A Proposal

I just thought I’d share this with you guys…

My Christmas gift to my girlfriend (some of you DFW dopers know her, eh Troy?) is to propose to her. I’m also giving her a scarf, to throw her off the scent.

How I envision it: Passing out gifts at her mom’s. She gets her one scarf from me. Then after all the fun is over, I get the ring, pull it out and drop to one knee.

Originally, I wasn’t going to get her anything else, but she started figuring things out, I think. I was just going to act like I didn’t get her anything, then go look through my stuff, and pull it out, and then do it.

Just thought I’d share that with you guys.

Oh, and a bit of a story, also.
I had to drop her off to work yesterday. So I dropped her off and parked on the other side of the mall, and went to the jewelry store where I was buying the ring. I bought the ring and then left. My mom and aunt wanted to meet me at the mall, and it happened to be her break time. I was able to show my mom and aunt the ring prior to her break. Mom and aunt left, and I finished her break with her. Ring in my jacket. After she ate, we wandered the mall. Guess which store she wants to go into? The same one that I had only bought the ring from a few hours prior. As she bent down to look at a ring, I motioned for the guy to keep quiet. Talk about pins and needles. I pulled it out ok, and was glad no one said anything to me. Whew. If they would have, I’d have said they shop at my store from time to time. I had a cover, but I didn’t want to use it. I’m not good in pressure situations. Anyways… thanks.

Brood, you lucky bastard. :smiley:

Sounds like you’re doing pretty well - even a well laid out plan (and a little luck too :)). Hope it all works for you!

it will. I have no doubt about that. Just got to get the formalities over with. I have to get used to calling her my ‘fianceé’ now.

Awww…how cute. I hope you two are happy together. :slight_smile:

Hey, congrats, you two and best of luck. Y’all are a great couple (I’ve met them, they are.)


That’s so sweet!
I wish you both the best…
(I can only hope that I’ll be as fortunate as your girlfriend if/when my time comes!)

Clutch play, Brood!

Good luck with the soon-to-be-missus!

Heckuva plan, Brood :slight_smile: Me? I’d start bawling immediately…may I recommend some Kleenex in your other pocket? :smiley:

thanks guys…
I tell you, this is hard to keep from her. My cousin was down the other day and I told her(my cousin) about my plans, and then that night, I took my g/f to dinner, and I kept wanting to tell her that I told my cousin about my plan. Boy, I can’t wait till it’s over.

Talk about a secret that’s hard to keep.

Oh, and thanks Jim… I appreciate the compliment.