A Really Pathetic Attempt to See Me Naked

I agree with you. To add: i’ve heard/ read/watched (news) women/girls/boys ’ stories of how they ended up manipulated to end up on a webcam, selling themselves for sex, drugs, while the original Creep is actually part of a network of creeps that act like pimps.

I do believe that they get that initial participation way too often, since people tend to have a false sense of security, this being on the net and all.

But I still respect ya Babe, really I do. Here, have another glass of wine (or is it Courvoisier as mentioned above?). Have I told you those clothes get in the way of letting your natural beauty shine through? Let me get my camera … :rolleyes:
Disclaimer: I have no wine nor a camera but I will bring my tracing kit and flavored fingerpaints. Hey, I may well be a perv! :smiley:

And was the “pathetic attempt at getting people to think about you naked” actually pathetic if it worked? Hmm, who’s really the manipulative one here??? :confused:

I am not sure that “tasteful nude” can be used of Ron Jeremy without choking on one’s laughter (or one’s returning breakfast). :stuck_out_tongue:

Dude, was this guy a photographer/painter, studied in France, currently living in Chicago?

If not, he has a twin over here. My (very brief) interaction with him was similarly ahem interesting. He was seriously a poster child for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Dear Green Bean:

I am not thinking of you naked.


Woohoo, so far 2 votes for being a perv, plus 1 from Santo Rugger in another thread! :smiley:
Is there somewhere to apply for a membership card and a tee shirt? And a pennant, I want a pennant to fly from my car radio annenna.

Is it encouraging that Green Bean has looked at my profile page? Fellow Boarders, any tips on how to entice Green Bean in a non-creepy and non-manipulative way? Maybe post a non-Ron Jeremyish picture in the NSFW thread?

Could I gain further perviness cred by thinking of a naked GingerOfTheNorth not thinking of Green Bean naked? :confused: Or would that just be creepy? :frowning:

Rather than "articulate’ I would classify it as “ejaculate”.

Well, I agree with you that it is better to know each other well before we have sex but we’ve already chatted online twice which I think has allowed us to know each other well enough.

What’s wrong with that? I believe nothing is more telling about a person than their friends. You can have sex with my friends too if you like.

I told you we have a lot in common. I also make typos when I’m typing with one hand.

So how 'bout those photos? :wink:

What “social networking” site are we taking about?

While I agree the guy seems like a jerk, if this is a bona fide dating site like match, he’s a total tool. If it’s a hook up site like craigs list, or AFF, he’s mush less a tool. And no insult intended, just asking. I think context is important.


I’m not thinking about ANYONE in this thread naked!

It’s something more along the lines of the latter.

Which means that asking for a nude shot wouldn’t necessarily be out of line. But trying to manipulate me into giving one up is. He’s a tool.
p.s. I’m not thinking of you naked, Gingy, but I do have a fond memory of a boob-smushing hug. United redheads! Woo hoo!

p.p.s. I’m starting to think dba Fred has a crush on me.

Nope. This guy was a luthier, studied in Italy, currently living outside Philly.

I think I see a pattern…

The last woman who bent my heart was a redhead. Plus thinking of two redheads hugging makes my head explode :eek:

Give me a sign, would that be a good thing? :confused:

Plus, unlike the guys you and Kaio are speaking of, I’m in the sunny Southwest, not the narcissistic Northeast.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was already thinking about you naked.

Unfortunately, I have a mental image of a string bean waving a bra around its head with its little green arms.

Definitely twins. :smiley:

Well, I ain’t no string bean, I can tell you that much! It never occurred to me that anybody would see my username and think Green Bean = string bean = skinny. (Especially since my handle has nothing to do with the legume of the same name.) I discovered this misconception at the first mega-NY dopefest when more than a couple of people said “oh, I thought you’d be really skinny!” Oops. I’m actually shaped more like a wasabi pea.

Two busty natural redheads.

What would I do with a guy in the sunny Southwest? It’s really a bit far for a booty call.

You thought I was busty then - I’ve lost a lot of weight, but my boobs didn’t shrink.

Wasabi peas, the kind in Japanese rice cracker party mix? Nummers. A busty natural redhead wasabi pea? Oshii desu!

Didn’t you presume you’d do with what you wanted to with a guy in the sunny Southwest? I did, I thought it went without saying, so I didn’t say it. Especially one with limited perviness who takes orders well.

Ahh, what could have been … but once again, I also never get the girl in the end. Back to being the guy who stands in the dimly-lit corner by the door smoking cigarettes or partly obscured by the steam rising in the alleyway. (Turns and waves goodbye.)
(cue up Gilbert O’Sullivan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCZGqcMZ6Jw )

GAAAHHHH!!! I got another one!!!

Granted, this was nowhere near the level of the other one, but hey, as long as we’re on the subject…

I was just on IM with this guy. He was interested in meeting. I was thinking that I might be amenable to that. He agreed to the “no expectations on the first date” thing. And he didn’t ask me for a nudie picture.

He started talking about specific dates. I told him that I don’t meet people without talking to them on the telephone first. This is what ensued:

(please overlook the political nature of some of the comments. It had already been established that we are of similar political alignments.)

Me: I don’t even consider meeting someone until I speak to them on the telephone.
ManipulativeMan: If I must.
ManipulativeMan: i’ve never liked the telephone
ManipulativeMan: had no social life before the internet
Me: Neither do I. But as I said, I don’t meet people until I speak to them on the telephone.
ManipulativeMan: ok
Me: So it’s up to you. I’m exhausted, so let me know what you want to do.
ManipulativeMan: when I get to the arranged meeting place and we see each other i will call you
Me: Hardee har har.
ManipulativeMan: ok, guess I’ll let you go, its fun talking to you, even if you have strict rules about meeting
Me: And now you’re expecting me to protest that my rules are not strict, and that they’re not really rules anyway.
ManipulativeMan: i have no expectations whatsoever
Me: And by putting me in the defensive position, you’re hoping that I will be eager to “bend the rules” so as to prove that I’m not an inflexible bitch.
ManipulativeMan: sorry, I am not that conniving nor manipulative
ManipulativeMan: i was just expressing what I was thinking
Me: They truly are not strict rules. But in my experience, meeting someone without talking on the telepone is a bad idea.
Me: I drastically reduced my incidence of less-than-stellar meets by making sure I did this.
ManipulativeMan: that makes sense
ManipulativeMan: i’m a good meet, tho
Me: Besides, if you hate the phone so much, how do you keep in touch with women you are seeing?
ManipulativeMan: various ways including the phone
ManipulativeMan: I think I am much more comfortable talking on the phone to someone I already know
ManipulativeMan: as opposed to someone I have never met
Me: Oh well. That’s too bad then.
ManipulativeMan: ha ha, but your rules are not strict
Me: ??
ManipulativeMan: arent you invoking a ‘strict rule’ when you say that… the strict rule you allegedly dont have
Me: Well, given the veritable forest of red flags you’ve thrown up, vetting you in additional ways only makes sense.
ManipulativeMan: i guess you look at meeting as a serious step ? instead of just one of the first steps in the ‘vetting’ process?
Me: And the fact that you’re trying to persuade me to do something other than what I said I was going to do shows me that you don’t respect my preferences.
ManipulativeMan: no, I am not trying to get youto do something different…I only said I was uncomfortable talking to strangers on thephone and you tolld me to take a hike
Me: So, you’re not comfortable talking to strangers. I’m not comfortable speaking about the campaign in front of 80 people.
ManipulativeMan: i didnt say I wouldnt do it
ManipulativeMan: or that I wanted you to change your mind
Me: We do what’s important to us.
Me: And your repeated “strict rules” comments are as much of a straw man as the whole “executive experience” bullshit.
ManipulativeMan: ok, we are going nowhere fast, i guess we should call it a night
Me: Yup. Good luck and take care. Goodbye.

Yeesh, I was a little harsh on him! :eek: What can I say? Manipulative tactics really get my dander up these days.
ETA: dba Fred: So how you doin’?