A question for those with Y chromosomes etc

I really don’t know who else to ask so I will put it out here for comments. I am a (relatively) young female physician. In the course of examining men I sometimes find them to be-shall we say-aroused-at certain point of the exam. From your perspective what is my best response?
A)Proceed with the exam as if there is nothing unusual and say nothing.
B)Drop the gown and say “Let’s come back to that later” (difficult since that is usually the end of the exam).
C)Drop the gown and make a quick furtive exam of the testicles only.
D) Say “Everything appears normal” while avoiding eye contact.
E)Any other suggestions.
Avoiding the exam is not an option.
In addition-I recently attended a lecture that advocated a more thorough examination of this area including careful palpation for muscle tone and stretching for elasticity among other things. Would this be embarassing or considered sexual harassment if a female doc did it to you?
Thanks for your comments.

I realize there’s a variety of personalities out there, so a one size fits all answer won’t always work. Generally I would think just flat ignoring it (your choice A) would be appropriate. I’ve been examined by female physicians and never had a problem. I did have a D&C once (not many guys have that opportunity) which required some area prep that was handled by a nurse and there was some evident arousal which she and I both ignored. Am I really going to post this?

You could always do what my doctor does when it’s time for a pap… she tells me “This’ll be quick, I know it’s not fun, try and relax.”

I know some men may disagree with the fun part :wink:

Well, as far as I’m concerned, as long as you maintain a professioinal demeanor, you should continue with the exam. “Mr. Happy” has his own agenda, and doesn’t know that you are only checking his health and wellbeing. The guy sitting on the exam table, on the other hand, should know what you are going to to and why.

Now if the big head starts making inappropriate comments or noises, you should do whatever is appropriate to protect yourself, both personally and professionally.


I would NEVER let a female doc touch me there or test for a hernia, mostly because of the problem you describe. I know there are lots of male OBGYN’s, but I don’t know how women go to them. (Well, women don’t get externally aroused, as least not as obviously.)

My advice is: Tell them before the exam begins that it’s normal to get an erection during the exam. Say that everyone who has this exam gets aroused. Tell them it’s a normal reaction, and then be matter-of-fact when/if it happens during the exam. If the guy thinks its perfectly normal and you treat it that way, he might be uncomfortable but it’ll pass. WHATEVER YOU DO, don’t say nothing beforehand and then avoid eye contact. Personally, NOTHING would embarrass me more than that, because then I know the doctor’s embarrased. I probably wouldn’t even want to go back to a female doctor ever again for anything that this happened with. You could cost yourself patients.

The point is, don’t let them know you’re embarrassed. You’re a doctor performing a medical procedure, and they are your patient. Hard-on or no, you have to examine them. Make this clear enough beforehand, and they may not get turned on at all.

Of course, the more uncomfortable alternative is to use a rubber strip like they use to draw blood to tie off the penis. this could really HURT though.

You know, on first reading I thought option B said “drop my gown and say let’s get back to this later”… :slight_smile:

Definately A, though; just professional and whatnot. That’s really the least traumatic way to go.

The last time I had this done the person who did it was pregnant, and obviously so. I’d say around 7 months, if not more. That kinda helped a bit . . .

But when I’ve had it done, the room was cold so there wasn’t really . . . um . . . much reason to be attentive.

Might I suggest talking to other female doctors and asking their advice?

Because I can’t see the problem unless you are becoming aroused by their arousal and uncomfortable. Professional detachment is a wonderful thing.

Half the women I sleep with I view with a professional detachement :slight_smile:

Just continue as if there’s nothing untoward. The only embarrasment he will feel is if you seem uncomfortable with it.

My personal preference would be for choice A. I would be much more embarrassed by any mention of a possible erection before the exam than by sprouting one during the exam. If he says anything or appears particularly uncomfortable afterwards, that’s when I would say that it’s perfectly normal, you understand, etc.

I don’t think “using the opportunity” to check muscle tone and elasticity is warranted. I like to think there’s no such thing as being “too thorough” in a physical exam, but that might be crossing the line. :slight_smile:

Re: male OB/GYNs–Late last year we had a pelvic exam workshop, in which a resident would walk us through the exam on a volunteer patient. Comparing notes afterward, we found that it was actually the guys in the class who had the easiest time performing the exam. It makes sense, someone noted–on the average, who has spent more time contemplating the female genitalia?

Dr. J

Of course, on later rumination I remembered the doc (male) who preceded a prostate examination with, “This won’t make you queer, will it?” Last time I saw him.

I’ll readily admit to never having had a physician named psychobunny. The world changes.

Option A.

I know that there are multiple reasons for an erection.
I assume that, as a doctor, you know there are multiple reasons.
I do not want any attention called to this event.

This may need to be tailored for teens. I would still have wanted option A when I was a teen, but there may be kids who are really upset about this. For that, I agree with the above suggestion to check with your female peers.

Option A is definately best…

If you do decide to say something beforehand… (which isn’t a bad idea…) Make it quick and to the point… (so it doesn’t seem like you’re making a huge deal over it.) More of like an observation they may need to know… then just go on… and exercise Option A as it happens.

Personally never been examined by a woman… wouldn’t bother me… but I think thats what I’d prefer.


There is another option …

it begins with:

Dear Penthouse Forum …

You can do what I heard happened to a friend of a friend: keep a spoon in the freezer. When the time comes (ahem), take the spoon out and give him a little smack with it. I don’t know why this works, but I’ve heard it does…

phycobunny, have you not watched any porn movies?
Your supposed to go wide eyed and invite in another 3 interns to look at you giving him an “Examination”.
in reality, a) seems the best, dont make a fuss over it.

Thanks guys. I was trained-by a female-that option B was best but after a few years of practice I have been rethinking my opinion, and I seem to see a consensus here. Most of the female physicians I know have the same problems I do. Medical schools are woefully inadequate in teaching examination of the male genitals. I have spoken to Urologists who were never instructed in it.
BTW-I am not actually a psychotic rabbit-I just play one on the web.

Dear penthouse forum,

I never thought it would happen to me. I read the letters and never thought I’d be writing one …

Psychobunny … the rest is up to you :slight_smile:

I’ve been examined “down there” by both male and female medical professionals. The thing is, I know that it’s all professional. It’s a part of your duties to look at that area, so do it as a part of your duties, in other words, option A. Don’t make any sort of big deal about it unless the patient does.