A relative of mine is being held captive by terrorists.

And, of course, they’ve meant a lot this morning too. I’m sorry, I’m a bit dazed and I didn’t sleep at all last night.

This seems to be the supreme example of why one should be distressed as to the prospect of future peace over there, when concession is met with agression, and overwhelmingly disproportionate at that. A very disturbing event and our household will keep Gilad and the rest of his family in our thoughts. I’m so sorry, Finn. This is a nightmare even to most well distanced from the conflict and our prayers go to those more directly impacted.

Every hour until he is home.

Wow, what an excellent example of how to miss the point and get just up to the edge of being a jerk. In the future, you should consider the responses you post a little more carefully.

Thread closed at the request of the OP.