A Picture Thread: Before & After Make-up, Or Other Things

Between the goatee and the full beard, I think the big fuzzy ears is a bigger difference than anything else…

I liked those pics from Robot Arm - a good demonstration of how the same person can look very different due to the presence or absence of facial hair.

NinetyWt - I can’t get that link open, much to my disappointment (30 pics is a feast).

While I appreciate the kind words of Quartz and Jkilez, I wasn’t looking for compliments - I just had to post something to get the thread started. However, to the extent that those are nice pics, I can explain the secret: as my husband took them, he said “think of your husband!” or “think of our son!” So, as embarrassingly corny as it sounds, it’s love that you see in those photos.

fachverwirrt: that’s a riot! Your makeup looks sort of like one of the characters in “Space Mutiny,” which we watched in the MST3k version last night.

olivesmarch4th - I think I’ve said this in other picture threads, but your photos never correspond to my mental image of you: you are supposed to have black hair and dark brown eyes! Your photos are like mine though - very similar with or without make-up.

Opal - Wow! Awesome collection! In the first photo you look eerily like a good friend of mine. Nothing like her in other photos.

My turn. Before.
And after rock climbing.
Including a conceited (and slightly drunk, I think) self-portrait in the bathroom mirror, heh.

I love this one! I think it makes you look beautiful :slight_smile:

Oh I came across a few others that fit the “before” concept compared to photos of me now. I am done now, I promise!

No hair
high school, doing nontraditional things with eyeshadow and lipstick
high school, trying really, really hard to be taller than my 6’4" uncle
high school: sophomore class picture
high school senior picture. Please forgive me: it was the '80s
high school, but the scary part is that’s me on the right, and my dad’s 2nd ex-wife on the left.
the only picture of me that I know of to exist of me pregnant
the day of giving birth, still in the hospital (mind you, he’s 13 years old now!)
two of my favorites with Dominic when he was a baby

me about 60lbs heavier than before having a baby
even heavier, on the Rikki Lake show

And yet further in the past, early fashion experiments with paper muffin cups
later, totally unaware of what life had in store

As a toddler
With full makeup
With no makeup, wet hair, and glasses. Yikes!

Aw, thank you! That photo (mainly the hair) was actually the inspiration for this painting of mine: Being Art

These link to the same photo


Here’s without makeup, I hope.

Hmm. Try opening just one (HS photo).

There’s only 19 pics in the album, not 30. :slight_smile:

I was thinking more like “county-level politician”.

Hmm, 30 years, 30 photos … someone needs a little help with their reading comprehension, and it isn’t the other posters in this thread.

One pic worked fine NinetyWt - I take it that was a “before.” I don’t know how old you are, but the glasses, clothing and hairstyle look very similar to my era - I graduated in 1976.

Pyper, your “supernerd” picture is actually really cute, I think … okay, you don’t look like a supermodel in that shot, but you look like someone I’d want to know - smart and funny.

Speaking of glasses, mine are really thick so I generally stick with contact lenses. I’ll post again in a little while with a picture of me wearing them.

My son is 13. These photos look decades apart!

Ah, here we go: me wearing glasses. That makes for a much more dramatic contrast in my case. As you can imagine, I wear contact lenses most of the time.

This is me without makeup. It was taken four years ago.

This is me with makeup, taken last month. I had fallen asleep at the foot of the bed, though, hence the somewhat goofy look on my face. I think my husband caught me in the middle of saying, “What?” He had brought my son in to wake me up.

I haven’t found a digital pic of me in full spackle - I think I have them all hard copy and I’m far too lazy to scan them.

13? Really? You look like a full grown man. I guess you were the guy in school who bought the booze for your underaged friends.

No makeup (I actually just washed my face)
Seven minutes later
If I’m going out, I put a little more emphasis on the eyes, but this is my normal makeup.

It’s really weird to stare at yourself closely for longer than a minute.

Wow, nice job, Reply! You look great. How much weight did you lose?