A Really Pathetic Attempt to See Me Naked

Hey, he was just hoping you weren’t going to send him another picture of Pamela Anderson. He already has 55 of them :smiley:

I was wondering that too. Punctuation would have helped. Did he mean “I don’t have one, that’s honest!” (I honestly don’t have a nude photo of myself) or “I don’t have one that’s honest” (I don’t have a nude photo that accurately portrays my appearance). I personally read it as the guy trying to weasel out because his own nekkid pics are unflattering, but who knows.

I took “It’s just me” to mean “It’s just me who’ll be seeing your nudie picture”, although you may be right that he was claiming he couldn’t get a good nude photo without another person to take it for him.

Green Bean’s reply:

(I apologize for not being able to properly parse quotes within a post)

Okay, you’re probably righter than I :smack: , I guess we were approaching the scenario from different directions. I can sorta see how he was trying to put one over on you/a dominance angle; being a woman you’re seen that/dealt with that before. I was trying to put my logical, rational, non-game playing self (that’s how I see me and try to be) into the situation and come up with a way it would make sense to me.

I’m also naive because I’ve never located (nor looked for) places where “… there are many real women out there that he could talk to who would willingly share a nude photo ect.” And I’m not looking for a cite :slight_smile:

I’ll end this by saying I hope you have better luck with representatives of my gender but it looks like you can take care of yourself.

Cat Fight and Lamia: I’ve pondered that line too. The best thing I can come up with was that he was at a temporary loss for words, so he just vomited out a bunch of stock phrases that had been useful to him in the past.

Well, you’ve inadvertently summarized exactly what I find so annoying about these types of situtions. I’m also a “logical, rational, non-game playing” person, and so this kind of behavior makes no sense at all to me. And that can be frustrating. I mean, this particular guy was such an obvious game-player (and his goal was so obvious) that the whole thing is just funny.

But I’ve spent a good bit of time talking to other guys only to realize that they were playing games, too. For example, in a few cases, I’ve realized after a while that the guy had no intention of ever actually meeting, but really liked to receive my attention online and/or on the phone. Maybe they were secretly married and just wanted a “mental affair” or something. But if that’s what they wanted, why were they bothering with me? Why didn’t they find some woman who also had no intention of ever actually meeting? Then they could happily enjoy their imaginary sex life, leaving people like me free to enjoy a real one.

But you’ll be checking your PM box every five minutes hoping to get one, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

You could have sent him a naked picture of somebody else with your head photoshopped onto it.

It’s a terrible idea but think of the fun possibilities.

Ha ha! Good idea! But would it be better if I sent him my face pasted onto the body of Heidi Klum or Divine?

Would you believe that some guy sent me a couple of pics of himself, except that the pictures were of Chris Noth? :rolleyes:

Dunno if it’s just me, but the bloke seems a bit sociopathic or something - as if you exist as an object that functions to provide a nude photograph, but you’re malfunctioning in that role and need to be coerced to do your job. Creepy, IMO. More creepy than some more overt approaches would be.

[ :frowning: Drat, she’s onto my evil plan, shift gears] (practices innocent expressions) I’m new here, what is this PM box of which you speak? You seem like a nice person, perhaps you could hold my hand and walk me through it. Why yes, I guess you would have to send me something to illustrate how it works, hmm, what could that be? You know what would be nice? I wouldn’t ask this of just anyone but you’re special and you know I respect you …

Or more fun, send a blank email then follow it up with another asking “Did you like what you saw?”

I don’t find overt approached creepy, actually. A little misguided perhaps, but not creepy. At least they’re dealing with me on the level.

I do like the idea of myself as a naked-photo dispensing robot… (Oh great, I just imagined what Rosie the Maid on the Jetsons would look like without her little apron on!)

dba Fred: I think you have to be a paying member to use PMs. I did get the message you sent me before, but the board won’t let me respond for some reason! (And just for the record–he sent me a message BEFORE I started this thread about something unrelated. Just don’t want you guys to think he’s a perv. Well, he may well be a perv, in which case he’ll fit in great here, but I have no evidence of perviness other than what has been publically posted on this board. If anybody DOES have evidence that he’s a perv, please forward it to me. I like pervs. Just not creepy and manipulative ones.)

think about it.

All the guy wants is some sexual something, almost anything.

And you are one of many for whom this request is a stand alone deal breaker.

Don’t let yourself be fooled, he gets lots of pictures. Lots and lots. From folks who put his name on lists that get him lots more pictures. He is a pathetic looser. First request for pictures, even ordinary pictures is a telltale. The attempt to change you mind is the clincher.

There is only one response for this guy, No response at all.


Tris–while I agree most of your post, I don’t get why a request for “ordinary pictures” is a “telltale.”

