A Perfectly Reasonable Amount of Schadenfreude about Things Happening to Trump & His Enablers (Part 1)

And Regeneron is not FDA approved – it’s being administered under an Emergency Use Authorization, has no more testing than the vaccine, and anti-vaxxers don’t know what’s in it. I guess when your O2 drops far enough, you forget to ask the important questions and just take what they give you.

The subreddit dedicated to these (mostly dead) idiots is named the ‘HermanCainAward’. Appropriately

Plus I’d guess nowhere near 5-billion doses have been administered as have the various COVID vaccines.

I mean… the delusions are coming full circle:


“Party of Personal Responsibility” :roll_eyes: my ass

Well, that kind of conspiracy theory might actually make the dumbfucks go get vaccinated.

Also: sounds STRONGLY like Octo. I guess we know where he gets his hate.

That last sentence is entirely true. I wonder if they intended to speak the truth, or if that was a slip up.

Reminds me of a couple lines in Casablanca.

Ugarte: You despise me, don’t you?

Rick: If I gave you any thought I probably would.

Get the vaccine or die off – I don’t care much either way.

Heh heh heh… :smiling_imp:

Libruls are so smart they destroy all the evidence. So lack of evidence is ‘evidence’.

Wait. Breitbart thinks the left has a fascist agenda? What happened to their socialist agenda?

“This is a life-saving vaccine against a deadly disease. Everyone for whom the vaccine isn’t contraindicated should get vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Trump supporter: “Waaah! You’re using reverse psychology to trick me into not getting a life-saving vaccine!”

“?? No I’m not: I WANT you to get vaccinated, I want everybody to get vaccinated who possibly can, we’ll all be much safer and better off that way. I got vaccinated right away myself, why would you think I’m against people getting vaccinated?”

“But now I CAN’T get vaccinated if you’re TELLING me to get vaccinated, because you’re such an ugly smug bully!”

“Uh, well, I guess you have to choose what you think is right for you to do? Nobody’s going to physically inject you with the vaccine without your consent.”


(And about the Trump supporters “feeling like cucks” if they get vaccinated: what ever happened to “Facts don’t care about your feelings”?)

Words that end in “ist” are not at all comprehended by Republicans. How they choose which ones to use, I couldn’t tell you.

I’m pretty much past that and at “Fuck your feelings,” now.

Actually, Octo’s favourite word is “statist”, I’m pretty sure. How he foists it, though, can be questionable, of course.

For the Trump crowd, everybody left of them is a commie-nazi. Like the guys in the historical documentaries “Torn Curtain” and “Top Secret”.

Brietbart = Antifacist now. I mean, that’s if you believe something that Brietbart says, which would be a fucking stupid thing to do.

The sense of this is that right-wingers are SO MENTALLY WEAK that they can do nothing stemming from their own (apparently absent) powers of reason.

The only action they can take is RE-action. Only if a leftist makes a declaration can the right-winger do anything other than, presumably, stare at the ceiling of his parent’s basement as he lies in his bed. But if that leftist makes a declaration (on anything), the right-winger can now act—he can do the opposite!

But if not, not.

Jeez, you’d think they’d want to conceal this radical passivity of theirs, instead of revealing it in their cranky online postings.

If you were paying attention, you would clearly see the left’s communist islamist fascist socialist atheist anarchist agenda.