A New York Rants about Bushness

I apologize if this is already being discussed in another Pit thread, but I’m enraged about this and I must vent.

Bush is acting like a fucked up fuckhead piece of fuck.

Did you see him standing there at the Pentagon, somberly stating that “we will rebuild the Pentagon?” Yeah - NO SHIT you will. No one had any doubts that you’d rebuild the Pentagon. Do you know why?? Because the BUILDING IS STILL FUCKING THERE. You fuck head. You said NOTHING about the WTC. You said nothing about the whole fucking area that has been wiped out. You only cared about making sure we all knew your FUCKING PLANE had been a target. FUCK YOU.

Thank you for listening.

Obviously I’m a New Yorker, not a New York. :frowning:

Since when has Bush given a fuck about New York City? We are HARDLY his constituency.

Granted. I just find this really sad and upsetting from a human, politic-free standpoint.

Maybe because he was AT the Pentagon which is why he only referred to the Pentagon. When, or if, he goes to New York, he will address that.

Also, he has no control over whether the WTC gets rebuilt because it’s not a government entity, you dumb fuck!

Stop playing politics at a time like this you fuck stain! We are ALL Americans right now, with no party affiliatons. The President is facing something that no other President in history has had to deal with and he’s doing it in the first months in office.

You are a piece of shit! Fuck you and anyone else who is playing these games right now!

I’m shocked that, so far as I know, no one high up in our government has come to NYC to support us and survey the damage. Closed airports wouldn’t stop Air Force One or Two from landing here. Where’s Bush? Or Cheney? Or Powell? Why is Giuliani walking around downtown Manhattan in a daze with only the Police Commissioner and occassionally the Governor with him? Where the hell are the representatives of our federal government? Thousands of Americans died Tuesday–why aren’t they here to show us some support?

Please note, you wonderful American citizen who is calling me a piece of shit, that I am precisely giving a very HUMAN A-POLITICAL reaction to this. Last I checked, our president was the one making these distinctions, not me.

Thank you, Ceejaytee, for posting more thoughts I’ve had in a much calmer fashion.

And to Oblong, who posted while I was composing the above message: It has nothing to do with politics. If it were Gore in office and no one high up in the Federal Government came here, I would still be pissed off. Someone should come here and survey the damage, shake hands with the firefighters and police who lost hundreds of their own and are working around the clock looking for survivors. You don’t think it would make a difference to them and to all of NYC to have the President or the Vice President or the Secretary of State come here and show how much they care?

Why the hell haven’t they come here?

Morning Edition on NPR address this. The commentator (I’m unsure who) said that Bush and company had been asked to NOT come to NYC and make speeches as the number of people (media, security, hangers-on) would only hinder the rescue and clean up efforts at this point. I’ll bet he shows up later.

Oh, and Oblong is right. The Pentagon will be rebuilt by the feds because it’s a federal building. The WTC will be rebuilt by insurance companies.


The head of FEMA is in NYC coordinating manpower and materiel from around the country. There is a flood of both pouring into the city, so much so that volunteers are being turned away. The last thing NYC needs is one of those inane disaster tours. How the hell is the Secret Service going to secure that nightmare scene to make it safe for President Bush? I think the President knows pretty much what happened, and doesn’t need to be shown in person. Cheney and Powell have other things to do, like preparing an assload of Hell for the bastards that did this.

Besides, you’ve got Hillary on the scene…

What point is there in coming and ‘surveying the damage’? Is the decision going to be different? We dont’ need token displays of concern right now. For a top official to come into New York City would cause havoc and hinder the rescue efforts going on.

That is a purely political act and should be avoided right now.

It’s just an excuse to complain about those in office.

1 - I realize that the Pentagon will be rebuilt because it is a Federal building, and the WTC was not. That does not mean that the president can’t at least mention what Giuliani and many others have been saying about rebuilding the Southern tip of NY.

2 - I understand why Bush isn’t here. It’s still potentially dangerous, he would get in the way, he needs to be in the nation’s capital right now to represent and lead our country, etc etc etc. However, I still feel that it is ridiculous for him to be emphasizing the fact that Air Force One was a target, for example. I understand that one of the reasons why he’s doing this is because he wants people to know why he didn’t fly directly back to DC on Tuesday. However, it seems TRIVIAL at this point, considering the targets that were actually HIT.

Just because we understand the reasons doesn’t mean we feel shouldn’t feel upset.

I think Senators Schumer and Clinton were there. I saw a photo of her walking with Guliani and Pataki. I don’t know if they count though…

They were definitely there. And having many press conferences. They look visibly shaken.

President Bush just called Giuliani and Pataki to say he’s coming to New York tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for posting that, headshock. I’ve been reading up on articles, and he is responding now. We just didn’t see ANY of it in the news yesterday, and that’s why I was upset.

Sorry about any offensive over-reaction in my OP.

I just saw on the AP that Bush is coming tomorrow. I feel much better. Take care Pucette.

Thanks, Ceejaytee. You too.

Oh and thanks to Oblong for taking F.O.T.H.ing above and beyond that evidenced in my OP. Truly heartwarming.

Would a mod please lock this up? Thanks :frowning: