A lot of women are coming forward with rape accusations against Bill Cosby..

I am only pro-cabbage on a sour kraut and hot dog basis.

I honestly understand an anti-cabbage standpoint. I do. I don’t agree with it, but I get it.

But as to the cole slaw thing…I guess for some reason I have it in my head that “cole slaw” must be mayo-based. Everything else is “slaw.” It’s weird, I know, but it’s my bias and I’ll own it.

Like, some awesome shredded cabbage with carrot and ginger, in a vinegar-miso dressing, on (let’s say) a teriyaki hamburger? Brilliant, yummy…and slaw, not cole slaw.


Cole slaw is disgusting, and it’s mayonnaise’s fault. A thin smear of mayo on bread to provide moisture to a sandwich is fine, a small dollop of mayo to provide binding to tuna is fine, but mayonnaise used as the sole dressing in a dish is really gross. Really gross, you guys.

I’m guessing all of you who enjoy cole slaw began eating it when you were young and your taste buds were impressionable, so I don’t hold it against you. It’s your parents’ fault.

Obviously, its an attack by the Cyber-Legumes!

Now if only an average looking bean-stalk would appear, seemingly out of nowhere but accompanied by a Really Cool Sound Effect, we might possibly hope that The Green Giant might save us…!

Of course, coleslaw need not have mayo in it. My preference is for vinegar-based slaws, flavored fairly simply, maybe a little black pepper, salt, a touch of sugar, and some celery seed. (Oh, and a bit of oil, too.) Mustard slaw is also quite nice.

Doesn’t it then become sauerkraut? I always thought shredded cabbage + mayonnaise (+ shredded carrots) = coleslaw ; shredded cabbage + vinegar = sauerkraut?

If not, what’s the difference between coleslaw and sauerkraut?

For the sake of this discussion, can we all agree that the neon green concoction that KFC serves should, in no way, be considered “coleslaw”?

FTR, I like mayo based slaw on it’s own, but if it’s going on a sandwich, then I want a vinegar based slaw. So there.

Oh, sauerkraut. I honestly don’t even consider it cabbage any more, but manna.

Kraut is pickled in a process of lactofermentation–no vinegar, just bacteria. Slaw is fresh. (Well, hopefully fresh. Made with fresh cabbage, anyway.)

The only thing KFC serves that can be considered food is fried chicken. For decent sides one must go to Popeyes or Boston Market. I am also of the firm opinion that the best fries are found not at McDonald’s or Burger King but Nathans.

I once had a wrap from a diner that was just fried chicken and cole slaw stuffed in a tortilla. Now normally cole slaw doesn’t do much for me but when you’re eating a wrap like that at 1am you’re in heaven.

Also, you gotta slice that shit. Dicing is a no-go.

I’ll admit that I used to hate cole slaw…but not any more. Except when they make it just sweet. Disgusting.

It’s the best “coleslaw” I’ve had. Of course I also enjoy their “mashed potatoes” and gravy and biscuits, so I can’t be trusted.

A little sugar is good, but yeah. Balance is key.

Coleslaw with a vinegar-based dressing (and obviously sliced, not diced, cabbage) is delicious. Peas, on the other hand, are problematic. Fresh in the pod, they are wonderful. As soon as there is any manner of heat applied, they become an abomination unfit for consumption. They ruin any food they come in contact with. No, I will not give peas a chance.

First of all, I make the best coleslaw in the world, using a secret family recipe. I will make it next week.

I’m sorry my other similar post was better, I’ll look for it.

I don’t give a shit if 1000 people call me a troll. I would file a defamation suit if someone called me a rapist.

The number of witnesses to habitual criminal behavior that is subject to a defamation suit to discourage it tends to suggest that it isn’t just one lone nut, or one lone nut and someone who was “confused about whether they intended to injest knock out drugs while having consensual sex with that comedian”. 14 gets it to a level of pre-meditated criminal activity that would trigger the RICO act if the statute of limitations hasn’t expired, I don’t know if RICO revives it.

The thing is, each statement of an alleged victim is evidence. And when you’ve got 14 such statements, you start to see that Dr. Cosby has a very fucking warped view of cheating on his wife that amounts to serial rape.

Here it is for reference.

I call bullshit.

I like KFC coleslaw.

Here’s a recipe for making it at home.

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup buttermilk
2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 1/2 tablespoons white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
8 cups (about one head) finely chopped cabbage
1/4 cup (about one carrot) shredded carrot
2 tablespoons minced onion

Chop up the cabbage, carrots, and onion pretty fine. You want them the size of rice.

Combine all the non-vegetable ingredients in a bowl and mix them up well. Then mix in the vegetables.

Refridgerate for a couple of hours.

Oh yeah?

Okay. Gonna keep an open mind here. Go!

STOP. Fuck no. I’m out.

You’ve apparently met my German grandfather. He was one sour kraut.

I take back my comments about cooked peas being an abomination. They seem quite palatable after reading this.