This rant is directed to many various and sundry sub-par chefs, but mainly to my girlfriend’s sister, with whom I’ll be spending the holiday.
Stuffing should contain no meat. Period. There’s a reason it’s called bread stuffing, and that’s because it’s not made with 100 fucking percent sausage. Sausage stuffing is just greasy and gross. And like we need another meat to compete with the turkey. Then again, the sausage has at least some moisture content.
But you were nice enough last year to make a meatless stuffing. Thank you. But here’s a newsflash. Stovetop Stuffing is crap. It’s salt and phlegm in a box. And it’s not supposed to come out like soup.
Cranberry sauce: This is my biggest pet peeve. It’s food! It is not a decoration! Good god, woman, last year you put out one teaspoon of the stuff in a little relish dish in the middle of the table. And it still held the shape of the can. Have you ever had real cranberry sauce? Made from, oh, I don’t know, real cranfuckingberries? The stuff is awesome. It’s an actual food. It’s made to be eaten.
Green bean and onion casserole, on the other hand, is not food. It’s a 50 year old marketing ploy by Campbell’s. Toss it out.
Sweet potato casserole: Freeze, scumbag! Put down the bag of marshmallows, and just walk away. That’s right. Keep those puffed sugar abominations the hell away from the kitchen.
Dinner rolls: Ever heard of them? What the fuck is up with those dense sticky sweet cinnamon rolls that sit like a brick in your stomach? Afraid someone is going to still be hungry enough to try your Bird’s Eye frozen veggies?
Lastly, and this is a general rant to the world: For the last fucking time, mince meat pie does not contain meat! I swear, some people are convinced that it contains pig snouts, squid, and fried Spam. Besides, the was no meat left to put in the pie. It’s all been used in the stuffing!
sigh Sometimes being an obnoxious food snob hardly seems worth the time.