A real man's supper.

My wife and step-daughter went to California last week, they will be gone a couple of weeks. My son-in-law, while mending from trying to bore a hold through his foot is staying with me while his spouse is gone. This morning I went to buy some groceries for the next week. In the meat department of my local grocery, I found a nice 2 pound London broil, it was on sale for $2.99 a pound. Hmm, what to have with this hunk of meat. I thought a salad would be nice.

I cut the steak into 6 pieces. 2 were seasoned with Montreal seasoning, 2 with KC Masterpiece seasoning (free sample with the purchase of BBQ sauce) and 2 with Johnny’s seasoning salt. All were grilled to a nice medium rare. I tore up some lettuce in a bowl, through on a handful of shredded sharp cheddar and my favorite salad dressing. Oh, and a big glass of Redhook ESB.

While Bailey, the third dumbest dog in the world watched, I ate a whole pound of beef, ate my salad and drank my beer. Man, am I full. If my wife was here she would have insisted on a potato, vegetables, and even tomato wedges in the salad. I know I am going to pay for what I ate later but a man has to have a man’s supper every once in a while.

Just so long as your son-in-law didn’t try to take the big piece of chicken.

God I love that Chris Rock bit, it absolutely resonates with me (mechanic father, food on the table for when dad came home, all that).

I think the last real mans supper I had was a philly cheese steak Hot Pocket.

That’s not a real man’s supper. A real one would be if you had skipped the froo-froo junk and just eaten the meat.

I love red meat. It’s best when it’s thick, juicy and bleeding all over my plate. I have been disappointed by the lack of good steaks out here in Southern California. I went to a rather nice steakhouse last month and was horrified that my medium rare hunk came out medium and covered in too many spices. I’m always glad to go home and eat the steaks my family grills. The best kind of steak is one that covers up half of the plate, is at least an inch thick and bleeds all over the place when you cut it. The only things you serve with it are alcohol and bread for sopping up the blood. Mmm…

In our next lives, kimera and I will be about the same age. She will find herself hopelessly attracted to me. We’ll grill huge steaks beside a clear mountain lake, drink goblets of fine red wine, and…uh… do lots of other fun stuff too.

So let it be written, so let it be done! :smiley:

Outback’s just like that. It’s all right, you can say it. :wink:

(And even if it wasn’t Outback…well, they’re like that too.)

And, racer72, that sounds like an incredible meal. I think I’m gonna have to stop by the grocery store later and, shortly thereafter, heat up the ol’ cast-iron skillet… If you listen really closely, you may be able to hear my arteries damning you as we speak.

My friend comes over for dinner at least once a week. We buy a 2½ pound boneless beef chuck roast (often ‘certified hereford beef’) about two inches thick. One of us will rub McCormick’s Montreal Steak Seasoning into the roast and we’ll strt the charcoal grill. I’m here to tell ya, that’s a good ‘steak’! We’ll each eat about 1/3 of it, and I’ll eat the other third over a couple of days. Another friend went to a very nice steak house in town, and all he could think of was the steak we make here. It’s very juicy (as it would be, since we cook it ‘charred rare’ – nace and dark on the outside, and bloody on the inside) and very tender.

If there are three of us eating, we won’t have a salad. For a side-dish we’ll grill up some Johnsonville Beer-Brats.

When the wife and kids aren’t around I generally treat myself to a Man’s Dinner on the first evening. Big, cheap, chewy steak, grilled; sliced spuds fried with onions in butter; and a bowl of spinach with hardboiled egg sliced over the top. Lots of salt and black pepper on everything. And beer.

I also refer to this as the “Popeye Meal.”

lose the spuds and it is my dream meal…well, maybe not beer, i would prefer iced tea with fresh mint and real lemon slices.

Damn this dietary control thang…I want a beef gorge not a portion=(


I am such a carnivor!

Hey Johnny L.A. - Next time I’m up your way I’ll make myself available if you bring the flesh I’ll bring the suds!

Damn that steak sounds good! Throw a few Lobster tails on the grill and maybe some corn on the cob and we’ll have something epic!

Ivylad won’t touch a salad unless it has meat in it. I’ve been buying those pre-made Caesar salads, but unless I throw in cheese, cut up ham, and chunks of hard-boiled eggs he does’t consider it a salad.

Real women eat meat too. When camping with some friends two weeks ago we had a supper of:

salad, because I brought fresh garden lettuce
3 slabs of pork ribs cooked on the grill for 2 hours
three types of brauts, including jalapeno cheese
elk steak
trout we caught that day in Hebgen lake



Dang it! Now I have to goto the store and get a nice hunk of good red meat,
sear it on both sides, and sit down to a nice meal! I love it RARE.

When a waiter asks me how I like my steak done, I respond still Mooing!

Last time I went there they put too much seasoning and cooked it too long. I’m going to try it again but ask for less seasoning and have them cook it rare.

Any time, mate!

Mom?! :eek:

Probably the best salad I ever had…had steak in it. It was from Gaucho Grill, IIRC, and it had carrot-stick-sized chunks of medium-rare steak, fat kalamata olives, and bleu cheese. It was wonderful. :smiley:
And, kimera, I wish you luck with that. Truth be told, I more or less gave up on Outback. I mean, back home in Hawaii there’s not a whole lot of competition in the steakhouse business, but now I have a Claim Jumper within driving distance! CJ has a porterhouse that’s something like 26 ounces. And the best salad bar this side of the Bellagio. And a chocolate cake about a foot thick. And an eclair the size of my (admittedly scrawny) bicep…

wipes the drool off the keyboard

Heh, yeah, if you’re ever up this way, we’ll need to go.

So, what time is dinner tonight? Can I bring dessert? Or just a six-pack? I’d like mine rare, please. :slight_smile:

Steak and salad and beer, that’s good enough for me, and I’m female. Salad counts as a vegetable in my book. No need for potatoes. I would add tomatoes to the salad if they were home-grown and fresh, but that’s just me.

oh, god. I’m so hungry…and it’s only 9:30 in the morning…

I want steak…
I want steak…
I want steak…

You people are evil.

Whew, didn’t realize I was so normal. The first night my wife was gone last week, I too headed over to the Kroger after work and brought home my batch meal.

Rib eye steak around two inches thick that weighed over two pounds. Okay, it was more of a roast than a steak. On the grill for about 8 minutes a side, just enough to seal all that wonderful flavor in.

Mushrooms, sauteed in Land O’ Lakes salted butter.

Tomatoes, sliced and covered with Boar’s Head bleu cheese.

Sebastiani '02 Cabernet.
Best of all I ate it during preseason football with the volume louder than was absolutely necessary and the phone off the hook. Awesome.

Err…you may want to avoid this part of West Virginia. One of my coworkers Sunday Dinner consisted of whistlepig slow roasted with tomatos, peppers, and 'taters. :eek: