A question for all to ponder...

I know that everyone wants to do the right thing, regardless of what that may be, but something troubles me:[ul]What is the left thing, and why doesn’t anyone want to do it?[/ul]

I eagerly await your answers.

[sup]But not without some trepidation.[/sup]


it’s the one that’s left over after every thing else is done. case closed. keg open :smiley:

anything that is’t right

yeah! and howcome we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

Well the right thing to do would be to give you an ansewr so …


Who says no-one wants to do it? I have plenty of friends opposed to doing the right thing…

Huh? Spell it! Even in the military, ackronyms are spelled out before they are referred to only by the abbreviated version.

DNFTGC = [A guess][ul]Do Not Feed The Green Cows[/ul]Sage advice or cryptic message from the illuminati?


At the risk of sounding gauche, it’s just too sinister! (I hope I handled that adroitly).

What do you mean ? Al Gore is all over doing the left thing, and I’ll bet a bunch of people will vote for him too, so many folks will do the left thing. For myself, I’ll stay with doing the right thing.

I know you! You are that Andy Rooney dork from 60 minutes. “What I don’t understand is…”

Left, right, why can’t we all just get drunk and pass out as brothers!!

Mon Dieu! ::slaps forehead::


<whiney voice>
You know what I don’t understaaaaand? How come when you pick your nose and fling the snot at the crackwhores outside, it just fills back up agaaaain?
</whiney voice>

I am a hopeless science geek:

Do Not Feed The Gas Chromatograph


Are you begging for merci?

Chemists! Never met a crazier bunch! :slight_smile:

Oui! Merci,…merci! Argh!