As it happens, I have enough pictures up for someone to get a pretty accurate idea of what I look like. But not everybody does. I don’t bother to talk with someone who has no pictures up, but if if a guy does have a pic up but I feel like I need to see more to judge whether he meets my minimum standard of non-hideousness, I’ll ask for more pictures. What’s wrong with that?

Dunno - I just think this roundabout-guilt-manipulation thing is creepier than if he’d just banged on an on about really wanting to see you naked - it just seems a bit calculated.

[quote=“Green_Bean, post:30, topic:463389”]

I do like the idea of myself as a naked-photo dispensing robot… (Oh great, I just imagined what Rosie the Maid on the Jetsons would look like without her little apron on!)

If I claimed I had Photoshop skills and could morph you into a naked Green Bean the Robot, would you send me photos to work with???
Sadly, I can’t lie, I don’t have Photoshop skills; if I did I’d be all over the net as a tall blond surfer stud.
More importantly, what was Rosie’s operating system? Windows or OS X or Linux or Unix? USB-1 or USB-2 or Firewire or serial or PS-2 ports?

Should I try to clarify this for the audience? I had made a silly remark (… I also never get the girl in the end.)
in the Does anyone sorta still wish the SDMB was P2P? thread, Green Bean posted quoting my remark and said Er…how you doin? Being curious (and flattered?) I clicked on the link to her profile, not realizing my viewing was logged and she could see I had stopped by. When I saw I would show up as a viewer, so as she wouldn’t think I was some weirdo stalker, I left a Visitor Message (not a PM) on her Profile page (I believe it was something like
“Re: Er…how you doin? How am I doing what?”)

I think I thank you, Green Bean, for casting ambiguity about my perviness. It’s probably best that folks find out whether I am a perv or the extent of my perviness on their own (sorta like opening that odd-shaped package under the Christmas tree, it could be socks from Grandma or that neat-o 1920s-style death ray). Then again, considering your respect and stature on this board, I would, Green Bean, be honored and humbled by a positive endorsement from you (can I bribe one out of you? It doesn’t have to be much, a simple “he may be an amateur perv but he’s not creepy or manipulative” would suffice).

Green Bean, for forwarding to you purposes, what would constitute evidence that I’m a perv? There are no police files or court records and I don’t know that I could get an affidavit from any ex-partners. The 17 year old waitress at the coffee shop I asked tonight didn’t think I was a perv but she really doesn’t count since even if I was a perv, I’d have some standards. Even if I’m not now a perv, I am trainable, according to an former girlfriend (but apparently not trainable enough for her or she wouldn’t be a former [I don’t recall her trying to train me to be a perv or pervier]).

Should I consider changing my UserName? I’m thinking either:
Perhaps a Perv or Maybe Not or Yes Ladies, He’s Still Single

Whoah dang, lookit that post above me. Man, what a perv.


Well, it is hard on those of us who are hideous, but, that’s just your personal groove in cyberspace. He has his.

In the one place in our world where conduct can overwhelm class, coolness, race, religion, and trivialities, it always feels sad to me when people try to see through the veil. I always find it sad when people mention baggage which, for perhaps the first time in their lives they could actually not carry.


I had a guy do exactly this to me a while back. We met on a dating site and started chatting in IM. I made it very clear what I was and wasn’t ok with. He was willing to go along with it at first. Then he started trying to manipulate me into doing things I wasn’t comfortable with (topless pics, cybersex, coming over to his place without meeting in public first). It slowly dawned on me that he was going down my list of “Don’ts”, in order even. I called him on it, and he said he was trying to “push my boundries” and that he wasn’t interested in being with someone who wasn’t willing to experiment outside of her “comfort zone”. :rolleyes:

dba Fred, I think I like you. You big ol’ perv. :smiley:

Arglefraster, that would scare me a little bit. I would think about changing my email address and stuff after encountering someone that bent (not saying you should, but that is really off).

Arglefraster–Thanks. Nice to know that someone else has been there. (Well, I’m sure a lot of people have, but it’s nice to have in the thread.)

Respect and stature? Moi? I doubt it. And I just blew any respect I may have had by posting a thread that could easily be construed as just a pathetic attempt at getting people to think about me naked. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with you about the internet being cool that way, but we’re not talking about online-only relationships. We’re talking about chatting on the internet with the express purpose of determining whether we’d want to meet in person. So on the SDMB, it totally doesn’t matter if you look like the bride of Cthulhu. I still want to hear what you have to say. But if I’m going to go out on a date with you, it does matter.

And you’re totally not hideous. I’ve seen your picture. (You were fishing for compliments, weren’t you? You manipulative boy, you!)