A question: What are you doing if anything on Halloween?

We’ll go and help out at the Halloween carnival at my son’s school on the 26th. Then on Halloween itself we’ll take the kids Trick or Treating, including a swing by Garrison street, which is a couple of blocks where the inhabitants compete with each other to have the most over-the-top Halloween and Christmas decorations.
Then we’ll go home and let the kids sort through their loot by the fire. (Hopefully it will have cooled off a bit by then.)

At my office there is an annual tostada party and costume contest, but I’m pretty bad about dressing up, so I’ll probably just be part of the audience.

It’s a Friday, so I’ll more than likely be working :frowning: But we’ll be putting up a jack-o-lantern at home and passing out candy.

Taping a picture of a pumpkin to my front door, turning off the porch light, and watching old episodes of The Mouseketeers.

No decorations, no candy, no lights on. The only time we handed out candy, there were only a couple of dozen kids. It’s not worth tormenting the dogs for that.

We will chill.

I’ll be singing first Vespers for the feast of All Saints.

I will be wearing a black and white outfit and going to the Henri David ball.

I have only one window that faces the street and a display case is in the way. I have no lawn to speak of. The interior of my place is, however, always decorated for Halloween with monsters everywhere and a display of bats hanging from a corner of the ceiling.

I dunno why.