A Reminder That Muslim Facebook Is Still A Thing

I’ll spare you the rest of that nonsense.

…So yeah. That email was a thing. I could go over point for point how it’s wrong (I have friends there questioning the holocaust), but I think the more important point is that they somehow think that ridiculing mohammed is violence against them. This is extremely stupid, and extremely problematic when it comes to freedom of speech. Yes, your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begin. It does not end where your invisible “me sphere” begins.

I mean, how big is this site? Last I checked was when it was in the news, back in '10, so maybe it’s just bad, I don’t know. But I thought this particular aside was an interesting look into how they see things such as freedom of speech. Buncha stupid fuckers.

You’re usually so much more coherent than this. When come back, bring tl;dr.

Both Holocaust denial and the likeness of Muhammad should be allowed on Facebook.

If they both are, then Zuckerberg is in the right and the angry Muslim needs to stfu.

It seems to me that content that about Mohammed that Muslims would find offensive is not automatically hate speech. It would depend on the specific content.

I mean, if I build a Mohammed snow man and put a picture of that on Facebook, then I’ve clearly offended some people. But is that hate speech? Hardly.

Somehow I feel like I get this every time I start a pit thread. Really wish you could edit the OP after more than 5 minutes.

Basically, the quoted portion is an email I got from an organization that tried to found itself as the “Muslim Facebook” in the aftermath of Draw Mohammed Day 2010. I don’t even remember why I signed up, I think it was to fuck with 'em. In any case, they say some phenomenally dumb shit about violence and hate speech.

At the very least you are sticking to your strengths

I don’t have friends questioning the Holocaust. That’s because there’s one and only one reason to “question” it: anti-Semitism. My friends aren’t anti-Semites. Anti-Semites are not good people. Bad people are not my friends.

Perhaps you should not have voluntarily signed up with a website which you are clearly at ideological odds with, then.

How’s your explicitly pornographic My Little Pony fanfiction these days? I’d hate for your outrage at Muslims to get in the way of it.

I don’t have a Face Book.

I don’t even have eyes.

If we are judging entire communities based on random email glurge, I’m screwed, and Snopes sudden has a bigger job on their hands.

Can we switch to YouTube comments?

Wait, there’s non-pornographic fanfic?

You’re just jealous, bro. My last post on Veilbook got over a hundred as-salamu alaykums.

Not for nothing, but I’m willing to switch to any social media provider that gives me a dislike button.

Infidel! Do you not know that it’s “Assalam o Alikum”?

Quite a lot, actually, ranging from explorations of the world to examining the darker sides of the lore to things that could actually pass as legitimate episodes of the show (seriously, that last one, Sunny Skies All Day Long, is basically a spot-on mimic of the style of the show and the characters).

(Yes, I never miss a chance to nerd out about MLP or the fandom. Why do you ask?)

Also, it has come to my attention that this website is nowhere near the cultural force it had billed itself in around ca. 2011, thus making this entire thread a pointless waste of time. Well, even moreso than it already was.

Alikum button not good enough for ya?

If you say so, effendi.

Damn you really are holier than thou. And to brag about it on the internet. Bravo!

It must get lonely up there atop all humanity.

I don’t think he was bragging; he was admitting that he doesn’t have any friends.