[Sorry, i have been absent for a while, and sory that my current post is so potentially inflammatory to those who fail to read it all][ETF believe it or not, shortly after our last jokeing exchange about me ruining my keyboard due to your funny comment, I actually did spill a glass of juice on my laptop and ruined it, consequently I am posting from my local library. Thanks alot. (Just kidding, it was my own stupidity that ruined my new puter]
ON WITH THE PITTING;(damn library computer that semi colon was supposed to be a colon, apparently this keyboard ain’t so hot either.)
Fuck you islam (sunni, shia or shit) I served in Desert storm, I killed many of you fucksticks and lost a few friends of my own. I hold no grudge against any Iraqi soldier who fought to defend his country. I would expect nothing less. I am not proud of haveing served in the gulf, I think that it is morally wrong that American troops are in the gulf now. I do not support the previous war nor do I support the current war.
But you fucking muslim cocksucking scumbag motherfucking pig eating fuckwads that feel justified in executing Italian journalists, and Iranian diplomats not to mention OVER 3000 Americans who could not point to your fleabitten country on a map but had no fucking clue what you were complaining about you fucking scumbag pig eating fuckers!
You could have appealed to the american people, African americans have come a long way since the 1954 Brown V. Board of ED. They did not do it by murdering people who had nothing to do with their suffering. All you pig fucking muslims have done is make sure that one liberal American who hates Bush might just vote for him to ensure your pig fucking demise.
If I hear one more scumbag apologist assert that Islam is a religion of peace I will puke. All you fuckers have done since time immemorial is KILL KILL KILL. You kill Jews, you kill Christians, you kill non believers you slaughter innocents in Bali, in Iraq, in Iran, in Indonesia, in Germany, in Italy in the US and every other place you are allowed to enter.AAll you fucking do is kill innocent people who can’t fight back. And you also spend alot of time killing other muslims.
I say if I am wrong, then explaine why. I am willing to concede that my impression is mistaken, that i have misperceived the situation.
If i am not wrong, then I say put a yellow crescent on your chest so I will know where you stand and will know what to do with murderers who want to rule the planet in the name of some ficticious allah.