A question about the Marketplace forum...

As yet hypothetical…

Suppose I were to post a thread in the Marketplace forum promoting my recently released album. What is the board policy about referring to that as-yet-hypothetical thread in other threads in other forums? It’s just that to the extent that people know of me in the SDMB, it’s from posts and threads in Cafe Society and MPSIMS…

When they’re artistic endeavors, we allow people to announce them in Cafe Society with prior permission – same deal as performances that we’ve let you do threads about.

[fangirl]Really? A CD? Can’t wait![/fangirl]

Many thanks! That’s great; I’ll keep everyone posted.

Base tracks are being recorded every Friday of this month. The rest will depend on how long it takes me to edit out the worst clams, and how long it takes me to get my stuff together on the business end. Aiming for July, will settle for August, September looks more likely…