A lot of women are coming forward with rape accusations against Bill Cosby..


Yes sir.

Over, off, sliced/shredded longways

Well whaddya expect? They’re just peas. They aren’t the California Raisins y’know.

The French Peas from the Veggie Tales were not too quiet though.

How are the statements of 14 women “the absence of any evidence whatsoever”? Statements of victims are evidence. You are asking us to discount entirely the statements of 14 witnesses as carrying no weight whatsoever. You are asking us to believe that each of them in turn is lying on the basis a general denial by the accused when he shakes his head “no”. That isn’t a statement and that isn’t evidence.

We do not have and will not get a legal forum on this issue. What we have are 14 women making similar statements about the behavior of a man who, if some of them are believed, is a sexual predator. His response is to shake his head no, cancel his appearances and have his lawyer call them all liars. Not sue them for defamation, but to call them liars.

I think that for the purposes of society as a whole that shunning him is appropriate.

Hey, do you mind? We’re trying to have a conversation here about the availability of peas in Southern California and how it pertains to coleslaw preparation techniques.

(As a matter of fact, this thread really ought to be in Cafe Society.)

I support this post.

Why would anyone want to eat coleslaw?

And for the record…the only thing wrong with canned peas not being avaialble is why anybody would go to the trouble of canning them in the first place

It could be a combination of both - Cosby being “on the aggressive side” but stopping short of rape, and the women being willing to exaggerate a little for the benefit of celebrity / fame / attention…or they could be exaggerating the matter in their own minds due to unpleasant memories…

There probably are genuine allegations to answer, but given the time, we’re never going to know

Yeah? Well, I had you pegged for a quinoa-eater the first time I saw your handle.

I apologize. That was uncalled for.

I’m glad you wrote this in the Pit. I saw your argument in IMHO and couldn’t respond because of the forum. But that post was funnier, I think, so I wish you had posted that one here instead.

I’m curious about why you feel that the number of accusations makes them true. If I counted them up, I could probably round up 14 people who have called you a troll over the years. The accusations are all similar, and they’re all written. Does that make them true?

I was just reading about a social phenomenon that happens when people get together and start validating each other. People behave differently than if they were acting alone.

I’m not defending Bill Cosby. That looks like an uphill battle. But I am curious about why the number of accusations makes you feel the accusations are true.

You Elucidator are a very bad bad man. Or woman.

Very naughty. Go and sit in the corner.



Quite right. How dare they introduce base and scurrilous matters into this high-minded discussion.

As for me, well cabbage of the cooked variety which my dear old mum served up to me for decades (well it seemed like that) can go straight in the bin or out to the pigs.

Coleslaw on the other hand is acceptable to my delicate palate provided there is plenty of mayonnaise. Mind you, only mayonnaise made with condensed milk, one does have standards.

This particular burger was slathered in a pineapple teriyaki sauce during grilling…the tangy slaw was a nice compliment without being overpowering. I don’t remember what else was in the slaw though; I bought it from a deli case instead making myself.

I quite like boiled or steamed cabbage with butter and salt.

I rarely have it, because (as a single guy) half the head goes to waste. A few years ago I got caught in an ice storm, and stopped at the next available motel. The only restaurant I could get to without driving was one of those cheap, grungy, all-you-can-eat places. They had steamed cabbage! Fortunately, I’m (as aforementioned) a single guy and I wasn’t worried about farting in bed all night.

I just want to be on the record stating that I hate coleslaw. Now I know that my anti-coleslaw stance may be radical and even potentially indefensible and possibly bigoted against cabbage but I stand by it.

How about if I rephrase it: Other than unsupported statements from 14 women, there has been no evidence that Bill Cosby did anything wrong. So what if they’re similar? If I go before the press and now make a statement that Cosby did the same thing to me 20 years ago, in a similar manner, would you believe me?

Now, I want to be clear. I am not saying these women are lying, I’m simply saying that nothing in their statements proves anything. And the old maxim of innocent until proven guilty still stands. Also, imagine you are falsely accused of something this heinous. Would you be eager to make public appearances? And given the resources Cosby has, would you not get the best lawyers in the country to protect you? Surely denial is not now evidence of guilt? Where’s the beef?

Sigh. I wasn’t going to say anything, but you took a stand. I too, hate coleslaw. But it has nothing to do with bigotry. Some of my best meals are cabbage!