A pitting for Paul_was_in_Saudi

I mocked no one. I would have thought the one with the chip on their shoulder was the one making bigoted accusations. Am I mistaken?

Help! Help! I’m being oppressed by not being allowed to discriminate against teh gyas as much as I would like to! They want to be treated like equal human beings? How bigoted of them!

I AM A RELIGIOUS PERSON! Look at my avatar! I’m wearing a fancy red and gold coat* and a matching yarmulke! I’ve often spoken of my Judaism and how I keep covenant with the G-d of Abraham- and how He keeps covenant with me.

Did I feel attacked in Velocity’s thread? Not once. Once could argue that Miller mentioned Christians not Jews. Having watched the fine film Trembling Before G-d, I must sadly inform you that anti LGBT prejudice exists in Judaism as well.

  • It’s a double breasted Victorian lab smock. It is adorned with the symbols of the ten spheres from the RPG Mage The Ascension. Oh, I love that coat.

Has someone advocated discriminating against people? Perhaps a cat walked across your keyboard.

Sounds like an accurate self-description to me.

I certainly hope I did not make a bigoted statement. Do you know how to work the quote function?

In his defense, he spelled “Lysenkoism” correctly.

You seem to think Christians are being discriminated against nowadays. Since Christians are still by far the most dominant group in our society, and we still spend an inordinate amount of time and effort pandering to them, and the only thing that HAS changed is that we tolerate somewhat less discrimination BY Christians against others, the only conclusion is that you view not being allowed to discriminate against others as horrible discrimination against yourself.

Or that you’re fucking stupid, of course. That’s also an option.

Let me see-


How odd. I thought I was pointing out that atheists have been attacking religious people for the last century or so. I have no idea how you got the idea I was talking about Christians.

Cool, I didn’t know my lack of belief made me a ChineseRussianGermanCommunistNazi!

Gotcha, so in response to Christian discrimination against LGBT people/atheists in the US you brought up atheistic regimes a world and half a century away. So you’re not bigoted, just really fucking stupid?

It doesn’t. Never said it did. I did say that ChineseRussianGermanCommunistNazis were (or are) atheists. Somehow the OP (remember the OP?) managed to focus so hard on nasty religious people that he failed to notice several mass slaughters 'n stuff.

Well, another way to look at it is that when I read the admonition from the Holocaust to “Never Forget,” I take that as an admonition to never forget. I admit that there are two possibilities.

  1. Nazis were not atheists
  2. the CCCP uses religion, especially Confucian traditions, to legitimize its rule
  3. Putin isn’t much better than the Soviets, and he ponders to the Orthodox church HARD.
  4. So of Nazis, Soviets, and Chinese Communists, which exactly is responsible for Democrats in the US not embracing atheism again…?

Well, I admit that I used copy and paste.

Wow. What color are the frogships in your universe?

You realize that the Holocaust had absolutely nothing to do with religious belief, right? You do know that the Nazis considered “Jews” to be an ethnic group, not a religion, and tried to kill all people of Jewish descent, even ones who had become Christian or who had no faith?

Correct. The Germans did not kill Jews because the German were hyper-religious.

The Holocaust was a modern, mainstream response to the generally-accepted scientific thinking of that time and place. It was perfectly politically correct to the people who did it. It was aimed at improving society and making the world a better place.

But of course our scientific ideas are so much more advanced than the politically-enhanced superstitions of our great grandfathers. That is why it is OK when we lump together all religious people.

Evidence for the “fucking idiot” hypothesis continues to accumulate at an alarming pace.