Do you have to poll every stupid fucking thing you ever thought of?
It totally clogs new posts up.
Option 2: blow me.
I’m going to preemptively move this to the Pit.
Lighten up, Francine.
Given the option, I’d rather poll you.
If you know what I mean.
Is the OP:
a. an idiot
b. a paranoid crack-whore
c. currently under the influence of animal tranquilizers
d. wound a bit too tight
e. wound a lot too tight
f. all of the above
g. fnord
How does it “totally clog up new posts”?
I vote e and g, she’s pinin’ for the fnords.
Polls are made of cholesterol, don’tcha know?
I thought Poles were made of pierogis?
I wouldn’t touch that with a 10 ft poll.
I wouldn’t tough that with a 12 ft. Lithuanian.
I would have voted “Hi Opal!” but it wasn’t an option.
I will not buy this record; it is scratched.
Sometimes polls are necessary, even if they aren’t the most important thing. Take this poll for example. The poll is obviously required for the situation, but I am far more interested in the person behind it.
I just want to make sure I have this straight. This question is being asked by the person who started the “Is everyone insane about something?” and “Who gives a shit?” threads?
Me. Did I start polls?
I do not need validation and cannot get opinions.
So I start threads and can care less what you think.
New post ‘ketchup’ a poll.
Stupid shit.
You can care less, but do you? Do you make the effort? Well, do you, punk?
Thought I would like this place.
Pretentious asses abound.
Meh off to kinder gardens.