A presidential Candidate So Tone-Deaf That He Leases A Ranch Called Niggerhead?

I wonder about the liberal journalists so incompetent that they missed it all this time.

Either that or they were saving it up for the right moment… now that’s not very fair and balanced is it?

Is it?

Why would that hurt him politically or end his presidential ambitions? The GOP base really doesn’t include black people. In the last 4+ presidential elections the black vote has been at most about 10% republican, except in 2008 when it was only 5% republican. The tea party is 1% black.

So its not like the GOPs base is going to be offended by it. It may be culturally insensitive, but its not like he will be affected negatively by it in politics.

Yes, and what a brilliantly chosen moment it was. Not when Perry was surging to the top of the GOP primary field … not on the eve of the Iowa caucuses, or the primaries in New Hampshire … not when he was close to securing the nomination … not at a critical juncture in the general election campaign, like before a debate … not right before the election, when it could have been a devastating October Surprise (at least in the minds of the people planning this PR coup) … no, the right moment was three months before any primary votes are cast, after Perry has already been flopping around for weeks and his campaign had lost momentum because he blew a bunch of critical questions and bombed at a debate. Yes. THAT is the right moment. It’s so brilliantly incompetent it looks like it was hardly planned at all.

I’ll admit I also wondered how it was that the Washington Post covered this story and it wasn’t broken by anybody in Texas. I’m sure there are tons upon tons of hunting retreats down there, but still.

AbloyProtec was warned for the “you need to fuck off” part, not his objection to the substance of Merijeek’s post. You can say what you want about his views of Southerners, but insults aren’t allowed. It’s not clear which part of AbloyProtec’s post you’re endorsing, so please choose your words carefully in the future.

But then he leased a yacht named “The KikeWop Of The Sea”, so I dunno…

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were decisions of military necessity not to mention Reverend Wright conveniently ignores the history of Japanese aggression and atrocities in the years during World War II.

I don’t care whether its Herman Cain or the Democrats whose making this nonissue an issue.

…committed by those bombed?

Then why did you make your post rolling your eyes at democrats and liberals when you don’t care about them doing this? And surely, if who the committer of the making nonissues into issues is unimportant, then the logical response is to say to one as you say to all, rather than treating the two differently?

So, the “history” of Japanese aggession and atrocities help to justify Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Fair enough. Here’s the WAPO article that broke this story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/rick-perry-familys-hunting-camp-still-known-to-many-by-old-racially-charged-name/2011/10/01/gIQAOhY5DL_story.html

Here’s a roundup of Perry’s screwups: Rick Perry’s Spectacular Fall From Grace – Mother Jones

Well to some Texans, it doesn’t merit a story.

Yeah, I thought the N-word was a 20 Kiloton vulgarity, but according to Judge Davis, it’s just a name. I didn’t know that. According to Mark Monmonier, a geography professor at Syracuse University, such patently offensive names for some reason typically were in areas “…where African Americans were not all that common.” Now admittedly there are some differences of opinion in the great state of Texas:

Not visiting. Renting out. For years. And entertaining friends. “Rick Perry was elected to the state legislature in 1985. Soon after, he began hosting spring turkey shoots and other hunts for supporters and fellow legislators.” Perry himself says he hunted there about a dozen times – though his recollection differs in substantial ways from that of about 5 people with regards to elements of this story, so bear that in mind.

That old “thou shalt not kill” and “turn the other cheek” stuff. What kind of Christian believes that crap?

We get it: you disagree with Wright. Guess what? He disagrees with you and there are people who would find your opinion as offensive as you find his. Saying “military necessity” and “Japanese atrocities” does not make his opinion void or unacceptable, and I am fairly sure that Wright knows more about the military and about Japanese atrocities than you do. I’m not fond of defending holy men, but I think you forget that we don’t have some obligation to begin every utterance with “God bless America.” There are people who object to that kind of nonsense for religious reasons as well as for irreligious reasons.

Then you probably shouldn’t have said

Very true indeed. I’d like to add that the prophets of the O.T. were not cheerleaders for their particular cities or regions or governments, indeed they were generally quite the opposite. Jonah didn’t lead crowds chanting Nin-e-VEH! Nin-e-VEH!, he told them they had to change their ways. I’m not saying Wright is a prophet, but I think a ministry that shows us where the US is falling short is much more in keeping with Christian theology than the “US can do no wrong” that you might hear from the right wing pulpits.

Democrats? I’d bet my next paycheck that the story was originally promulgated by somebody working for one of the other GOP candiates (“Now, you die, and we all move up in rank!”) or by the party machine (which considers Romney the only one who actually has a shot in the general election).

Stop making sense, liberal.

Here’s something no one has addressed:

Turkey shoots at hunting ranches? What a pack of pussies. If you want to hunt, get yourself a gun and a case of beer and drive out to the woods to look for some wild animals, like back in the day.

Being woken by the maid service, going down for foie gras and eggs benedict, and maybe checking out your stock prices on Fox before heading out to the back yard so handlers can throw wingless turkeys at you to blast doesn’t impress me.

Damn. You would laugh your dick off. Now I really want Obama to go vacationing at Fuck Whitey Mountain just so this can take place.*

Seriously now, this doesn’t ping my Rick Perry Is An Idiot radar, even though I firmly believe he is an idiot. I like how he single-handedly ruined his shot at the White House simply speaking. Without saying a word, he immediately shot up in the polls, and with every word or fumble in public, voters slowly inched away. “Maybe that Mormon isn’t so bad after all. He is kind of handsome.” Speaking of Perryisms, one of my most beloved is what seemed like some sort of general threat toward Ben Bernanke. He’d treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Ass.
*Why is laughing one’s dick off so much funnier than the laughing off of one’s ass, even though they’re equally improbable and absurd?

I don’t know what goes on at his ranch, but a “turkey shoot” doesn’t mean you go out and shoot turkeys. It’s usually a target shooting contest that has turkeys (all ready to cook turkeys) awarded as prizes.

Where is Fuck Whitey Mountain? I can’t find it on Google Maps.

Christ. That’s worse.

Hey, y’all, look what I got hunting … it’s a Butterball!