A pitting for Paul_was_in_Saudi

Moron, demented or troll?

Perhaps all three.

I must take a moment out of this regularly scheduled pitting to applaud this superb pun-work. 10/10 - would read again.

Ignorance and sarcasm mix together like peanut butter and motor oil.

And yet oddly, you do not cite it. In any case, my three-hour lunch break is nearing an end. I will be back about 4PM ET. I would hate for you to think I am ignoring you avoid my comeuppance.

Who are you writing about?

No. Thank you for asking.

He’s not wrong:

If we learned anything about various religions, it’s that they are not all the same, however, they are all wrong in the same way.

Yeah, for years he was just “That creepy fuck who keeps a detailed wank list of all mass murders in the US,” but he’s been really letting his bigoted side show lately. Like casually slipping a homophobic joke into a random anecdote and then pretending to be all wide-eyed innocent when called on it.

I’d like to apologize, DocCathode. I never looked at a larger version of your avatar, and all this time I thought you were bald. That’s quite a lovely coat and yarmulke.

The problem is that Nazi “racial science” was not generally accepted outside of Party circles, certainly not by the vast preponderance of reputable science. Intimating otherwise is part of Paul’s science-wuz-wrong-before, so-current-day-science-is-untrustworthy agenda.

You mean apogee of pseudoscience. Real scientists were persecuted for the nonsense.

Bullshit. The Nazis didn’t invent hatred of Jews sui generis - in fact, the Holocaust was nothing more than the logical culmination of two thousand years of European antisemitism. The Nazis learned to hate from the church; all they did was slap a scientific veneer on it.

I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt that he’s talking about “science” in the context of Nazi anti-semitic philosophy at the time. I mean, the cite I provided gives that context as well.

Thanks! There’s also an outline of a heart (over my heart) with the schematic symbol for a light emitting diode in it. It says “Turn it on! Leave It On!”. The back also says “Vade Retro Bucco, Philosophus Naturalis Sum!” This is Latin the SDMB helped me with. It is, loosely translated, “Back off man, I’m a scientist!”

The then-popular ‘scientific’ idea of eugenics was also pretty influential, and wasn’t invented by the Nazis. It was supported by many mainstream scientists and thinkers back then.

So thousands of years of religious bigotry is washed away by a few drops of pseudoscience. Nice trick that.

Hey, that’s not fair!

He also keeps detailed lists of names he finds weird:

Just checking - did they change their motto after their crushing defeat in the war, when it was actually proven that God was, in fact, not with them?

Which one?

Not, they just convinced themselves that it was the Jews and Communists who stabbed them in the back and made them lose, then tried again.