide based deodorants. I apply it every 3-4 days. Lavalin is one brand but is fairly expensive. Another one I used was discontinued by its manufacturer. Now I buy Walgreens zinc oxide cream which is very mildly lavender scented.

I could never use just deodorant. I would look like I was gardening in AZ even in an air-conned building.

In my experience, even if there is an entire shelf full of various deodorant products, only a tiny handful are strict deodorants without anti-perspirant.

Speed stick, arm & hammer and old spice make deodorant without antiperspirant. And only in a few scents.

There are also crystal deodorants, but for me they only work for a little bit. I believe they work because they leave a small mineral film that inhibits bacterial growth.

Also isopropyl alcohol wipes will work too. Just not all day.