After two years, seven months, and four days, much hassle and sending documents in the wrong direction, then the right direction but the wrong documents, then finally hiring a lawyer and getting it all right, a work authorization card, and a social security number on the way, several cancelled and rescheduled appointments, and finally, today, after a short, perhaps ten minute interview during which I thought I was going to puke, with my lawyer on one side and my husband on the other, it has finally happened:
I am now, officially, a *permanent resident * of the U.S.A.! My Green Card is on the way!
I bawled in happiness the whole way home. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go call everyone I know.
I went through the entire dog and pony show, just like you did, and then the Magical Day came: there was a letter in the mailbox for me from the INS. I opened it up…and there it was - my green card. All shiny and sparkly and…my name misspelled.
Took me another year to get it corrected. Oy!
But damn it felt good to get that happy li’l stamp in the passport, wunnit? Congrats! Now go up North to celebrate!
{{{{{Anastasaeon}}}}}! I’m so proud of you! It’s like my own daughter… wait. Not exactly right. But, I am happy for you. Let’s celebrate by both going to Trivia on Tuesday… Huh?
I’ll try to email, let me know if it goes through - my mom and brother haven’t been getting my emails, yet my father got one, and my husband gets them all. Grumble.
Either way, I will be at Trivia Night on Tuesday, so long as I’m not closing at the store that day - I don’t think I have to, and I’m going to ask my manager tomorrow if I even have work on Tuesday, since I think I have it off this week. What time does trivia start?
Usually 8:00pm. I haven’t been in a month or so. I’ll link this to the trivia thread, so everyone will know we’re going to be there.
No e-mail, so far.