A MMP for the last week of June

SWAMPY I think you are forgetting how much irk goes into a successful workplace killing spree, they are logistical nightmares. Primary and secondary target lists, ammunition and explosives stashes, police distractions and avoidance and one person gets a flat on their way in and the whole thing goes to heck. My last one took weeks of planning and I got less than 50% of my target list. :rolleyes:


True that Jim. All I have handy killin’ spree wise at irk is an industrial stapler and a brand new box of staples. People don’t seem to want to stand there whilst bein’ stapled to death. I suppose I could sneak up behind 'em and scotch tape their hands and feet first but that’s a lot of work which makes me tired to think about. I should probably take a nap instead. :smiley:

Good morning everyone.

I am back at work today to yet another explosive load in my email inbox and screams and wails for stuff to be done now because it’s an “emergency”. Well, everyone is having an “emergency” and I am one person. Perhaps TPTB will rethink their stupidity on staffing matters so this stuff doesn’t happen in the future.

Unfortunately for said customers, stuff will not be be done “now”. Stuff will be done as I can get to it and as my stupid data mining systems allow me to get it done (the systems are down…again). The stuff that must be done now is not a one day or even five day project. They’re much longer projects. And, I have other stuff that “must” be done.

I am full of grrrrr, stress, and just plain overwhelmed. I’m trying to keep cool and collected, and that, in and of itself, is an accomplishment at this juncture.

Taters I have a stapler you can borrow. Just sayin’.

Looks like I won’t need Swampy’s stapler for the clown from CableCo. Sometime within the last half hour, phone and Intartoobz returned to the VunderLair, so s/he got very lucky.

If it went as long as the end of my irk day, I was all prepared to get out my Can of Whupass[sup]tm[/sup] to use on him. Trust me, I know exactly what box to find it in.

Can death chikkin be made in the slow cooker? It sounds really good but I don’t want the oven on for 2 hours.

I refuse to acknowledge the weather prediction of 102 for the next few days. I’ll just be an ostrich and hide my head in the sand. Bob teh Wonder Pony will not be happy since his stall does not have a/c and he can’t go up the steps to my condo.

I thought I felt a disturbance in the Force earlier - one million voices in Bangalore cried out in pain. A cable TV company that actually fixes their screwups in a prompt manner is not adhering to the Universal Cable TV Company Code of How To Treat Those Annoying People Who Give Us Money Each Month And Expect Service.

We had to go to Sam’s Club to buy the Warehouse Club Pack of Whupass when we signed on with Uverse. When it works, it’s quite good, but it’s like an egg balanced on the pointy end. Give it half a chance, and it will fail in provocative ways. I’ve found that not touching it goes a great way to keeping it happy. I crashed the whole system last week just by connecting it to the house PBX. You’d think a product of AT&T would be all sorts of hunky and/or dory if connected to another AT&T system. :dubious:

I don’t have any ties, and would like to keep it that way. I’m definitely closer to the tie-dye side of the spectrum. With as much telecommuting as I do, it’s closer to Business Half-Naked in the summer.

VWife says the day is still young, and I expect to get The Move To Verizon talk when I get home because of that.

I really think this is the time that you should, in a business like manner, make a nice clear of all the projects people want you to accomplish, with an Effort Estimate for each, and send it to your immediate supervisor with the sentence “prioritize, please” on top…

Fuck that, Nooner. My “immediate” supervisor is a noob, who doesn’t have a clue. I’m fucking training her. I know what needs to be done and when. The only person who can sway my course is the Commander. Frankly, it’s because of the Commander most of this “emergency” stuff is coming in anyway.

I will gladly stand on the carpet in front of the Commander and the Deputies and explain exactly what must be done and when and point out exactly why we are in this predicament.

I have reached full on “fuck them and don’t give a shit” mode. I am burned out. I am beyond burned out; I’m a little pile of ash and I can’t give them a single drop more. Fuck them if they can’t accept it. They caused it, they can live with the results.

