I’ve had a number of excellent ideas for “Star Trek” episodes, and I’ve worked on a few scripts over the years. However, I found myself struggling with the gobbledygook – y’know, the sci-fi trappings that adorn the show, the spatial anomalies and the tachyon emitters and reversing the polarity of the annular confinement beam through the warp-field flux capacitor and all that. As I worked on the stories, I got bogged down with the technical babble.
But then I discovered that I could replace the gobbledygook in the script with, well, “gobbledygook.” Instead of actually figuring out something real-sounding, I could put in a placeholder and skip it, knowing it doesn’t really matter anyway in the larger context of the story. For example: “Counselor Troi, unless we can <gobbledygook>, we may die together. Kiss me.” See how it works?
As you can probably imagine, it makes it much, much easier to write a “Star Trek” script if you do it this way. In fact, here’s the first page of something I wrote a while ago. It will become immediately obvious how much time and effort this approach can save.
On the viewscreen is gobbledygook.
[ul][list][list][list]KIM[/ul][/list]Captain, gobbledygook gobbledygook
JANEWAY[/ul][/list]Gobbledygook gobbledygook,
CHAKOTAY[/ul][/list]Gobbledygook. Ma’am.[/list][/list]Janeway gobbledygooks the gobbledygook, and gobbledygook gobbledygook
gobbledygook. The gobbledygook gobbledygooks.
[ul][list][list][list]JANEWAY[/ul][/list]Gobbledygook gobbledygook gobbledygook
gobbledygook gobbledygook!
[ul][list]TUVOK[/ul][/list]Gobbledygook gobble–[/list][/list]Suddenly, the gobbledygook gobbledygook gobbledygook. The bridge lurches.
[ul][list][list][list]KIM[/ul][/list]Captain! Gobbledygook gobbledygook
JANEWAY[/ul][/list]Gobbledygook gobbledygook. Let’s show
this gobbledygook we mean business.[/list][/list]_____________________
See how easy that is?
In fact, if anyone wants to contribute, we can collectively write a script for the new “Enterprise” series in no time…