A quick survey: What do you know about the Battle of Monmouth?

Did you learn about it in history class?

Can you please tell me what state or country you were in school in?

Do you remember any of the details of the Battle?

Do you know which War it took place in?

Do you know what State the Battle of Monmouth took place in?

No clue on all counts.

The name sounds vaguely familiar, but perhaps I am thinking of Mothra.

No clue. Schooled in New Jersey.

I have heard the name Monmouth, but that’s as far as it goes. If you hadn’t put in your last question, I would have guessed it was in Britain.

I can’t remember ever learning about it, and I went to school in Philadelphia. Based off the description of the battle it seems rather irrelevant to learn, unless you live in Monmouth county, or in a college level American Revolution class.
Because of the familiarity of the area though, I was able to guess that it was New Jersey and the Revolutionary war. My deductive reasoning powers are awesome!

Never heard of it.

Went to a terrible public school in Michigan.

Never heard of it. Who’s Monmouth?
California public schools all the way through.

Here are my guesses, I’ll box them.
When and where

The American Revolution, in Monmouth NJ

Key participants/events

Washington, about to get his ass kicked, again, pulls another overnight retreat/reposition of his forces. IIRC some men stayed digging and working all night so the British would hear the work going on and think that the Continentals were diggin in and not suspect that Washington would appear on there flank in the morning.

I read a book about The Amerian Revolution once.

Monmouth is a county in NJ named after a Shire in Wales. The Battle was a key battle in the Revolutionary war and the one from which the Legend of Molly Pitcher arose. I was under the impression it is disproportionally taught in NJ and not really taught in other states. Indistinguishable, makes me wonder even about the thought now.

Please everyone, if you could include your state for schooling, it is important.


Covering up for my stinging humiliation, I did this too, but didn’t have enough certainty to consider it genuine knowledge.

I’m not sure, but I may well have learnt about it in some history class and simply forgotten it immediately thereafter. Who can remember all those battle details checkering the coverage of any war? (Well, probably lots of people. Never interested me.)

Another question just for you: (and any others from NJ)

Anywhere between 3rd and 6th grade did you have a history class/work book devoted to the History of New Jersey?

I did, back around 1975. This is where I first learned of it. I ran across it again in History I in High School but mainly to highlight “Molly Pitcher”.

Without reading the thread:

Did you learn about it in history class?
I don’t remember doing so.

Can you please tell me what state or country you were in school in?

**Do you remember any of the details of the Battle? **

**Do you know which War it took place in? **
Best guess: Revolutionary War (American)

Do you know what State the Battle of Monmouth took place in?
Best guess, again: New Jersey.

(Now to read the thread and/or wikipedia and see how embarassed I should be).

No, not to my memory. I can’t recall ever having a history class be New Jersey-specific, though certainly, in the context of classes on U.S. history (which I think is the only history we did in those grades; pretty much, Columbus, Pilgrims, Revolutionary War, Civil War, repeat), teachers would highlight New Jersey’s role in things, generally Revolutionary-era (teachers loved to trot out the factoid that Trenton was briefly the capital of the U.S., that sorta thing).

Oh, and I entered 3rd grade in 1993, to give you a timeframe on things.

The first thing that came to mind was Molly Pitcher. Other things are New York state and indecisive outcome. No idea if that’s correct- I’ll look to see once I post.
ETA questions:

Did you learn about it in history class? If I did it was just in our reading or casually mentioned. (My history teachers were crappy and usually just read to us if that.)

Can you please tell me what state or country you were in school in? Alabama, USA

Do you remember any of the details of the Battle? Molly Pitcher/heat/Washington/Howe(?)/indecisive

Do you know which War it took place in? American Revolution

Do you know what State the Battle of Monmouth took place in? New York?

I never heard of it. Went to public school in Maine.

Your use of the word “key” in your spoiler might be misplaced.

Just pulling answers out of my butt:

I’ve heard of it. Don’t think I learned about it in any history class. Schooled in California. My recollection is that it was a battle of the American Revolution, took place in one of the Mid-Atlantic states, and I think we won.

Never heard of it while growing up in upstate New York in the '70’s.

I was stationed at the Naval base in Monmouth NJ for a while so I sort of figured that part out.

Who was Molly Picture?

I’ll say that the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Monmouth is Mary Hays, better known as Molly Pitcher.

Did you learn about it in history class?
Can’t remember; I was a big history buff as a kid and would have read about it on my own.

Can you please tell me what state or country you were in school in?
Montgomery County, Maryland. Best public schools in America.

Do you remember any of the details of the Battle?
Blazing hot day, one of the hottest of the Revolution. Some estimates had the temperature at over 100 degrees. Soldiers fighting in heavy wool uniforms. Heat stroke rampant. Sounds like hell on earth.

**Do you know which War it took place in? **
The American Revolution.

Do you know what State the Battle of Monmouth took place in?
New Jersey.

Private middle school, public high school, state college, all in California.