Not that I’m bitter or angry anything…no, not me…not ever.:mad:

Aw, Taters, you sound so frustrated. With good reason, I might add. Incompetent superiors are the bane of good employees existence.

Would some cheese help? :wink:

Cheese on Taters is making me hungry.

Actually not. They had a company BBQ today simply to make the crews feel better. It was pretty nice.

I had my first one on one talk with our new GM. He promised to help me score some Ravens tickets (he came here from the Ravens and is excited to meet a Baltimore fan here in Redskins territory.)

Fun day.

gigity do Ravens fans yell out NEVERMORE!!! a lot, cause that would be funny.

WetOne hmmmm… I’ve never slow cooked rice but I suppose Death Chikin could be modified for a slow cooker.

Taters BBBobbio has some Whupass to lend.

Cite! :smiley:

Today was very annoying. GM was about to get bitten this morning. When I’m testy at 8:30, the best course is to leave me the f alone because I’m trying to get shit done. Just attend to the Pile of Need I left at your computer because that is an integral part of my getting shit done plan.

So I came home and took a walk to the Botanical Gardens. There I discovered that the very tall easy-to-pull out weed that I used to pull a lot of in Pirateville is a variety of goldenrod. This is why I like the Botanical Gardens.

It’s going to be 95 American this weekend. Here. In the mountains. I do not approve of this temperature. This type of heat was not submitted to me in advance. I did not sign off on this sudden heat wave. I moved up here to get away from that sort of nonsense.

Sorry, didn’t mean to spread salt on your wounds. It was meant as serious advice, on the assumption that you have someone above you who can and will take the heat off you when you’re overloaded… :frowning: I can’t imagine working in such an environment where the opposite is true. I guess I’ve been extermely lucky!

I’m sorry, Nooner, I didn’t mean for that to sound like I was jumping on you. I wasn’t. I am highly frustrated and burned out and I’m forced to keep it locked inside of myself all day long. Sometimes it just bubbles over; I really am sorry.

Every time I think things cannot become any worse here, they do. I’m not in a position to just up and quit, or I would.

I’m tired of hearing it’s not the appropriate time to tell the Command this; or I’m only a Captain, or I’m only a GS-12. They won’t let me talk to the Command; I’m too honest. I can and do communicate with Command and higher level staff all the time, but they won’t let me just really tell them what’s going on here.

And, to be frank, the Commander is trying to run a very large military medical hospital and there are a myriad of issues going on. Why should he care or know about what’s going on in my little corner of the world. Except…he should, because I create products that assist in Command decisions.:rolleyes:



Ok, I just have to say that I have been doing all that the physical therapy people have asked me to thus far. Including putting ice on my knee which isn’t actually helping and might even be hurting because I have Raynaud’s Phenomenon. And today I was given exercises which I will also do religiously because I want my knee to get better.


The exercises that I did at pt and two of the three exercises that they sent me home with happen to be the same ones that the sports medicine doctor at school gave me several months ago and those were the ones that made my knee hurt worse thus landing me here in physical therapy. Not to even mention that today they made me do them wearing ankle weights.

I will keep doing what they ask of me. I sincerely hope that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel and it won’t be a train.

I’m sleepy. It’s only six thirty. Whatever shall I do!


Do you hear that? No listen a little closer. Do you hear it now? Wait… is that the rattling of ice? In a metal container? Is that shaking?


I am making, this very minute a deliciously cold, wonderfully shaken, poured into a frightfully cold glass, kick ass hand made extra dry Martini, just for you. Now sit down prop up your feet and chill, send me your teleporter co-ordinates, it is almost ready


Heh, JIM. I’ll take one as well. :smiley:

So sorry work is so crappy, Taters. That really sounds like an awful situation. Hang in there and keep venting here.

Am home and relaxing before wandering over to the Tuesday night concert…

Hugs all.